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Toad for MySQL 7.7 - Installation Guide

Install Toad Silently

Silent installation provides a convenient method for deploying Toad to multiple machines. With some customization, you can also deploy the license key and settings at the same time.

Determine Which Installer to Use

Before performing a silent installation, review the following to determine which installer to use:




Executable file (.exe)

Silent installation using the .exe file has the following advantages: 

  • Verifies whether the prerequisite software is installed, and if not, redirects you to the download location.

Silent installation using the .exe file has the following disadvantages: 

  • Cannot deploy custom Toad settings files or license keys.
  • Installer automatically exits if the prerequisite software is not installed.

Microsoft Installer file (.msi)

Supports deployment of Toad settings files and license keys.

Silent installation using the .msi file has the following disadvantages: 

  • Requires manual verification and download of any prerequisite software.
  • Requires a manual uninstall of the previous version of Toad using Add/Remove Programs.

Silent Installation Prerequisites

Before you perform a silent installation, you must install the following software on every computer where you are installing Toad

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

Silent Installation Using the Executable

Use the executable file to perform a silent install to the default directory (or to a different directory) and to specify options such as logging installation messages.

To perform a silent install using the executable file

  1. At a Windows command prompt, switch to the drive or directory where the executable for Toad is located. (This file can be downloaded from the Dell Software Web site or can be found on the Toad installation CD-ROM.)
  2. For a standard installation with all features enabled, enter the following command:

    ToadInstaller.exe” /S

    You can customize MSIEXEC command-line options and overrides for your installation similar to the following command:

    ToadInstaller.exe” /S /Lx “C:\temp\installLog.txt” INSTALLDIR=”Drive:\your_install_path” USERNAME=”some_user” COMPANYNAME=”your_company” ALLUSERS=1

    Use the following descriptions to customize the command-line options and overrides for your installation.

    Command-Line Options

    The following MSIEXEC command-line options are used in this example:



    /L C:\temp\


    (Optional) Write installation messages to the specified log. You can append other options, such as x for debug (used in the previous example) or v for a verbose log. See the log section at for more information about additional logging options.

    Also, substitute C:\temp\installLog.txt in the example with the fully qualified name of the log file. Enclose this value in double quotations. The installation process creates this file if it does not exist. Otherwise, the existing file is overwritten.

    Toad Default Installation Option Overrides

    You can specify the following values to override Toad’s default installation options. Enclose each value in double quotations.




    (Optional) Specify the absolute path for the directory in which you want to install Toad. If you do not include this path, the installation program defaults to:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\Toad for MySQL7.7.


    (Optional) Specify one of the following:

    • For a per-machine installation, specify 1. This value allows any user to use the Toad shortcut on the desktop after the installation completes.
    • For a per-user installation, enter the empty string value (“”) This value allows only the user specified for USERNAME (and the user that installed Toad) to see the Toad shortcut on the target desktop. If USERNAME is omitted, only the user that installed Toad sees the shortcut.

    Note: If you do not specify this property, the installation program defaults to a per-user installation.


    (Optional) Specify the user that intends to use Toad on the target computer.


    • If ALLUSERS is omitted or defined with the empty string value (""), only the user specified here (and the user that installed Toad) can see the Toad shortcut on the desktop after the installation completes.
    • If ALLUSERS is omitted or defined with the empty string value ("") and you omit the USERNAME option, only the user that installed Toad sees the Toad shortcut on the desktop.
    • If ALLUSERS is 1, the USERNAME value is ignored during installation.


    (Optional) Specify the name of the company that owns this installation.


    • All default installation option overrides are case-sensitive.
    • Enclose all values (except for the ALLUSERS value) in double quotations.

Silent Installation Using the Microsoft Installer

Perform Silent Installation Using MSI

To perform a silent install using msi

  1. At a Windows command prompt, switch to the drive or directory where the msi installer for Toad is located.
  2. For a standard installation with all features enabled, enter the following command:

    msiexec /i “ToadInstaller.msi” /q

    You can customize command-line options and overrides for your installation similar to the following:

    msiexec /i “ToadInstaller.msi” INSTALLDIR= “Drive:\your_install_path” /q USERNAME=”someone” COMPANYNAME=”your_company” ALLUSERS=1

    Command-Line Options

    The following MSIEXEC command-line options are used in this example:

    Option Description
    /i Run the installation.

    Specify the user interface (UI) that displays during installation. You can append other options, such as n to hide the UI or b to hide the Cancel button during the installation.

    Note: All command-line options are case-insensitive. See for a complete list of command-line options.

    Toad Default Installation Option Overrides

    You can specify the following values to override Toad’s default installation options. Enclose each value in double quotations.




    (Optional) Specify the absolute path for the directory in which you want to install Toad. If you do not include this path, the installation program defaults to:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\Toad for MySQL7.7.


    (Optional) Specify one of the following:

    • For a per-machine installation, specify 1. This value allows any user to use the Toad shortcut on the desktop after the installation completes.
    • For a per-user installation, enter the empty string value (“”) This value allows only the user specified for USERNAME (and the user that installed Toad) to see the Toad shortcut on the target desktop. If USERNAME is omitted, only the user that installed Toad sees the shortcut.

    Note: If you do not specify this property, the installation program defaults to a per-user installation.


    (Optional) Specify the user that intends to use Toad on the target computer.


    • If ALLUSERS is omitted or defined with the empty string value (""), only the user specified here (and the user that installed Toad) can see the Toad shortcut on the desktop after the installation completes.
    • If ALLUSERS is omitted or defined with the empty string value ("") and you omit the USERNAME option, only the user that installed Toad sees the Toad shortcut on the desktop.
    • If ALLUSERS is 1, the USERNAME value is ignored during installation.


    (Optional) Specify the name of the company that owns this installation.


    • All default installation option overrides are case-sensitive.
    • Enclose all values (except for the ALLUSERS value) in double quotations.

Create Transform (MST) Files

You can create a Microsoft transform (.mst) file that deploys the license key, custom settings, and connections for users when performing a silent install using the .msi file. You can also use the .msi file to perform a basic silent install using the default directory (or install to a different directory) and to specify command-line options and default installation overrides. See Perform Silent Installation Using MSI for more information if you are not creating a transform file.

Note: (MSI installs on Windows Vista and 7) If you are using MSI to install Toad on Windows Vista or 7 with UAC enabled, you can install a file that adds a "Run as administrator" option when right-clicking the MSI file:

Note: The installer does not verify that system requirements have been met before installing. If you do not want to manually verify system requirements, you should use the .exe file for the silent install.

The following procedure uses the Wise Installer to create the transform file.

To create a transform file that includes custom Toad settings

  1. Save and install the ToadInstaller.msi file on a computer where the Wise for Windows Installer is installed. After customizing Toad settings, you will use the Wise Installer to create the transform file.
  2. Open Notepad, and do the following:
    1. Enter the license key in the first line.
    2. Enter the site message in the second line.
    3. Save the file with license.key as the file name in the Toad install directory. Make sure the file extension is .key not .txt.
  3. Launch Toad. The application should open without prompting you to enter a license key.
  4. Select Tools | Configuration Wizard from the Toad menu and complete the Configuration wizard. This wizard creates an initial settings file (Settings.xml).

  5. Select Tools | Options from the menu in Toad to open the Options window.
  6. Select each page in the window and set any options you want to deploy. These options create a module settings folder and files.

  7. Select View | Connection Manager from the menu in Toad to open the Connection Manager.
  8. Create any connections you want to deploy.
  9. Exit Toad. Upon exiting, a Connections file is created.

  10. Create the Microsoft Transform file, using any appropriate tool. The following steps describe how to use the Wise for Windows Installer to create the file. 
    1. Select File | New.
    2. Select Custom Templates under Categories, and then select the Transform template in the New Installation File window.
    3. Select the ToadInstaller.msi file in the Select the .MSI file to base this transform on window.
    4. Save the project.
    5. Select Files from the Feature Details view.
    6. Locate the following files and click Add to add them to the project:

      File to Add

      Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8

      C:\Users\ username\AppData\Roaming\ Quest Software\Toad for MySQL 7.7.

      ModuleSettings folder and files

      C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\ Quest Software\Toad for MySQL 7.7\ModuleSettings.


      C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\ Quest Software\Toad for MySQL 7.7.

    7. Save the project and compile it to create the transform (MST) file.
  11. Perform a silent install. See Perform Silent Installation Using MSI for more information.

Install Toad on Citrix Systems

Toad must be installed on the Citrix server by the Citrix administrator. Users then connect to this instance through their Citrix login.

Note: Limited testing has been performed for Citrix XenApp™ 5.0 support on Windows Server® 2003 and for Citrix XenApp 6.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2.  

To install Toad on a Citrix system

  1. Connect to the Citrix Environment as an administrator.

  2. Copy Toad to the Citrix server, if needed.

  3. Start the Toad installation process.

  4. During installation, select the Anyone who uses this computer checkbox when prompted.

  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for each server in the Citrix farm.

    Note: Although you must install Toad on every server in the Citrix farm, you only need to publish Toad once.

  1. Review the following considerations regarding licensing:

    • A license supplied by an administrator always overrides a user-supplied license in a Citrix environment.
    • If you need to provide the same Toad functionality to all users, you can enter the default license key for all users.
    • If you have users with different license requirements (for example, some have Standard licenses and others have Professional licenses), individual licenses should be entered for each user. You should not enter the default license key because it enables all functionality in Toad.

Upgrade Toad

To upgrade Toad

  1. Run the ToadInstaller.exe installation program from the DVD or downloaded file.
  2. Select Uninstall Toad and continue with install.
  3. Complete the wizard.

If you are upgrading from a previous version of Toad, you are prompted to migrate your settings the first time you start Toad. The settings files include database connections, layout customizations, shortcut keys, and options customized in the Options pages.

To migrate the settings again, remove or rename the current version's Application Data folder and migrate the files from the previous version's Application Data folder.

Upgrade Automation Scripts

If you upgrade to a newer version of Toad, Automation scripts created in a previous version must be upgraded before you can open them in the newer version. Toad prompts you to automatically upgrade a script when you attempt to open it in a newer version.

In addition, scheduled scripts are scheduled to run using the version of Toad in which they were created. After upgrading Toad, those previously-created, scheduled scripts will not execute in the newer version until you migrate each script's scheduling task. Toad prompts you to migrate scheduling tasks when you initially launch the application after installation.

Upgrade Automation Scripts to Newer Version of Toad

An automation script is compatible with the version of Toad in which the script was created. If you want to open and/or modify a script using a newer version of Toad, you must upgrade the script. Toad automatically prompts you to upgrade the script the first time you open it in the newer version.

To upgrade an Automation script

  1. Open the script in Toad. Toad prompts you to upgrade the script.

  2. To upgrade the script, select Yes.

    Caution: An automation script is no longer compatible with previous versions of Toad after an upgrade.

  3. Select No (and do not elect to save the script), to keep the script compatible with the previous version.
  4. If you selected Yes, Toad upgrades your script and saves a backup copy of the original script in the following location:

    <application data directory>\Automation\bak\

  5. If the script you upgraded is also scheduled, you must migrate the scheduling task, otherwise the upgraded script will fail to run.

Migrate Scheduling Tasks to Newer Version of Toad

Each scheduled Automation script uses a Windows scheduling task. The scheduling task specifies which version of Toad to use by specifying the version's application path. Toad provides you with two easy ways to migrate your scheduled scripts' scheduling tasks when you upgrade Toad. First, Toad prompts you to migrate scheduling tasks upon initial launch of the application after installation. Next, you can migrate scheduling tasks at any time using the Job Manager.


  • If you upgrade a previously-created script by opening it in a newer version of Toad, you must also migrate the scheduling task to the newer version.
  • If you install the newer version of Toad side-by-side with the older version, previously-created, scheduled scripts will continue to execute using the older version, until you migrate the scheduling tasks (provided that you do not open the scripts in the newer version).

To migrate scheduling tasks upon initial launch

  1. After upgrading Toad, and upon initial launch of the application, the Migrate Scheduled Tasks dialog opens.
  2. Select the scheduled tasks (scheduled Automation scripts) to migrate to the new version of Toad.
  3. Click OK to close the dialog.
  4. Toad immediately prompts you for your Windows password. Enter your password to migrate the scheduled tasks.

To migrate scheduling tasks using the Job Manager

  1. Select Tools | Administer | Job Manager.
  2. Click on the Job Manager toolbar.
  3. Select the scheduled tasks to migrate and click OK.

    Note: Only currently-scheduled tasks (enabled or disabled) are listed in the Migrate Scheduled Tasks dialog.

  4. Toad immediately prompts you for your Windows password. Enter your password to migrate the scheduled tasks.

Manually Edit Scheduling Tasks

On occasion you may need to modify the application path in a Windows scheduling task. You can do this by manually editing the scheduling task using the following procedure.

To manually edit a scheduling task

  1. In the Job Manager (Tools | Administer | Job Manager), right-click a task and select Edit Task.
  2. To change the version of Toad used to run the script, in the Run and Start in fields, change the folder name in the toad.exe path.
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