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erwin Evolve 2024.0.0 - User Guide

erwin Evolve 2024.0.0 User Help Guide
erwin Evolve User Help Guide Legal Notices Getting Started Creating Sites and Pages Data Layout Options Filtering Data Property Groups Data Visualizations Displaying Diagrams Using Web Modeler Automatic Diagrams (Diagram Designer) Navigating your Site Enhanced erwin Evolve Plugins Workflow Explained Social Interaction Features Questionnaires Reference Configuration and Administration Customizing Your Site Troubleshooting Upgrading

Display a CW Modeler Diagram

Display a CW Modeler Diagram

Any diagram in your model created in CW Modeler can be displayed in your Evolve Site.

You can display diagrams on any Object Page where the focus is the Diagram Object Type, or on Object Pages where the focus is a different Object Type, but a Tab is used to display diagrams the object appears on or details.

You can also display diagrams on Index Pages where one or more diagrams are returned. For performance and usability reasons it may not be appropriate to display multiple diagrams on one Index Page, however you could easily use the page filters so that only one diagram is returned in the results.

The default method for displaying CW Modeler diagrams is to use the CW Modeler Diagram behavior, but you can experiment with a newer behavior - Vector (HTML5) - which provides improved quality and scaling.

Display a CW Modeler diagram


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These instructions detail how to display a CW Modeler diagram on an Object Page for the Diagram Object Type.

You can of course show Visualization diagrams in other places, such as below an Association node in a Tab on an Object Page, or below an Object Type node on an Index Page.

To display a CW Modeler diagram:

1.In Evolve Designer, expand the Object Type node

2.Right-click the Layout node and select Switch Layout > CW > Diagram

A Layout Diagram node is added.

3.Right-click the Layout Diagram node and select Add Behaviors > CW > CW Modeler Diagram

The CW Modeler Diagram node is added.

4.Select the CW Modeler Diagram node and edit its properties:

oUse Full Screen to specify if the diagram should be shown in full-screen mode.

oUse the Diagram Popouts area to specify any Diagram Popouts you want to configure for this page.

5.Save and Publish your Site.

Display a Visualization Diagram

Display a Visualization Diagram

This page explains how to display Diagram Designer Visualization diagrams in your Evolve Site.

Visualization diagrams are typically used to visually-represent an object and its relationships to other objects, allowing you to see a specific object in context.

However, rather than being a fixed diagram created in CW Modeler, they are automatically generated at the time of viewing.

Visualization diagrams are created as 'layouts' in Diagram Designer. The layout defines which Object Type is the focus of the diagram, which other Object Types and Associations should be shown, and how the diagram should be organized, but it does not specify which object instances should be shown.

In Evolve, you can configure a page to show a diagram generated from one of these layouts, resulting in a dynamically-generated view of an object in context.

You most commonly display Visualization diagrams on Object Pages, where you want a visual representation of the subject of the Object Page. However you can also display them on Index Pages.


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This Help does not explain how to create Diagram Designer layouts.

Evolve only supports Diagram Designer layouts which have one object instance as the focus.

Display a Visualization diagram on your web page


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These instructions detail how to display a Visualization diagram in a new Tab on an Object Page.

You can of course show Visualization diagrams in other places, such as below an Association node in a Tab on an Object Page, or below an Object Type node on an Index Page.

To display a Visualization diagram on your web page:

1.In Evolve Designer, expand the Object Page node where you want your diagram to be displayed

2.Right-click the Tab node and select Add Layout > CW > Diagram

The Layout Diagram node is added.

3.Right-click the Layout Diagram node and select Add Behaviors > Diagram > Visualization (Automatic Diagram)

The Visualization (Automatic Diagram) node is added.

4.Select the Visualization (Automatic Diagram) node and edit the settings:

Use Diagram Design Name to select the Diagram Designer layout you want to use on this page. Only layouts focused on the same Object Type as the Object Page are listed.

Use Display Mode to choose how you want the diagram to be displayed, either constraining it by diagram height, or displayed in full-screen mode.

5.Save and Publish your Site.

Related Topics

Create a Visualization / Automatic Diagram

Display Object Data with Diagram Pop-outs

Display Object Data with Diagram Pop-outs

This page explains how to create and use Diagram Pop-outs to display the data behind objects that appear on diagrams.


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You can use Diagram Pop-outs with all display Layouts in Evolve.

See Layouts and Behaviors Explained for a full list of supported Layouts.

Diagram Pop-outs are used to display information about objects that appear on a diagram.

When a user clicks on an object on a diagram in the Site, a pop-out panel showing the object's details is displayed on the right of the browser window.

Diagram Pop-outs are completely customizable, so you can choose exactly what data you want to show for any given object, and you can even display different pop-outs depending on the Category of the object.

Pop-outs are constructed in a similar way to Object Pages, although you cannot use Tabs, but as such they can include properties of the object, lists of associated objects, as well as some visualizations. Behaviors are not supported in Diagram Pop-outs.

Like Object Pages, Diagram Pop-outs are Object Type specific, so you must create a pop-out for each type of object you want to view the details of.

There are two steps to getting Diagram Pop-outs working on your Site:

1.Create a Diagram Pop-out

2.Configure a page to use a Diagram Pop-out.


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If your Site was created in Evolve 2.2 or earlier, you must enable Diagram Popouts in Evolve Designer before you can create any.

To do this:

i.Open your Site in Evolve Designer

ii.Right-click the Site node and select Add Diagram Popout Node

The Diagram Popouts node is added to the bottom of the Site tree.

What do you want to do?

Create a Diagram Pop-out

To create a Diagram Pop-out:

1.In Evolve Designer, right-click the Diagram Popouts node and select Add Object Page for Object Type > [object type]

A node is added for the Object Type you selected

2.Configure your pop-out to display some object data and/or associations

You configure the pop-out to display data in a similar way to how you build an Object Page, using Property Groups and Associations. However, there is one important difference to an Object Page - you cannot use Tabs.

You can use multiple Property Groups, and you can use multiple Associations.

See here for information on using Property Groups


The Property Group Layout 'FlatList' particularly useful on Diagram Pop-outs, as it combines multiple properties in a simple display format.

3.See here for working with layouts and behaviors for Associations

4.When you have completed the configuration of your pop-out, Save it.


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In order for your pop-out to display on a diagram page, you must configure the page to use it.

Configure a page to use a Diagram Pop-out

Even if you have created a Diagram Pop-out, you must configure individual pages in your Site to use it.

You can display a Diagram Pop-out on any Object Page or Index Page which is configured to display a diagram.

To configure a page to use a Diagram Pop-out:

1.On your page, select the diagram behavior node you want the pop-out to work with

The CW Modeler Diagram, Vector (HTML5), or Visualization (Automatic Diagram) node

2.Use the Diagram Popouts area to choose the pop-outs you want to use for different Object Types that appear on the diagram

Use different rows to specify different pop-outs for different Object Types or Categories of the same Object Type.

i.Use the Object Type drop-down to select the Object Type you want a pop-out for

ii.Use the Category drop-down to select the Category of the Object Type you want the pop-out for - or leave the Category as 'UndefinedValue' if you want your pop-out to apply to all instances of the selected Object Type

iii.Use the Diagram Popout drop-down to select the specific pop-out you want to use for the Object Type and Category combination you have chosen

3.Save and Publish your Site.

Create Category-specific Diagram Pop-outs

You can show different pop-outs for different Categories of the same Object Type.

To do this, create multiple pop-outs for one Object Type, then, when configuring your page to use the pop-outs, choose different pop-outs for different Categories of objects.

If you want to have just one Category of Object Type showing a different pop-out to the others, create a generic pop-out and set it to 'UndefinedValue' on the diagram page, then specify the Category pop-out just for that specific Category.

Display a Diagram on the Home Page of your Static Site

Display a Diagram on the Home Page of your Static Site

If you publish your Site as a Static Site, you can create a special home page which displays a CW Modeler diagram.

This feature does not work with Dynamic Sites.

To display a diagram on your Static Site home page:

1.Create a new  Diagram Index Page

2.Enter 'home' as the Page Name

3.Ensure your page filter is configured so that only one diagram is selected

For example: 'ID = 12'

4.Save and Publish your Site.

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