When a permissions analyses is initiated, users have the option of including only objects with unique (non-inherited) permissions or objects with both inherited and non-inherited permissions. Having Show unique permissions only selected is the ControlPoint default.
ControlPoint Application Administrators can, however, change the default (so that Show Unique Permissions Only is unselected) by changing the parameter value of the ControlPoint Configuration Setting "Show unique permissions only" Default Value from True to False.
By default, when a Duplicate File analysis is run, up to 3000000 (three million) files can be evaluated for duplicates. ControlPoint Application Administrators can, however, increase this number by changing the Value of the ControlPoint Setting Duplicate Files Report Limit.
NOTE: This is an Advanced Setting.
NOTE: If you set too high a limit, out-of-memory exceptions may occur, particularly on 32-bit operating systems.
By default, unless one or more users are specified in the People Picker, all SharePoint users are included in the following ControlPoint analyses:
·Site Permissions
·Comprehensive Permissions
·Site Collection Activity
·Site Activity
·Activity by User
·Activity by Document
·Inactive Users
ControlPoint Application Administrators can, however, exclude certain users and/or Active Directory groups from these analyses by entering the user account name(s) as the Value for the ControlPoint Configuration Setting Users to Exclude from Reports. Enter multiple account names as a comma-separated list.
You may, for example, want to exclude common system accounts such as Sharepoint\System and NTAuthority\Authenticated Users.
NOTE: You must exclude users based on full account names (sometimes known as pre-Windows 2000account names in Active Directory), not display names. For example, you cannot exclude system accounts by entering the display name System Account.
You can still run permissions and activity reports on excluded users if you enter them in the People Picker.
NOTE: You can exclude users from audit log analyses via the ControlPoint Configuration Setting Users to Exclude from Audit Log Analyses.
By default, the names of claims-authenticated user names display with the claims prefix (for example, i:0#.w|) in results of several ControlPoint analyses.
ControlPoint Application Administrators can, however, choose to have claims user names display "cleaned up" (that is, without the prefix) by changing the Value of the ControlPoint Configuration Setting UseCleanedLoginNameInReports from False to True.
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