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On Demand Migration Current - Hybrid Exchange User Guide

Preparing Your Source Email Service for Migration

On Demand Migration for Hybrid Exchangecurrently supports migrating content from Microsoft Exchange 2010/2013/2016/2019.

In this topic:

Enabling Application Impersonation Rights

To migrate data from Exchange 2010/2013/2016/2019 you must enable Application Impersonation for the migration administrator account. This allows the migration administrator to impersonate all users on all your client access servers.

To enable Application Impersonation rights, use role based access controls, and create a role group that has Application Impersonation rights.

To create a role group for impersonation, use the PowerShell cmdlets from the articles above. The following is a step by step guide for creating the impersonation role and assigning a user to that role.

  1. Log in to your Exchange server, or to a machine that has the Exchange Administration tools installed on it as an Exchange administrator.
  2. Run Exchange Management Shell.

  3. Run the cmdlet to create the management role group and assign the ApplicationImpersonation role to that group, and then assign the user you want to use as a migration administrator.

In the following example, we are using the user

New-RoleGroup -Name MigrationImpersonation -Roles ApplicationImpersonation -Members

You can add multiple users using commas to separate each user.

Accessing the Mail Server

To migrate data from Exchange 2010/2013/2016/2019, make sure that Outlook Web Access (OWA) is accessible from the internet. On Demand Migration for Hybrid Exchange uses Exchange Web Services (EWS) to access your mail server from the internet. The OWA server name can be used for accessing your Exchange server with EWS. If you are not using HTTPS for OWA, you will need to enter the full URL for your EWS service which follows the format http://servername/EWS/Exchange.asmx.

You can find the URL for your EWS server using PowerShell. From the Exchange Management Shell, execute the following command:

Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | Select name, *url* | fl

The EWS server URL will be returned in the ExternalUrl value. To access the mailboxes slated for migration, the migrator needs to have an account with the ApplicationImpersonation role.

Specifying Administrator Credentials

When specifying the administrator credentials in the Migration settings screen, the Admin value is the account's UPN or Windows domain login (domain\samAccountName). Click for more information about adding additional domains for UPNs.

It is recommended that you use auto-discovery to obtain the server URL. During a migration, this option uses the specified UPN and password to retrieve the server URL that hosts EWS for the given mailbox. You can also enter the server URL manually.


NOTE: Your Exchange 2010/2013/2016/2019 server must be configured to support auto-discovery before you can use it to obtain the server URL.

Go to for information about Exchange 2010

Go to for information about Exchange 2013, 2016, and 2019.

If entering the server URL manually, enter the name of your Exchange 2010/2013/2016/2019 server in SSL format (e.g., If your server does not support SSL, enter the fully qualified URL for Exchange Web Services (e.g.,

Upgrading Throttling Policies

To minimize Exchange throttling impact to migration and to raise the overall migration throughput, we highly recommend to upgrade your throttling policies. Please raise the limits for the following throttling parameters to 'Unlimited':

Microsoft Exchange 2013/2016/2019

  • EwsMaxConcurrency
  • EwsMaxBurst
  • EwsRechargeRate
  • EwsCutoffBalance

Microsoft Exchange 2010

  • EWSPercentTimeInMailboxRPC
  • EWSPercentTimeInCAS
  • EWSPercentTimeInAD

We recommend creating a custom throttling policy and assigning it to all the admin accounts used for your migration.

The upgrade can be done for the time of your migration only.

Setting Up Mail Routing

Before migrating or creating mailboxes, you must implement a mail routing strategy that will enable users to send and receive mail from both internal and external sources. There are different strategies to do this depending on how you want mail directed to and from the internet.

During the co-existence period of on-premises mail and hosted mail, you must decide which system will initially receive the email traffic for your organization. To make the best decision for your organization, please review the Microsoft documentation associated with your target email service:

Creating Target Mailboxes

The next task in migrating mailboxes from a source email service is to create the target mailboxes in the target tenant. On Demand Migration for Hybrid Exchange does not create them for you. The procedure for creating mailboxes varies between email systems, and you should refer to the documentation provided with your system for particular instructions.

Discovering and Matching Mailboxes

Before you can start the migration of mailboxes, the On Demand Migration for Hybrid Exchange service must be able to discover the set of mailboxes you intend to migrate. The discovery process uses a a CSV file which lets you specify the mailboxes that you want to discover and ignore the rest.

Discovery and matching is a two-step process as described below:

Step 1: Preparing the CSV file

  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. Enter the following information in adjacent columns for each email that you want to migrate. The column headers are mandatory.
    1. SourceEmail - email address of the mailbox in the source tenant.
    2. SourceUPN - User Principal Name of the mailbox account in the source tenant.
    3. TargetEmail - email address of the mailbox in the target tenant.
    4. TargetUPN - User Principal Name of the mailbox account in the target tenant.
  3. Save as a CSV file. You can rename the file if needed.

Step 2: Starting the Mailbox Matching from File Task

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. Click the Mailboxes tab. Then click Matching from File from the Actions menu.
  5. The New Mailbox Matching from File Task wizard opens.
  6. Step 1: Matching Options
    1. Click Select CSV File and select the CSV that contains the information about mailboxes you want to discover and match.
    2. Click Next.
  7. Step 2: Validation
    1. Validate source mailbox existence - read only. The task will automatically verify the mailboxes in the source tenant.
    2. Validate target mailbox existence - select this option to verify the existence of mailboxes in the target tenant. A mismatch will be indicated as an error in the events related to this task. You can clear this check box to skip validation when you want to load the data into ODMHE for a future migration but the target tenant mailboxes are not ready.
    3. Click Next.
  8. Step 3: Notification
    1. Send notification email once the task is completed - select this option to send a notification email when the matching task completes.
      • Only in a case of failure - select this option to send the email if the matching task fails to complete successfully.
    2. Recipients - enter the email address of the recipients of this email. You can specify multiple recipient email addresses separated by semicolon.
    3. Click Next.
  9. Step 4: Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated only after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time.
        • Start - enter the start time for the task.
    2. Click Next.
  10. Step 5: Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. You can specify a custom name. The default name is Mailbox Matching from File.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.

Reviewing the Mailbox Matching from File Task

  1. Select the Tasks tab.
  2. Select the task that you want to review. The default name is Mailbox Matching from File.
  3. In the task details pane that opens, the information presented is as described below:
    1. Type - Type of the task. The type is HE Mailbox Matching from File.
    2. Created - Date and time when the task was created.
    3. Modified - Date and time when the task was last updated.
    4. State - State of the task.
    5. Last Operation - The action that was most recently performed in this task.
    6. Schedule - Date and time when the task started. Now indicates that the task started immediately after the task was created.
    7. Events (number) - Number indicates the count of events that the task encountered. The values indicate the type of the events and the event count for each type.

Reviewing the Mailbox Matching from File Task Events

  1. Select the Tasks tab.
  2. Select the task that you want to review.
  3. In the task details pane that opens, click Events (number). The Events tab opens with a filtered list of events for the selected task.
  4. Select an event that you want to review. In the event details pane that opens, the information presented is as described below:
    1. Object - Name of the mailbox.
    2. Task - Name of the task.
    3. Time - Date and time when the event occurred.
    4. Category - Type of task. the value is Hybrid Exchange.

Migrating Mailboxes

NOTE: Before you proceed, verify that the mail-enabled accounts in the source tenant have been discovered and matched. For more information see Discovering and Matching Mailboxes.


  • The following types of mailboxes are supported: Regular, Room, Equipment (Resource), Shared.
  • Mailboxes must be provisioned in the target tenant.
  • In case of remigration, On Demand Migration remigrates mail, calendar, task, and sticky note items that have changed in the source mailbox to the target mailbox. Also, calendar items that have been removed from the source mailbox will be removed from the target mailbox. remigration of other types of items that have been modified or deleted in the source mailbox is not supported.
  • During the mail migration, users might receive email to both source and target mailboxes. Apparently the users might want to receive the email sent to both mailboxes or keep custom forwarding, if any. You must set up appropriate mail forwarding or routing to address this need.

In this topic:

Starting a Mail Migration Task

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. Click the Mail tile, or click Open from the Mail tile to open the dashboard.
  5. Click the Mailboxes tab. The Mailboxes List opens. If you don't see a list of mailbox-enabled accounts, you must run the Mailbox Matching from File task again.
  6. Select the mailboxes that you want to migrate from the list. You can use search, filtering or collections to quickly navigate through the list of mailboxes. You can also select the check box in the table header to select all the mailboxes.
  7. From the local toolbar, select Migrate. The New Mail Migration Task wizard opens.
  8. Step 1: Migration Options
    1. Specify a migration flow:
      • From Primary Mailbox to Primary mailbox - migrate content of the primary mailbox (default scenario.)
      • From Archive mailbox to Archive mailbox - migrate content of the archive mailbox.
      • From Archive mailbox to Primary mailbox - restore archived content to primary mailbox.
      • From Primary mailbox to Archive mailbox - migrate some of the content of the primary mailbox to archive. Useful with the specific Migration Options selected.
    2. Specify which mailbox items you want to transfer to the target by selecting the appropriate check box:
      • Migrate Mail - select this option to migrate email items.
      • Migrate Calendar - select this option to migrate calendar items. The organizer of the calendar item will be mapped to the corresponding target tenant user account. Invitees in calendar items are retained as the source tenant user.
      • Migrate Tasks/Notes - select this option to migrate tasks and notes.
      • Migrate Contacts - select this item to migrate contacts.
      • Migrate Recoverable Items - select this option to migrate recoverable items. If the check box is unchecked these items will not be transferred.
  9. Step 2: Migration Settings
    1. Specify which mailbox settings you want to transfer to the target by selecting the appropriate check box:
      • Migrate OWA Inbox Rules - select this option to migrate OWA Inbox rules. For all mailboxes that are migrated to existing target mailboxes, On Demand Migration removes the existing rules from the target tenant like OWA Inbox rules and the rules created in Outlook from the target tenant including previously-migrated rules. Then all the rules from the source are migrated to the target.
      • Migrate Mailbox Delegation - select this option to migrate delegation permissions. Mailbox delegation permissions like Full Access, Send As and Send On Behalf can be transferred if the matched delegate exists in the target tenant. If the matched delegate does not exist, mailbox delegation cannot be migrated and an error event will occur. If the target mailbox delegation is not set, the mailbox delegation will be transferred as is. If the mailbox delegation has been set in the target tenant before the migration starts, rules and exceptions specified in Migrating Delegate Access Permissions topic in the On Demand Migration for Email User Guide are applied to set the mailbox delegation.
        • Enable Automapping for shared mailboxes - Auto-mapping is an Exchange & Exchange Online feature. Once enabled, any auto-mapped mailbox will be opened by the delegate's Outlook client in a persistent state with Full Access permissions and cannot be closed by the user. If users want to remove the auto-mapped mailbox from their Outlook client, administrative intervention is required to remove the Full Access permission or clear the auto-mapping flag.
      • Migrate Folder Permissions- select this option to migrate folder permissions. If folder permissions in the target mailbox do not exist, then folder permissions from the source mailbox will be transferred as is. If folder permissions were already set in the target mailbox before the migration starts, rules and exceptions specified in Migrating Folder Permissions topic in the On Demand Migration for Email User Guide are applied to set the folder permissions.

        NOTE: Migration of folder permissions for Recoverable Items is not supported.

      • Migrate Auto-Reply - select this option to migrate auto-reply messages and settings.
    2. Click Next.
  10. Step 3: Mail Flow
    1. Manage Mail Forwarding - select this check box to control mail forwarding. This check box is unchecked by default. When this check box is selected, you can choose from the following options:
      • Apply Mail Forwarding - enable Mail Forwarding (on by default for the initial New Mail Migration Task) from Target to Source. On Demand Migration assumes that end-users will not be using their new target mailboxes immediately after the first "Migrate Mail" task (cut-over), so forwarding is set on the new target mailbox to forward any new mail that is received in the target back to the source. This way any new mail is assured to be delivered to the active end-user mailbox.
        • Mail forwarding direction - set the mail forwarding direction by choosing From target to source or From source to target. From the On Demand Migration table of mailboxes, the forwarding email is in the Source Mailbox / Target Mailbox depending on the mail forwarding direction selected. See the Mail Flow column value (To Source or To Target) which can be switched with the switch mailboxes functionality.
        • Custom domain for forwarding - specify the custom domain name for forwarding email addresses. If the domain is omitted or does not exist, the primary SMTP address will be used.
      • Remove Mail Forwarding - choose this option to clear previously specified mail forwarding address, and remove forwarding addresses in source mailboxes before the migration and target mailboxes after the migration.
    2. Click Next.
  11. Step 4: Mail Folders
    1. Specify which mail folders to migrate and where they should be migrated by selection one of the following options
      • Migrate all folders - select this option to migrate all folders from the source to the tenant. Mail will be migrated to a folders with the same name in the target tenant.
      • Migrate all folders except - select this option to ignore the selected mailboxes and optionally provide an alternate folder name to migrate all other folder contents. When you select this option the following options are also available:
        • Folders to ignore: Choose from Deleted Items, Junk Email, Drafts, Conversation History, Sent Items, and Inbox. You can also specify one or more custom folder names separated by a semicolon.
      • Migrate specific folders - select this option to include the selected mailbox folders and optionally provide an alternate folder name to migrate the specified folder contents. When you select this option the following options are also available:
        • Folders to include: Choose from Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts, and Deleted Items. You can also specify one or more custom folder names separated by a semicolon.
      • Migrate content to a custom folder - select this option to migrate content from source mailbox to a custom folder. Calendar, contacts, and rules are not migrated into this folder. To run incremental migration, a mail migration task should be created with the same folder name. Any change in the folder name will be treated as a migration to a new custom folder.
        • Custom folder name - specify the name of the custom folder where content will be migrated.
      • Migrate to folder - select this option to specify a custom target folder for well known source folders such as Inbox, Deleted, Archive, and Sent Items. For example, the Inbox folder from the source tenant can be migrated to the Inbox-Migrated custom folder in the target tenant. If you do not provide a target folder name then the mail migration service will migrate the contents of the source folder to a folder with the same name on the target.
    2. Click Next.
  12. Step 5: Date Range
    Limit the date range for content transfer. You can set any of the following options:
    1. Migrate mail before to set end date for the date range
    2. Migrate mail after to set start date for the date range
    3. Click Next.
  13. Step 6: Notification
    1. Select the options as described below:
      • Send notification email after the mail migration is completed - select this option to send a notification email when the mailbox migration task completes. The notification is sent whether or not the mailbox migration succeeds unless the Only in a case of failure option is selected.
      • Only in a case of failure - select this option to send the notification email only when one or more mailboxes cannot be migrated. When this option is selected, a notification email will not be sent if all the mailboxes are migrated successfully.
      • Recipients - enter a semicolon-delimited list of mailboxes where the notification will be sent. The mailbox of the current user will be entered by default and can be changed.

        NOTE: Notifications are sent from Recipients must add this email address to the Safe Senders List.

        To add the email address to your Safe Senders list in Microsoft Outlook, do the following:

        1. On the Home tab, click Junk, and then click Junk E-mail Options.
        2. On the Safe Senders tab, click Add and add the e-mail address.

      The notification that is sent will contain the following information in the email body:

      • Project id - the unique identified of the project.
      • Task id - the unique identifier of the task.
      • Type - the type of the task: Mail Migration.
      • Created - the data and time when the task was created.
      • Modified - the most recent date and time when the task was modified.
      • Status - the state of the task.
      • Last operation - The last recorded event in the task.
      • Schedule - indicates when the task was run.
      • Mailboxes - The number of mailboxes selected for this migration categorized by migration status (New, Stopped, In Progress, Failed, and Completed) and count.

    2. Click Next.
  14. Step 7: Reporting

    Select the check box Generate detailed report of migration errors to generate a migration error report when you run the Mail MigrationTask.

    You can download the report from the Reports tab in the project workspace by clicking the Download link in the Error Log column. If there are no migration errors, a download link is not available. Error reports are retained for 30 days. After 30 days the download link is replaced with the label Expired and you can no longer download the report. For more information about error reports, see Reports.

  15. Step 8: Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time.
        • Start - enter the start time for the task.
    2. Click Next.
  16. Step 9: Summary
    1. Review the task summary. You can specify a custom task name. The default name is Mail Migration Task.
      • Mailbox Data - indicates the data types supported for migration like Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks or Notes.
      • Mail Folders - indicates themail folder selection criteria. if all folders are selected, then the value is All.
      • Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
      • Mail Forwarding - direction of the mail flow. Not Set indicates that a mail flow direction is not set
    2. Click Finish to save or start the task depending on the schedule option selected.

Reviewing the Mail Migration Task

You can track a task's progress from the Tasks tab, view the summary on the Dashboard or monitor alerts and notifications in Events.

You can track the migration of objects from the Mailbox State column in the Mailboxes list view. The column values are as follows:

Column value Description
New Migration has not yet started.
Migrating Migration of this object has started.
Migrated Migration is complete and successful.
Migrated with Issues Migration is completed with errors.
Migration failed Migration did not succeed
Migration stopped Migration canceled by the user


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