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SharePlex 11.2 - Installation and Setup Guide

About this Guide Conventions used in this guide Revision History Installing and Setting up SharePlex on an Oracle Source
SharePlex Pre-installation Checklist for Oracle Download the SharePlex installer Install SharePlex on Linux and UNIX Set up an Oracle environment for replication Set up replication from Oracle to a different target type Installation and Setup for Cloud-Hosted Databases for Oracle Installation and setup for remote capture Installation and setup for HA cluster Generic SharePlex demonstration for Oracle Advanced SharePlex demonstrations for Oracle Database Setup Utilities Solve Installation Problems for Oracle
Installing and Setting up SharePlex on a PostgreSQL Database as Source and Service
SharePlex Pre-installation Checklist for PostgreSQL Download the SharePlex installer for PostgreSQL Install SharePlex on Linux for PostgreSQL as a Source Set up Replication from PostgreSQL to Supported Target Types Installation and Setup for Cloud-Hosted Databases for PostgreSQL Installation and Setup for Remote Capture for PostgreSQL Install SharePlex on PostgreSQL High Availability Cluster Generic SharePlex Demonstration for PostgreSQL Advanced SharePlex Demonstrations for PostgreSQL Database Setup for PostgreSQL Database Setup for PGDB as a Service Solve Installation Problems for PostgreSQL
Assign SharePlex users to security groups Solve Installation Problems Uninstall SharePlex Advanced installer options Install SharePlex as root SharePlex installed items

Oracle checklist

Requirement Completed? (Y/N)

Perform any required database upgrades.

Perform any required database upgrades before you install SharePlex. This ensures that SharePlex gets the most current object definitions when you run Database setup during the installation and setup steps.


Confirm the Oracle release version and processor type.

(source and target databases)

Verify that the Oracle release version is supported by SharePlex.

Note: SharePlex does not support 32-bit Oracle versions.


Set up Oracle online and archive logging.

(source databases)

  • Enable archive logging to avoid the need to resynchronize data after a log wrap.
  • Enable minimum supplemental logging.
  • Enable supplemental logging of primary and unique keys.
  • Configure the logs to support replication.

For more information, see Set up Oracle logging to support SharePlex.


Set up database objects to support replication.

Set up Oracle objects to support replication properly, including:

  • Log primary and unique keys (source database only).
  • Handle tables that do not have keys.
  • Handle indexes, triggers, constraints, and sequences.

For more information, see Set up Oracle database objects for replication.


Configure database properties to support replication

(source databases)

Make the recommended database settings to support SharePlex processes:

  • Verify character sets are compatible with SharePlex.
  • Adjust log buffer size.
  • Adjust open cursors and processes parameters.
  • Adjust initrans setting of SHAREPLEX_TRANS table.

For more information, see Set up an Oracle database to support SharePlex.


Set privileges to capture TDE-protected data.

(source databases)

To decrypt TDE-protected data from the redo log, the SharePlex Administrator must open the Oracle Wallet with the wallet password. By default, only the Oracle Wallet owner-user has read and write permissions for this file. To enable SharePlex to open the wallet, you can either of the following:

Grant read permission to the wallet file to the dba group, because the SharePlex Administrator user is a member of that group.


Have the owner of the wallet start SharePlex.

For more information, see Set up TDE Support.


Plan the SharePlex Oracle account.

(source and target databases)

During SharePlex installation, you will run the Database Setup utility to create a database account (user and schema) for SharePlex. The following is a list of privileges required for the database user who runs the this utility:

Non-multitenant (standard) database:

The user who runs the setup utility must have DBA privileges.

Multitenant database:

The user who runs the setup utility should have SYSDBA privileges (recommended), but at minimum the user should be a DBA user with privileges for sys.users$ and sys.enc$.

The minimum following grants are required for the SharePlex user:

create user c##sp_admin identified by sp_admin;

grant dba to c##sp_admin container=ALL;

grant select on sys.user$ to c##sp_admin with grant option container=ALL;


Plan the SharePlex objects tablespace.

(source and target databases)

The Database Setup utility installs some tables into a tablespace of your choosing. All but the SHAREPLEX_LOBMAP table use the default storage settings of the tablespace.

The SHAREPLEX_LOBMAP table contains entries for LOBs stored out-of-row. It is created with a 1 MB INITIAL extent, 1 MB NEXT extent, and PCTINCREASE of 10. The MAXEXTENTS is 120, allowing the table to grow to 120 MB.

Preferred action: If you enable supplemental logging for primary and unique keys, you can set the SP_OCT_ENABLE_LOBMAP parameter to 0, and nothing will be stored in the SHAREPLEX_LOBMAP table. In this case, you do not have to consider its size growth. It is recommended that you enable supplemental logging for primary and unique keys to maximize the performance of the Read process.

Alternate action: The default storage usually is sufficient for SHAREPLEX_LOBMAP, permitting more than 4 million LOB entries. If the Oracle tables to be replicated have numerous LOB columns that are inserted or updated frequently, consider increasing the size the SharePlex tablespace accordingly. Take into account that this table shares the tablespace with other SharePlex tables.

If the database uses the cost-based optimizer (CBO) and the tables that SharePlex processes include numerous LOBs, incorporate the SHAREPLEX_LOBMAP table into the analysis schedule.

Note: A new installation of SharePlex does not change storage parameters from a previous installation.


Plan the SharePlex temporary tablespace.

(source and target databases)

The Database Setup utility prompts for a temporary tablespace for SharePlex to use for sorts and other operations, including sorts performed by the compare commands. The default temporary tablespace is the one where the SharePlex objects are installed. If you plan to use the compare commands to compare large tables, especially those without a primary or unique key, specify a dedicated temporary tablespace for SharePlex.


Plan for theSharePlex index tablespace.

(source and target databases)

The Database Setup utility prompts for a tablespace to store the indexes for the SharePlex tables. The default index tablespace is the one where the SharePlex objects are installed. To minimize I/O contention, specify a different index tablespace from the one where the tables are installed.

Note: If indexes from a previous version of SharePlex are installed in the SharePlex objects tablespace, you can move them to a different tablespace and then specify that tablespace when you run the setup utility.


Plan for required queue space

SharePlex stores replicated data that is being processed in queues on the local system. There must be enough disk space for these queues to grow in the event that a SharePlex process stops (for example, a target system is down) and replicated data accumulates in the queues.

To determine the amount of queue space on each system:

  1. Use a worst-case scenario and estimate the length of downtime to be tolerated.
  2. Determine how much data is replicated in that time, using the following formula as a guide. This formula multiplies the redo log value by one-third because only about one-third of the redo log is actually data that is replicated. The rest is data used by Oracle to maintain and operate the instance itself.

    [size of a redo log x number of log switches in 1 hour] x 1/3 x [number of hours downtime] = amount of disk space needed for the queues on each system


Suppose you expect to recover from 8 hours of downtime and your redo logs are 60 MB. They switch five times an hour. According to the formula, you need 800 MB of space on the source machine and on the target machine for the SharePlex queues.

[60 MB redo log] x [5 switches/hour] x [1/3] x [8 hours] = 800 MB disk space


Install the Oracle client.

(on-premises databases)

The Oracle client libraries are needed both for installation and setup as well as for the operation of SharePlex.


Consider Case if replicating to an Open Target database

To support replication between a source of one database type and a target of another type, the letter case of the names of the source and target columns must be the same, for example the column names on both sides in lower case or both sides in upper case. If the case differs between the source and target column names, use the column mapping feature to map the column names in the configuration file.


Open Target checklist

All open targets
Requirement Completed? (Y/N)

Perform any required database upgrades.

Perform any required database upgrades before you install SharePlex. This ensures that SharePlex gets the most current object definitions when you run Database setup during the installation and setup steps.


Confirm the database release version.

Verify that the release version of the database is supported by SharePlex.


Consider character sets

When replicating to an Open Target target (non-Oracle target), SharePlex supports replication from any Oracle Unicode character set and the US7ASCII character set. SharePlex posts data to Open Target in the Unicode character set, and therefore if the source data is Unicode or US7ASCII, no conversion on the target is required.

However, if the following are true, conversion is required on the target:

  • If the character set of the source data is anything other than Oracle Unicode or US7ASCII, you must install an Oracle client on the target to perform the conversion to Unicode for posting to the target.
  • If the data must be posted to the target database in any character set other than Unicode, you must install an Oracle client on the target to perform the conversion and use the target command to identify the target character set for Post to use.
  • If you are replicating LOB data, conversion is required regardless of what the source character set is.

To perform conversion with an Oracle client on Linux:

  1. Install an Oracle Administrator client on the target system. The client must be the Administrator installation type. The Instant Client and Runtime installation types are not supported.
  2. Set ORACLE_HOME to the client installation. Set ORACLE_SID to an alias or a non-existing SID. SharePlex does not use them and a database does not have to be running.
  3. Install SharePlex using the Linux/Unix installer for your operating system.
  4. Make certain the SP_OPX_NLS_CONVERSION parameter is set to the default of 1.

To apply Unicode and US7ASCII data without conversion:

If the source data is Unicode or US7ASCII and you are not replicating LOB data, no conversion or Oracle client is needed. Set the SP_OPX_NLS_CONVERSION parameter to 0 to disable conversion, and then restart Post if it is running.


Consider Case

To support replication between a source of one database type and a target of another type, the letter case of the names of the source and target columns must be the same, for example the column names on both sides in lower case or both sides in upper case. If the case differs between the source and target column names, use the column mapping feature to map the column names in the configuration file.


Install the appropriate ODBC driver.

Verify that the appropriate ODBC driver is installed for your target, and install one if there is not one present.

To test a driver with SharePlex you can use the OTS utility. You can use a standalone version of this utility before you install SharePlex, or you can run the utility from the installation directory after you install SharePlex. See the OTS documentation in theSharePlex Reference Guide for more information.


Enable case sensitivity on key columns

Enable case-sensitivity for the data of any character-based primary key columns or columns that form a unique index. This ensures that Post compares the correct source and target key values so that it updates the correct target row and prevents unique constraint errors. Unless the key values are case sensitive, cases like the following can happen:

Create table Sales (CustName varchar(20) primary key);

insert into Sales values (‘abc company’);


insert into Sales values (‘ABC Company’);

(Fails with unique constraint violation error)


Disable triggers, cascade deletes, and foreign keys on the target tables.

Triggers, cascaded DELETES, and foreign keys must be disabled on Open Target tables.

DML changes resulting from triggers, cascaded DELETES, and foreign keys on the source system enter the transaction log and are replicated to the target database by SharePlex. If the same mechanisms are allowed to occur on the target parent table, they initiate changes to the child tables that are duplicated through replication. These duplicate operations cause out-of-sync errors.

All tables with foreign keys to one another must all be included in the replication configuration for accurate replication of the source foreign key results. All tables with referential constraints must exist in the target database. If you leave one or more out, the referential integrity could become corrupted.

Postgres target
Requirement Completed? (Y/N)

Add a source entry to the PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf file

For a PostgreSQL target (non-cloud), make certain that the PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf file has an entry for the SharePlex source server IP address, which gives that server access to PostgreSQL target server and its databases.

Example entry:

host    all     all     sourceip     md5

Amazon EC2 checklist

Requirement Completed? (Y/N)

Install on multiple EBS volumes

  • Install the database and SharePlex on Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS). An EBS volume is persistent storage, whereas the default Amazon storage is non-persistent and data is lost when the instance shuts down. EBS volumes also provide better performance. Minimum size for a volume is 1GB.
  • To optimize disk performance, create multiple EBS volumes and combine them by using software RAID. According to benchmarks, the optimal number of EBS volumes is 8.

Assign Elastic IP addresses

Amazon Elastic IP addresses are static, which satisfy SharePlex requirements. An Elastic IP must be created and assigned to both the source and target machines that will be used with SharePlex.


Download the SharePlex installer

Download the SharePlex Installer

SharePlex Installers

There are different installers for SharePlex based on the type of operating system. This topic helps you understand the differences and the naming conventions used.

Linux and Unix

The SharePlex installer on Linux and Unix, as applicable, is a self-extracting installation file with the extension .tpm.

Oracle and Open Target:

There is a separate SharePlex installer build for each supported platform.


For Oracle Solaris (Sun), there is a separate SharePlex installer build for each supported operating system version. If the operating system version that you have is not listed, choose the highest number that is below your version.


The installer creates a temporary target directory, within the current directory, for extraction. This temporary target directory is removed upon installation completion. You can extract the files to a file system that is separate from the SharePlex installation location by using the -t option when running the .tpm file.

Note: The installation file (.tpm) file for the PostgreSQL database is available only for the Linux platform.

Where to get SharePlex installers

Download the SharePlex installation package that matches the operating system you are using.

Additionally, download any SharePlex patches, so that you can install them after you install the base software.

Perform the below steps to download the SharePlex patches:

  1. Go to the Quest Software Support page:

  2. Click Download Software.

  3. In the search box, type SharePlexand press Go.
  4. Click the arrow in the Download column for the version you need. You can also click the file name for access to more information and to download the file(s).

  5. Transfer the file to system where you are installing SharePlex.
  6. You are ready to begin the installation process. Be sure to thoroughly read the version specific Release Notes prior to running the installer.

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