The following is a list of the MAPI retry parameters.
For a description of the parameters, see the MNE Program Parameters Reference Guide.
If the target Exchange Server is Office 365 with Use Azure Active Directory Synchronization, then the password is already set during provisioning. The GUI option Reset user passwords on the Select Office 365 Administrative Operations wizard page is disabled during migration. AD account and password information is provided in a notification message through the template file ada_template.html.
For this feature, the following parameters have been updated:
The following new parameters have been introduced:
For a description of the parameters, see the MNE Program Parameters Reference Guide.
The parameter [Notes]DocLinksPreferCNForNotesUrl has been added. When [General] HTMLdoclinks=3, migrate DocLinks to Exchange as Notes links (the default) and DocLinksPreferCNForNotesURL is set to (1), the Domino Server CN name is used. |
The new parameter [Notes] ReplaceForwardAddressInUserName has been added to MNE. When set to 0, MNE adds the Forward address to the User Name field without removing the existing address. |
The new parameter [ActiveDirectory] UseInternetAddressForUPN has been added to MNE. When set to 1, it tells the program to set the UPN to an internet address for the user when the object is provisioned. |
The parameter [Notes] PrependSmtpAddressToUsername has been updated and now applies when the coexistence method is SMTP. |
A new option has been added to the [Exchange] RemigrateMode parameter. When set to 2, it tells the program that if the source item in Notes was modified after a previous migration, delete the Exchange copy of the item and then remigrate it from Notes. If the source item in Notes has not been modified, leave the previously migrated copy in Exchange. |
When executing the “Prepare local Active Directory accounts for MS AD Sync” operation, allow user objects to retain their current mailNickname attribute value by configuring the optional [ActiveDirectory] AlwaysUseOldAlias parameter. |
When migrating to Office 365, the attachment size filter can no longer be set to None. The Attachment size defaults to 24.5 MB, which is the maximum message size allowed by Office 365. |
New INI parameters have been added to support modern authentication. See Support for modern authentication. |
By default, when the SSDM migrates an archive to a PST file, the SSDM registers the PST file in the Outlook profile. You can now prevent the PST file from being registered by setting the new SSDM parameter [Exchange] AddPstFilesToProfile to 0. |
Administrators can now disable the SSDM option to migrate encrypted messages. When the new parameter [General] AppDoesEncrypted=0, the Include Encrypted Messages option is not displayed on the Specify Data for Migration screen. |
The Data Migration Wizard Task Progress and Task Completed pages now display the configuration template name and user collection name to help Administrators identify the current migration. |
The URI used for the Microsoft global Office 365 cloud has been updated to |
You can elevate the Notes' Manager, Designer, and Editor access levels for the Mail-In database which have "Delete documents" rights to Full Access permission in the Exchange Shared mailbox by setting the new parameter ElevateMailInDBEditorAclToFullAccess=1. |
Improved the error message that is returned when the Add-MNEUserCollection PowerShell cmdlet is used to add a user collection whose name conflicts with an existing collection. |
The parameter [Exchange] AutodiscoverDisableMapiHttp has been updated. You can now configure MNE to use RPC over HTTP when migrating to Office 365. |
By default, the AD Provisioning wizard includes disabled users in AD groups. You can now skip disabled users by setting the parameter SkipDisabledGroupMembers=1. |
When migrating to on premises targets, Notes ACL rights are mapped to Exchange permission levels and applied recursively to migrated folders. This behavior can now be duplicated for Office 365 targets using the new parameter [Exchange] MigrateWellKnownFolderAclOnly. |
The pre-requisite checker now supports German and Chinese Office 365 tenants. |
The new INI setting [FolderTreeFilters] allows you to filter out an entire folder hierarchy. When a folder is specified using this setting, the specified folder and all its sub folders are excluded from the migration. |
The [Exchange] MaxExtractedImageArea INI parameter has been added to allow specification of a maximum size for images stored as attachments when [Exchange] ExtractEmbeddedImages=1. This feature was implemented to reduce the impact to migrated Exchange mailbox sizes when the migrated messages contain a significant number of large images. |
On the Data Migration wizard Personal Archive Location page, there are now additional configuration options for generated PST file names. |
The migration log file now contains additional information regarding skipped messages. |
During data migration, you can now open the new User Migration Status window from the Data Migration Wizard Task Progress and Task Completed pages by clicking the User Status button. The User Migration Status window displays detailed per-user migration status in real time during the migration. By default, the migration status information is updated every 15 seconds. You can adjust the update interval with the new parameter [General] DetailedMigrationUserStatsUpdateInterval. |
MNE now supports multiple Office 365 SKUs. When setting options in the Office 365 Administrative Operations screen in the Data Migration Wizard, MNE remembers the last selected Office 365 license plan and the disabled services, if any. However, this is not the case for users that have manually set licensing options in global settings using the parameters [Exchange]O365AccountSkuId and [Exchange]O365DisabledServicePlans. These settings were previously used support users with multiple Office 365 SKUs. |
The ErrorsToIgnore INIs now work for provisioning and Directory Exporter. |
In the MNE Pre-Migration Planning Guide, the roles and permission setting for the SQL server have been reviewed and updated. |
Quest distinguishes between known “issues” (listed here), which are believed to be temporary and likely to be resolved in a future release, and known “limitations,” which are believed to be inherent to the process and environmental architectures, and are likely permanent. Appendix A of the MNE Pre-Migration Planning Guide provides a list of all such known limitations of the migration process as facilitated by the current version of Migrator for Notes to Exchange.
Draft calendar items are migrated to Exchange, but after migration they are not fully functional. |
When migrating to Office 365 using the SSDM with Modern Authentication enabled, custom attributes configured with a custom attrs.tsv file are not supported. If the SSDM encounters this unsupported configuration, an error is logged and the migration is aborted. |
The SSDM may crash when installed on a non-English operating system with Outlook 2016 and [Notes]RewriteDocLinks=1. To resolve the issue, set [Exchange]RewriteRTF=7. |
When migrating off-line, the HTMLdoclinks program parameter, in the [General] section of the Data Migration Wizard's task parameters, must be set to 0 (zero). The HTMLdoclinks=0 setting tells the Wizard to migrate Notes doclinks as Notes-style doclinks, which can be opened in Exchange only if a Notes client is installed on the client workstation. By default (HTMLdoclinks=1), Notes doclinks would migrate to Exchange as HTML-style links, which can be opened in a web browser if the user is able to use iNotes, but that default setting will cause errors in an offline migration. |
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