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How to configure PST Flight Deck server to use an alternate port for BITS uploads (4258406)

The BITS protocol is designed to run on port 80 by default. ... At times an organization may wish to run BITS on an alternate port for better visibility and control over the upload traffic. ... The following knowledge-base article details a method by which the FD server can be configured to receive BITS uploads on an alternate port, and how to configure PST PST Flight Deck to appropriately use this alternate BITS upload location.</p> <h3>Details:</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>First, disable BITS uploads under the Default Web Site.</em></span></p>

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 302 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Files with same entry ID in BITS upload (4289000)

Sometimes two files with same entry ID will appear in the BITS upload location. ... Pre-Processing Backup fails and the following error appears under events: ... Post Processing failed for PST Id -116: Multiple PST files with same ID found in upload location!

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 281 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
HOWTO: Change text /links in the Migration Agent pop-ups (4336971)

HOWTO: Change text /links in the Migration Agent pop-ups <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue</strong><br>Sometimes you may want to change the default text or links used in the Migration Agent pop-ups, for example the link to PST Migration Guide.<br><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4531" src="/kbarticleimages/QT/2017/11/PopUpWindow-1.png" alt=""></img><br><strong>Solution</strong><br>The links and text in the pop-ups may be changed in the PST Flight Deck Admin Console:<br>Settings &gt; Migration Agent &gt; tab “Language” &gt; select the correct profile &gt; hit “Edit Xml” in the ribbon:<br><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4528" src="/kbarticleimages/QT/2017/11/LangSettings.png" alt=""></img><br>Below is an example how you can change the link to PST Migration Guide; edit this section and save the changes:</p>

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 396 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Parked files (4301143)

There is a functionality in PST Flight Deck to upload “ownerless” PST files to PST Flight Deck and park them on the server. ... This functionality was designed to move ownerless files from the active working area into an alternate storage location while ownership is decided.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 343 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Migration Agent failed to upload PST file due to an inability to delete the SnapShot created from (4334292)

Migration Agent failed to upload PST file due to an inability to delete the SnapShot created from <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue:</strong><br>When the migration is configured to run in Transparent mode, SnapShots are created of attached PST files to ensure data consistency and continuity of user experience.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 346 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
HOWTO: Increase default timeout for extraction (4301285)

File is failing extraction process because it was not able to extract file in 10 minutes, what is default time. ... “EXCEPTION: QUADROtech.FlightDeck.PostProcess.UnresponsibleProcessTerminatedException: Worker process [8604] was terminated, because it didn’t update its status for [10] minute(s).“

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 613 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
File successfully uploaded but is not processed by modules (4277534)

File successfully uploaded but is not processed by modules <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue:</strong><br>File successfully uploaded but is not processed by any modules despite restarting those services.<br><strong>Summary:</strong><br>Uploaded files should begin processing by the post processing modules within the hour of having the Upload Status reflect a successful upload in most cases. Should you notice a prolonged period where files are not progressing, a likely culprit is that your license key has expired.<br>Other behavior noted from having an expired license key is as follows:</p>

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 365 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Syntax for the CSV Import Attributes Function (4339199)

There is a functionality in PST Flight Deck to import CSV files (Manage -> Users: Import Attributes). ... This gives us the possibility to update the properties for the batch of the users specified in the CSV files.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 775 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Issue: Handling of corrupted PST files (4293900)

Sometimes a PST file is uploaded to PST Flight Deck and processed by the Repair Module or the Extraction Module, but it fails with an error that would stop the file from further processing. ... Generally the setup is that the file skips the Repair Module, and the first failures are in the extraction module.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 385 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
How to configure BITS upload location (4341141)

If you need to configure the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) upload location, this can be achieved by following the steps outlined below: ... Setup the “local” BITS upload location in IIS on the server where the pst files will be uploaded to.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 279 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Request failed with HTTP Status 405: Method not allowed (4336945)

Request failed with HTTP Status 405: Method not allowed <div class="pf-content"><h4><strong>Issue</strong></h4> ... <p>Sometimes you might get HTTP Status 405 error on the client when communicating with Core web service:<br><a href="http://flightdeckcoreserver/PstFlightdeckWS/AdvancedClient.Svc" target="_blank">http://FlightDeckCoreServer/PstFlightdeckWS/AdvancedClient.Svc</a></p>

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
1 rating | 1362 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
PST files identified on removable media despite "Scan Removable media" being deselected (4341159)

PST files identified on removable media despite &quot;Scan Removable media&quot; being deselected <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Overview:</strong><br>Under some configurations, users may have PST files identified on removable media in PST Flight Deck despite having the option to “Scan Removable Media” deselected.<br><strong>Details</strong>:<br>This behavior has been observed under the following two conditions:</p>

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 274 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Installation of PST Flight Deck Management Console (4341189)

Normally run on the PST Flight Deck server, the Administration Console is a powerful interface that should be used by only specially trained personnel. ... There are situations where a less powerful console is needed and where the PST Flight Deck Management Console (Management Console) comes in.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 345 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
HowTo: Troubleshooting the Central Upload Agent (4272838)

Central Upload Agent can be a huge benefit for many migrations. ... Setup and operation of the Central Upload Agent is different than the typical Migration Agent and requires specific steps to be functional.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 645 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Info: Recommended "Folder Excludes" for PST Flight Deck (4307454)

Although PST files are typically used for an individual to store personal data, some applications also create PST files or have files with the same extension that are for use in another application.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 460 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
HowTo: Retrieving Migration Agent log file from the PST Flight Deck Admin Console (4336865)

C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\QUADROtech</em><br><img class="alignnone wp-image-2160" src="/kbarticleimages/QT/2017/11/PaWoBnP-300x100.jpg" alt=""></img><br>There is also an option to retrieve these log files directly from PST Flight Deck Server.<br><strong>Solution</strong><br>You can request the log files from the PST Flight Deck Admin Console (Manage -&gt; Users / Files):<br>1.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 333 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Office 365 user synchronization task not getting information (4336981)

Office 365 user synchronization task not getting information <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue</strong><br>The Office 365 user synchronization task is responsible for collecting the information about users Online primary &amp; archive mailboxes (size, free space, licensed). There are a few issues that can occur that will prevent the successful running of the task.<br>This KB lists those known issues and gives hints on how to solve them.<br><strong>Solution</strong><br><em>1) Ingest credentials are missing<br></em>You can identify this issue by seeing the following exception in “FlightDeck core.log” file:</p>

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 371 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Not all emails are displayed after PST migration (4334358)

After a PST is successfully migrated into Exchange or Office365 a User might see the correct PST folder structure in their mailbox, but not all the migrated email items will be displayed in Outlook.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 202 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Using profiles for testing (4341137)

At the beginning of a PST Flight Deck (FD) project, there are a limited and controllable number of agents deployed to the environment. ... Agent configuration could be set aggressively on a global scale and the impact on the FD server would be minimal.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 267 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Changing the number of Concurrent Ingestion (4339175)

Decrease: Getting Ingestion errors because of throttling from Microsoft Office 365. ... Summary: ... To change the number of concurrent ingestion go to: ... 1. PST Flight Deck Admin console > Settings > Module Editor > Office 365 > Number of Threads

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 323 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Worker process [PID] was terminated, because it didn’t update its status for [NN] minute(s). (4334350)

PST file fails mostly due to Filter, Deduplication, or ingestion into Office 365<br><strong>Details</strong><br>This message can occur for a number of reasons. ... The message occurs when there is a period of 10 minutes where a process did not update the service with its status.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 406 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
HOWTO: Configure environment for aggressive pre-production testing (4334381)

Many of the actions of PST Flight Deck occur on a schedule or timed delay. ... In production, it is necessary to keep a longer delay for several actions to ensure the system does not get overloaded.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 583 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Migrations using PST Flight Deck may result in some items failing to migrate successfully (4301108)

Large migration projects may include the migration of millions of items, and for a number of reasons some those items may not reach their final target. ... The number of failed items in a migration project is frequently a fraction of a percent of the total number of items processed by the migration solution.<br>Below is a list of commonly identified reasons that items may fail to migrate successfully using PST Flight Deck:</p> <ul><li>Requests timing out.</li><li>Items too large.</li><li>Throttling denials.</li><li>Target unavailability.</li><li>Item unavailable or corrupt in the source PST.</li><li>Unsupported items by the target due to size, type,

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 334 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Mapped drive handling in PST Flight Deck (4301049)

PST Flight Deck (FD) includes an agent with a powerful scanning engine to detect user PST files wherever a user places them. ... Although PST files are frequently shared on local disks, these files will sometimes be stored on a user’s home drive or other resource mapped to their user profile.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 356 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Limiting Agent BITS Max upload speeds (4341131)

BITS is used to upload PST data from a workstation to the Uploads directory on the PST Flight Deck server. ... In a default configuration, BITS will determine the total bandwidth available to a client and dynamically throttle the upload of a PST file by balancing client workload and bandwidth availability.

Produkt(e): PST Flight Deck
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.05.2023
NA rating | 429 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
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