There are four migrations that currently involve the ODM (On Demand Migration) product. One each for Email, OneDrive, Teams, and SharePoint.
Phase 1: Initial Migration
Phase 2: Delta testing (Optional)
Phase 3: Cutover
For the first migration run, we recommend migrating all emails older than 120 or 90 days. This will to help to ensure that a user is not moving emails between folders during the migration period to avoid duplicating emails. An additional migration run is needed to migrate all remaining emails before switching the mailbox to the target.
We recommend not migrating more than 1000 users at the same time. If you plan to do this, please get in touch with our support team for further assistance.
For email migrations we recommended to wait at least 10-15 minutes in between starting tasks.
We recommend that you can run Email and OneDrive migrations at the same time.
But do not run OneDrive migrations at the same time as SharePoint and Teams migrations. These workload migrations use the same migration API and share the same bandwidth limitations. The OneDrive migrations will typically dominate the migration throughput and the SharePoint and Teams migrations will run much slower than expected.
+++Please Note+++
Users should be informed prior to the initial migration that they should refrain from moving emails between folders during the migration period to avoid the potential of duplicating emails.
For Public Folder migrations, we recommend a mix of 100 Public Folder per collection with different sizes and item counts. Please avoid adding the Public Folder accounts with the highest item counts within one collection.
For Public Folder migrations we recommended to wait at least 10-15 minutes in between starting tasks.
For a detailed document regarding OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams migrations please download "On Demand Migration Strategy and Best Practices for Migrating Active Directory, Mail, OneDrive, SharePoint Online, and Teams Content " located here.
Once initial migrations are completed, begin the process of running delta migrations immediately to gauge the test results and confirm your final cut over dates.
Once at the final cutover stage you will be prepared through testing in earlier phases to complete the final migrations and cut over.
Note: You can download the latest version of the On Demand Migration Strategy and Best Practices for Migrating Active Directory, Mail, OneDrive, SharePoint Online, and Teams Content guide HERE.
Additional things to consider;
You should determine Target Completion dates for each phase of the operation along with a status to verify progress.
a sample explanation would be 100 user with 10 GB Mailboxes or less and 50 users with 50 GB mailboxes. Following the recommendations this would be divided into at the least two collections;
100 @10GB (assuming a 500MB per hr transfer time)1 this collection could take approximately 20 hrs to complete initial migration.
50 @50GB (as above) this collection could take approximately 100 hrs to complete initial migration.
Both of these migrations could be run at the same time providing that you do not exceed the 8000 mailboxes concurrently limit. So you could estimate that to perform the initial mailbox migrate it would take 100 hrs. It is also very prudent to add additional time to these estimates as you do not have total control over the entire environment.
*1 The transfer time of 500MB/hr depicted here in this example is just an estimate based on one example in a lab environment. Your time will be different and only testing will provide accurate data.
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