The Directory Synchronization Agent is not functioning as intended.
To remove and install the DSA follow the steps below.
It is important to first backup the "UndoStorage" folder within the CONFIGS folder (Default path: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Quest Software\Migration Manager\DSA\CONFIGS\UndoStorage) in order to perform an undo of a migration session. This can then be copied over the new "UndoStorage" folder in the new path.
From the Services MMC.
1. Stop all Quest Services on the workstation that has the DSA installed on it.
From within QMM
1. Click on the “Active Directory” tab.
2. Stop all Directory Synchronization Jobs.
3. Gather ADAM (AD LDS) Project information.
a. Click on “Project” along the top toolbar and select “Open Project”.
b. Click on “Configure ADAM/ADLDS” and write down the information on the right for later use.
4. Select “Tools” along the top toolbar and select “Agent Manager”
5. Right click the workstation that has the DSA installed and select “Uninstall”
6. Complete the wizard to remove the DSA from the workstatin.
7. Reboot the workstation that had the DSA installed on it.
8. Following steps 4 and 5 above open up the “Agent Manager”
9. Right click on “Agents” and select “Install”
10. Type in the name of the workstation that you want to have the DSA installed on and click “Ok”
11. Follow the prompts by the installation wizard to completely install the DSA.
a. During the wizard you will be asked to enter in the ADAM/ADLDS information from step 3.b.
12. Once the wizard completes click on the “Refresh” icon in Agent Manager and the workstation will now be shown.
13. If you had entered in a “Preferred Domain” and “Preferred Global Catalog” controllers you can enter them in now.
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