This document is providing a list of additional CCU parameters, that can be configured through update_msi.cmd as well as some Q&A.
Parameters description:
TARGET_OU - specifies OU in the target domain that machine will be joined to
CMD_START - the process that will be started at the beginning of migration before the UI appears.
CMD_PREJOIN - the process that will be started after password verification and Vmover processing, but before being included in the target domain.
CMD_POSTJOIN - command line that will be executed after moving the computer to the target domain and before the first reboot.
CMD_POSTRESTORE - the process that will be started after restoring the cache before the second reboot.
CMD_END - the process that will be started after the service de-registering, before the second reboot, the service does not wait for the end of the process. By default the uninstall will be launched:
"%SystemRoot%\System32\msiexec.exe" /quiet /norestart /x [ProductCode]
Note: These all support a SINGLE command. You cannot concatenate or add multiple CMD_XXX lines to run more than one thing; you'll have to build a script that does everything in one command.
What types of scripts can be used with this process?
It is not a script. It is the path to the process to be launched. For PS1, for example, please make sure to run powershell.exe with it
If CMD_END is not reassigned it should contain something like this "%SystemRoot%\System32\msiexec.exe\" /quiet /norestart /x [ProductCode]
And all these parameters are from the ini file, they are named differently in the setup:
custom.cmd.start - CMD_START
custom.cmd.prejoin - CMD_PREJOIN
custom.cmd.postjoin - CMD_POSTJOIN
custom.cmd.postrestore - CMD_POSTRESTORE
custom.cmd.end - CMD_END
What are the restrictions to using these parameters?
Elevation, impersonation, etc.
As what we see for now custom. cmd.postrestore is used by us for metrocleanup, respectively, if you change it (without calling '"vmover.exe" /c /metrocleanup=* / log= "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Quest Software\CacheCred\vmover.log"') metrocleanup will not work for win10 metro applications.
custom. cmd.end is used for auto installation.
In addition, the network should not be available in custom.cmd.postrestore.
cscript update_msi.js //Nologo "setup.msi" "CMD_POSTJOIN" "'%%SystemRoot%%\System32\cmd.exe' /C echo 'post join to target domain custom command'"
Note: running PowerShell scripts directly from the CCU share may not work and it may require copying files locally prior to execution. As in this example:
cscript update_msi.js //Nologo "setup.msi" "CMD_START" "'%%SystemRoot%%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe' 'Copy-Item -Path '\\file_server_with_ccu_files\CCU\Migration_Scripts' -Destination C:\Temp -Recurse -Force ; & C:\Temp\Migration_Scripts\MigrationStart.ps1'"
Note: this parameter list is a subject to change and can be version-specific.
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