The Oracle database server where the Foglight database repository will be installed only has Service_Name available for the connection. There is no Oracle SID available to be used.
During the Foglight installation, when providing the Service_Name of the Oracle database, the connection fails with the following error:
"ORA-12518 TNS: listener could not hand off client connection".
How can be configured an Oracle server for the Foglight database repository, when using Oracle Service_Name instead of Oracle SID?
When connecting through a SERVICE_NAME, you’ll also need to add the host and port, along with the / symbol preceding the SERVICE_NAME itself
if connecting without a configured NET_SERVICE_NAME or even SERVICE_NAME, you can do so directly through the SID by using the : symbol instead of the / symbol as with the SERVICE_NAME connection string:
When connecting through a SERVICE_NAME, you’ll also need to add the host and port, along with the / symbol preceding the SERVICE_NAME itself
if connecting without a configured NET_SERVICE_NAME or even SERVICE_NAME, you can do so directly through the SID by using the : symbol instead of the / symbol as with the SERVICE_NAME connection string:
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