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Foglight for Databases 7.1.0 Release Notes

These Release Notes cover the resolved issues, known issues, workarounds, and other important information about the 7.1.0 release of Foglight for...

Erstellt: Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2024
Foglight for DB2 (Cartridge) 7.2.0 Getting Started Guide

This is a quick guide for the installation and use of Foglight for DB2 LUW, from the planning stage up to the actual monitoring of database...

Erstellt: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024
Foglight for DB2 (Cartridge) 7.2.0 User Guide

This User Guide is intended for DB2 database administrators and provides information on administering and monitoring DB2 databases.

Erstellt: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024
Foglight for DB2 (Cartridge) 7.2.0 Release Notes

These Release Notes cover the resolved issues, known issues, workarounds, and other important information about the release of Foglight for DB2 LUW...

Erstellt: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024
Foglight for DB2 (Cartridge) 7.2.0 Hardware Sizing Guide

This guide provides the minimal hardware settings required for proper functioning of the Foglight Management Server, Foglight for DB2 LUW operation...

Erstellt: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024
Foglight for Oracle (Cartridge) 7.2.0 User Guide

This guide covers the entire monitoring process, starting with the discovery of the database instances and the connection with these instances, and...

Erstellt: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024
Foglight for Oracle (Cartridge) 7.2.0 Release Notes

These Release Notes cover the resolved issues, known issues, workarounds and other important information about the release of Foglight for Oracle.

Erstellt: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024

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Foglight Cartridge for Oracle 7.2.2

Foglight Cartridge for Oracle allows Database Administrators to quickly and efficiently identify performance deviations, determine their root cause...

Erstellt: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024
Foglight Cartridge for DB2 7.2.2

Foglight Cartridge for DB2 LUW utilizes a lightweight agent that provides real-time monitoring of all layers of an enterprise application (systems...

Erstellt: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024
Foglight Cartridge for MySQL PI 7.2.2 (needs MySQL 7.1.0 download or higher)

Foglight Cartridge for MySQL PI

Überarbeitet: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024
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Artikel der Knowledge Base

4375837 - Failed to start SQL PI engine due to"Cannot register engine due to mismatch in connection to the repository parameter"

SQL PI cannot be started due to errors such as the following Failed to start SQL PI engine due to "Cannot register engine due to mismatch in...

Erstellt: Freitag, 24. Mai 2024
4375823 - False alarms from "DBSS - File Group Utilization" rule when the database files are in a remote storage

The rule DBSS - File Group Utilization generates false alarms for a few File Groups that contain database files in a remote storage like DFS...

Erstellt: Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024
4375712 - Receiving many DBSS - Days Since Last Backup alarms on AG secondary node.

An environment has many SQL Server availability groups where the secondary replica is not available for monitoring. These availability groups...

Erstellt: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024
4375711 - Configuring frequencies for collections that are not listed in the Snowflake Agent Status Properties

Several Snowflake agent collections are not listed in the Agent Status Properties. Can the frequencies of these be adjusted? 

Erstellt: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024
4375681 - What are the Offline, Online, and Real-time frequencies?

There are several choices for collection frequency options, what are the Offline, Online, and Real-time collection frequencies?  

Erstellt: Freitag, 10. Mai 2024
4375602 - Why does the DBSS Page Life Expectancy fire alarms for values less than the threshold?

The DBSS Page Life Expectancy fires alarms for values when the buffer cache page life expectancy less than the threshold. Why does this happen?

Erstellt: Freitag, 3. Mai 2024
4375587 - How to edit the default Error Log filter list for new SQL Server agents

We would like to add some items to the ignore list for all of our SQL Servers. We know how to do it for individual servers by selecting them then...

Erstellt: Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2024
4375704 - PagerDuty integration configured successfully but alarms are not synchronized

PagerDuty cartridge configured but it is not forwarding alarms to PagerDuty. Connectivity to PagerDuty from the Foglight Management Server (FMS...

Überarbeitet: Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2024
4375845 - How to remove old objects left over from deleted agents or decommissioned servers

After decommissioning a server and deleting the corresponding agent, the Infrastructure dashboard and Hosts dashboard still list that same...

Überarbeitet: Dienstag, 28. Mai 2024
4371761 - Sybase data is not collected due to permissions issues

The Sybase SAP ASE agent is installed but data cannot be seen in the panels and the logs indicate that the collections are failing.

Überarbeitet: Montag, 27. Mai 2024
4375387 - Users not associated to groups and roles when using Windows Single Sign-On

Users not associated to groups and roles when using Windows Single Sign-On (SSO). Users get created when login via SSO but groups are not...

Überarbeitet: Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024
4345216 - Topology churn fixes

Überarbeitet: Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024
4310331 - Sybase agent timeout

Überarbeitet: Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024
4227984 - SQL Server agent support for Kerberos authentication

The SQL Server agent uses NTLM to connect for authentication. How can Kerberos be configured?

Überarbeitet: Dienstag, 21. Mai 2024
4305727 - Duplicate Host displayed under Infrastructure Dashboard

It has been observed in some scenarios that under Infrastructure │Host or just the Infrastructure dashboard duplicate host are displayed.

Überarbeitet: Dienstag, 21. Mai 2024
4314685 - Foglight script to display the objects that are causing topology object "churn"

Is it possible to run a Foglight script to display the objects that are causing topology object "churn"* on a Foglight Management Server (FMS...

Überarbeitet: Dienstag, 21. Mai 2024
4309875 - Using the Postgresql Server Overview dashboard

What do the PostgreSQL Server Overview and Current Backends dashboards display?

Überarbeitet: Freitag, 17. Mai 2024
4373884 - Foglight 7.1 upgrade fails if integrated authentication is used in existing Foglight environment

Foglight 7.1 upgrade fails if using integrated authentication to connect to Foglight SQL Server repository in the existing Foglight environment...

Überarbeitet: Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2024
4301580 - Why does the SQL server agent use xp_cmdshell for monitoring the server?

Why would Foglight be using xp_cmdshell for monitoring the server? 

Überarbeitet: Dienstag, 7. Mai 2024
4374332 - Are SQL Server Trace flags 1204 or 1222 used to capture deadlocks?

Microsoft has suggested to remove the dead lock trace flags (1204 and 1222) permanently on all the SQL server instances. Is the SQL Server agent...

Überarbeitet: Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2024
4269090 - MongoDb alerts are not being sent via Pager Duty.

Pager Duty is configured and reporting most of the alarms. However, there is no alarms received for MongoDb cartridge.

Überarbeitet: Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2024
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