Using the new Foglight DB2 Cartridge version = 5.5.8_840, the following error occurs when an agent is created. Foglight id is id is part of db2supp which has the permissions of SYSCTRL and SYSADM.
Cartridge for DB2 5.5.8.x
ECHO <DB_DB2/> ERROR [DB2-HOSTNAME-INSTANCENAME-highPriorityPool-1] - Failed to run DB2PartitionDataProcessor processor of DB2_Startup collection.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to execute collection [DB2_Startup], reason=DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-551, SQLSTATE=42501, SQLERRMC=AFOGLIGHT;EXECUTE;SYSPROC.DB_PARTITIONS, DRIVER=4.12.55- Profile:DB2Profile{host='HOSTNAME', port=63935, databaseName='XXXXXXXX', username='USERNAME', password=xxxxxxx''} Query: "SELECT partition_number, host_name, port_number FROM TABLE(DB_PARTITIONS()) AS T"
Cartridge for DB2 5.6.10.x
Update the required monitoring Grants by re-validating the Database(s) and supplying an account with SYSADM privs to update the Foglight permissions on the instance.
SQLCODE -551 SQLSTATE 42501 corresponds to does not have the privilege to perform operation on object. Authorization ID auth-id attempted to perform operation on object object-name without having been granted the proper authority to do so.
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