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Creating a template based on agent settings
If you have previously configured alarm settings for a database agent, you may create an Alarm Template based on those settings and re-apply that template to other database targets.
This process does not link the agent settings to the alarm template; in the future if you update the source agent, you also need to update the alarm template.
NOTE: The option to create a template based on agent settings is only available for the following agents:
SQL Server
Azure SQL Server
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)
To create a template based on an agent:
On the Databases dashboard, select the check box for the agent with the settings you want to base your template on.
Click Configure Alarms.
Click the Alarms Template Settings tab and select Create a template based on an agent.
In the Unassigned Agent drop-down, select the agent to use for the new template settings.
Enter a name for the template and click Save and navigate.
The new alarm template will be created using the agent settings, and will be displayed in the Alarm Templates dashboard.
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Konnten Sie mithilfe dieses Artikels ein Problem lösen?
Your Request will be reviewed by our technical reviewer team and, if approved, will be added as a Topic in our Knowledgebase.
Empfohlener Inhalt
Foglight Cloud
7.3.0, 7.1.0, 6.3.0, 6.1.0, 6.0.0
Foglight Evolve
7.3.0, 7.1.0, 6.3.0, 6.1.0, 6.0.0
Foglight for Databases
7.3.0, 7.1.0, 6.3.0, 6.1.0, 6.0.0
Erstellt am: 9/17/2021 Letzte Aktualisierung am: 11/29/2024
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