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Enterprise Reporter for Windows Server Introduction
This video discusses the importance of audit and compliance procedures in organizations, as well as the common mistakes made in these procedures. It highlights the challenges organizations face, such as lack of process automation and outdated information, and the consequences of these mistakes, such as security breaches and non-compliance. The video then introduces Enterprise Reporter, an enterprise reporting solution that provides automated and scalable auditing, analyzing, and reporting on Microsoft Active Directory, Windows servers, SQL servers, and file servers. It discusses the features of the Enterprise Reporter for Windows servers module, including access assessment, local policy assessment, and permissions reporting. The video also showcases some of the out-of-the-box reports available in Enterprise Reporter, such as change history, computer information, hotfix information, and NTFS-based reporting. Finally, it introduces the Access Explorer module, which allows organizations to scan and index security access information on files, folders, and shares to provide real-time insights into account permissions.
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Erstellt am: 9/22/2023 Letzte Aktualisierung am: 6/7/2024
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