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Download LiteSpeed for SQL Server 8.9.8


Date: May 22, 2023

What's New:
• Support for SQL Server 2022 (Tolerant support)

• LS-2358: Automatically delete log files older than ‘n’ days option is added under the LiteSpeed Logging window
• LS-2376: Disconnect users when restoring full backup option is added under the Backup options step in the Create Log shipping Plan Wizard window
• LS-2355: The wildcard validation for the databases is added in the Backup Template Deployment wizard under the Deploy step
• LS-2359: The mirror option is added under the Backup options step in the Create Log shipping Plan Wizard
• LS-2329: Synchronize local and central activities option is added in the context menu of SQL Server tree in Backup Manager which to delete duplicate data in local and central repositories
• LS-2322: Reversing Log Shipping plan roles procedures without performing a full backup option is added under the Backup options step in the Log Shipping Plan
• LS-2349: Parameter CloudProxyBufferSize is added in LiteSpeedSettings.ini file under the [litespeed] section
• LS-2434: Load databases from all instances at once option is added under the Backup Manager section
• LS-2432: Logging for Cloud Proxy while using Amazon S3 Cloud Storage is implemented

• LS-2417 - "Error occurred. Cannot find column[DatabaseName]" error is encountered when switching to LiteSpeed Activity tab
• LS-2431 - "The passwords entered do not match" popup window and disabling Next step is missing when the wrong or non-matching password is set under the Compression step in the Backup Template Wizard window
• LS-2430 - "Object of type 'System.Int32' cannot be converted to type 'System.Nullable`1[System.UInt64]'." error is encountered when Processor affinity is manually set in the Advanced Options window and Backup Template is deployed
• LS-2383 - "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'values', Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'" error is encountered when SQLServers(Central) Reports tab in the application is clicked while using SQL Server 2005
• LS-2366 - Subfolders can be added with the same name under the Backup location window in the Backup Template Wizard window

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SHA256: f9105445d01bf4e411e8adb174d8d7c21c1e8f94a578b1db8d19669adf5474ee