For now, you can change the PrimarySMTPAddress manually in the databases, and then continue with the ingestion process for the user. If a user has a new PrimarySMTPAddress, you need to make changes in 3 places in the database:
1. Update the user’s PrimarySMTPAddress in the item database the [SenderRecipientMapping] table.
update SenderRecipientMapping set PrimarySMTPAddress = ‘’
where ContainerMappingId = x
and PrimarySMTPAddress = ‘’
2. Update the user’s PrimarySMTPAddress in the directory database. Update the user’s PrimarySMTPAddress in the [JournalExplosionUserMapping] table and delete the record from the [SenderRecipientMappingStatisticsconsolidated] table.
update JournalExplosionUserMapping set MappedSmtpAddress = ‘’
where OriginalSmtpAddress = ‘’
and containerMAppingId = x
3. Delete the user’s old PrimarySMTPAddress from the [SenderRecipientMappingStatisticsconsolidated] table.
delete from SenderRecipientMappingStatisticsConsolidated
where ContainerMappingId = x
and PrimarySMTPAddress = ‘’
NOTE: You might need to run the ItemRoutingJournalExplosionStatisticsConsolidation task manually to see the changes (the user mapping with new PrimarySMTPAddress) in Stage 1 immediately. But the task runs quite often by default. It is running every 3 minutes.
To run the task manually, run the SQL query below in the Archive Shuttle directory database:
Update [dbo].[ScheduledTask] set RunNow = 1 where ScheduledTaskId = 20