This article explains how to check SQL auditing status and interpret the shown information.
Finding quick info about current SQL auditing status for both, central repository, and audited SQL Server instances, is optimized by placing this info in a centralized manner without the necessity to browse around application GUI to gather it. This article explains where the most important information is located, what does it contain and what activities are recommended based on the information.
All relevant information about the current SQL auditing status can be found in the Status tab of the main ApexSQL Audit GUI. This tab will be shown by default when the application GUI is started:
The status information will be separated for the central instance and every other audited instance, and can be accessed by clicking the item named “Central instance” in the Server list in the left panel and for the audited instances by clicking on their respective names in the same list:
Additional status regarding the central repository database (hosting SQL Server, database size, storage size, total number of audited instances) can be found in the status bar at the bottom:
This status bar is always visible regardless of the current tab.
As previously explained, the central instance status will be shown by default when the GUI is started and the status will be aggregated in two distinctive sections, Global and Central sections.
The Global section provides status regarding the relationship with audited instance and from the top to bottom the status items are:
Based on the current availability status, the icon in the Server list will be changed:
In the Central section, properties of the application and the central instance, i.e. the SQL Server hosting the repository, will be shown, and available details are:
Clicking on any item in the Server list with the label that corresponds to the audited SQL Server instance name will display the status for that instance. The information is grouped in the following manner:
In case communication with the audited SQL Server is interrupted, instead of status the message shown on the screenshot below will appear with the link to the first troubleshooting step, i.e. to redeploy SQL auditing agent which, further on, can diagnose SQL Server availability:
Note that due to SQL Server and network traffic congestion some of the SQL auditing information may not be shown in real-time. It is also possible, in some cases due to slow network response, that an audited instance is shown as unavailable so as a precaution before troubleshooting, it is recommended to wait for 25-30 seconds for the status to get refreshed.
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