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ApexSQL Audit is using trace instead of extended events
When ApexSQL Audit is configured to use extended events, trace sessions are also created.
When extended events technology is used, an extended event session is initiated to collect DML, SELECT and EXEC operations, while Trace technology is initiated for the remaining events. This is how extended events technology is designed to work in ApexSQL Audit.
There are certain technical constraints to move to 100% extended events.
Our research for his topic reached the conclusion to retain the same
design we leverage as of now. Consequently, the main driver for this
conclusion is unreliable auditing from the data accuracy perspective.
for this particular auditing technology, we have parallel auditing data
processing via the traces and extended events technologies.
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ApexSQL Audit
Article History:
Created on: 3/24/2022 Last Update on: 5/7/2023
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