How to move InTrust databases, including Audit DB(s), Alert DB(s) and Configuration DB to a new SQL server. After moving databases using wizards InTrust fails to function and/or 'Quest InTrust Server' service fails to start.
When moving InTrust databases from one SQL location to another there are many SQL options to choose from, but best option would be to backup each SQL database that will be moved, and restore them on the new SQL Server\Instance. This can be done while the InTrust Server remains running, but it is best to choose a time to complete this when no tasks are running or may begin to run.
The InTrust_Cfg_DB must be re-located as InTrust will not function without it. The other (Audit and Alert) databases can be moved if desired or new (empty) versions of these databases can be re-created and InTrust will repopulate them as required.
There is also a command line tool (adccfgdb.exe) that must be used for the InTrust Server to see the new location of the InTrust_Cfg_DB. Follow these steps after restoring the database(es) to the new SQL server:
1. For InTrust server version 10.x, run the following command "C:\Program Files\Quest Software\InTrust\Server\ADC\Support Tools\adccfgdb.exe /server NewSQLName,[port]" (if database name is unchanged during restore).
For InTrust server version 11.x , run the following command "C:\Program Files\Quest\InTrust\Server\ADC\SupportTools\adccfgdb.exe /server NewSQLName,[port]" (if database name is unchanged during restore).
2. For InTrust server 10.x, If database name changed during the restore then run "C:\Program Files\Quest Software\InTrust\Server\ADC\Support Tools\adccfgdb.exe /server NewSQLName,[port] /database NewDatabaseName"
For InTrust server 11.x , If database name changed during the restore then run "C:\Program Files\Quest\InTrust\Server\ADC\SupportTools\adccfgdb.exe /server NewSQLName,[port] /database NewDatabaseName"
5. Repeat step 4 for 'Default Audit ..., Default Alert ...' and any other remaining databases (it will create the DB if it doesn't exist, i.e. you didn't move/copy it over) and commit changes within InTrust Manager.
If there are multiple InTrust servers in your Organization, steps 1 through 3 must be repeated on all of them.
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