When trying to import connections with the Wizard, the connections from Management Studio 18 don't appear there and is not possible to browse to look for them manually either. ... None ... STATUS
Getting error "System.NullReferenceException" when going to Object Explorer and trying to load the list of tables. ... This only happens when connected to SQL Server 2005 and 2008. ... In the grid pane there is the following message:
How to change Dark Mode in Toad for SQL Server (new in version 8.0) Toad for SQL Server version 8.0 includes a new dark mode skin.
Highlighting Styles are not getting saving selected color for the display item 'Text' only. ... It changes back to black regardless of any color chosen. ... Skin is Office black 2016.
When the "Dev Express dark style" theme is used, the Auto replace option doesn't work with its predefined "typo" replacements WORKAROUND<br>None<br><br>STATUS<br>Issue fixed in version 8.1. The latest version of Toad for SQL Server can be downloaded <a href="https://support.quest.com/toad-for-sql-server/download-new-releases" target="_blank">here</a> TSS-2564
Schema Compare does not support SQL Server 2016 in version 6.7 and previous WORKAROUND ... None ... STATUS ... Issue fixed in version 6.8. ... The latest version of Toad for SQL Server can be downloaded here TSS-1349
Getting error "You must enter a valid license and site message in order to continue" when entering the license key and site message in version 6.7. ... This license works in previous version of Toad for SQL server.
This method implicitly uses CAS policy, which has been obsoleted by the .NET Framework. ... In order to enable CAS policy for compatibility reasons, please use the NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy configuration switch.
This happens even if they are collapsed prior to it being closed and re-opened. ... <div>WORKAROUND:<br>None</div> ... <div>
Steps to reproduce the problem: ... Go to Object explorer ,drag one table to the editor and select "select statement" Result is , for example, ... SELECT AddressID, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, StateProvinceID, PostalCode, SpatialLocation, rowguid, ModifiedDate
When you drag a connection record and try to move it to a connection group, a blue arrow appears, but the record doesn’t move there when the mouse is released.
A few options are not correctly displayed in Toad for SQL Server GUI<br><br>Screenshots for reference - <br><img alt="Jira1.jpg" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka0RP0000002Ao5&feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&refid=0EM6R0000050wiL" style="width: 485.994px;height: 447.992px;"></img><br><img alt="Jira 2.jpg" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka0RP0000002Ao5&feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&refid=0EM6R0000050wiV" style="width: 540px;height: 823.996px;"></img>
When using Tools | Import Wizard | Add File (Excel file) and the file contains alphanumeric values, for example, "V0M4E2", the import wizard failed with message: "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value ...to data type int." Workaround 1: Convert the Excel file to a CSV<br>Workaround 2: Using the Excel file, in the last step check the flag for the error<br><br><img alt="Import wizard.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000000Bzc9&feoid=00N6R00000J0qH8&refid=0EM6R000006A9OH" style="width: 774px;height: 489px;"></img> Waiting for fix in a future release, TSS-2582 TSS-2582
User gets the error below no matter where one tries to save the file. ... If one tries save the file to C:\temp and one can see this path in their User Interface, it still reverts with the above path in the error message.
The schema Compare option is not visible when the user right-clicks on the database from the Database section from Object Explorer. ... WORKAROUND
When using the Sort Filter on large query Toad will not show all the values Defect: TSS-1741 <p>Workaround: none</p> ... <p>Waiting for a fix in a future version</p> TSS-1741
After connecting to the server, the expected objects/tables are not listed in the object explorer. ... The connected user ID and password should have permission to view the objects. ... <p>Assuming there is no privilege limitation on the server/account end, verify the following:</p>
Toad for SQL Server 8.0 is supported on Windows 11.
When I go to Help, Upgrade to get the latest version of Toad I am brought to a web page for a free trial of Toad. ... I want to go to the page with the latest version available for updating Toad.
The user gets an error message “Invalid data source definition: SharePoint: failed to get binary security token” when he tries to connect to Share point Online. ... This seems to be related to MFA enabled on the user’s domain.
How to enable Debug Mode in Toad for SQL Server so that it creates a verbose log of all actions within the application. ... Find your Toad Shortcut, perform a Copy on it, go to your Desktop location, and then Paste it there.<br><br>2.
How and where to download a trial version for Toad for SQL Server.<br><br>- Toad for SQL Server Subscription Edition<br>- Toad for SQL Server Offline Edition NA You can download the trial version from <a href="https://www.quest.com/register/54726/" target="_blank">here</a>.<br><br>The default trial version is subscription edition. If you require an offline edition, please contact the support team <a href="https://support.quest.com/create-service-request" target="_blank">here </a> to request an offline installer.<br><br>Please contact <a href="https://www.quest.com/company/contact-us.aspx" target="_blank">Quest Sales</a> and request for an offline trial key.
If asked if you want to ‘Migrate’ settings from previous versions, choose CANCEL or NO.</p> ... <p>6) ... Ensure that your TDP seems to have been reset to factory defaults.</p> ... <p>7) ... Re-test the issue.</p>
Usage of the /common endpoint is not supported for such applications created after '10/15/2018'. ... Use a tenant-specific endpoint or configure the application to be multi-tenant.</p> Toad for SQL Server does not support Single-Tenant connections.
When trying to connect SQL Optimizer installed on a Windows Server 2019 to a SQL Server 2016 instance installed on Windows Server 2012 R2, you might get this error: ... “A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process.
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