The following reports are available for the Toad Sample Database in the Reports Manager (Tools | Reports | Reports Manager):
Report Name | Description |
Customer orders | Displays customer orders for contact IDs less than 10 from the Toad sample database. It is an example of master detail display using a single result set. |
Customer list | Displays a list of customers from the Toad sample database. |
Items to order | Displays items in stock that have a quantity of less than 50 and should be reordered from the Toad sample database. |
The following reports are available from the Reports Manager (Tools | Reports | Reports Manager).
Report Name | Description |
Clusters | Displays cluster information, including the cluster type, definitions, storage parameters, and affected tables. |
Report Name | Description |
Invalid objects | Displays any invalid objects for the selected schema and includes a subtotal of all invalid objects for that owner. |
Loads into shared pool |
Displays packages that have been loaded five or more times, into the Oracle shared pool. Note: You must have DBA privileges for this report. |
Non-system objects in SYSTEM tables |
Displays any objects in the SYSTEM tablespace that are not owned by SYSTEM. |
Oracle initialization parameters | Displays the values for all parameters defined in the PFILE for the selected user. |
Tablespaces near capacity | Displays tablespaces that over 90% full, and do not have the autoextend feature enabled. |
Total shared pool reload stats |
Displays the number of times objects in the shared pool were reloaded. Note: You must have DBA privileges for this report. |
User hit ratios | Displays the buffer cache hit ratio users and includes consistent gets, blocked gets, and physical reads. |
User resource usage | Displays values for resource usage such as CPU used and SQL*Net roundtrips for each user. |
Report Name | Description |
Sequences | Displays the sequences that are within 10% of the maximum value. Any sequences that do not have a maximum value set, or those that cycle are excluded from the report. |
Sequences near max | Displays the sequences that are within 10% of the maximum value. Any sequences that do not have a maximum value set, or those that cycle are excluded from the report. |
Report Name | Description |
Arguments of stand-alone stored programs | Displays any parameters required for the selected stored procedure. |
Object type bodies | Displays the body or source code for a selected object. |
Object types | Displays the type of objects owned by a user, including whether the objects are valid and when they were created or last modified. |
Package bodies | Displays the body or source code for a selected package |
Package specifications | Displays specifications for a selected package, including whether it is valid and when it was created or last modified. |
Stand-alone stored programs | Displays the source code for a stored program, including the type of program and the last time DDL was generated. |
Stored functions | Displays a list of stored functions for a selected owner. |
Stored object with source | Displays a list of all stored programs including their source. |
Stored procedures | Displays the source for stored procedures for a selected owner. |
Report Name | Description |
Synonyms | Displays information for each synonym, including the owner, table owner and name, and the DB link. |
Report Name | Description |
Indexes | Displays details for the index definition, storage parameters, and columns included in the index. |
Non-indexed tables | Displays any tables that have not been indexed for the selected database. |
Table comments | Displays any comments for the selected table. |
Tables & columns | Displays all columns for a selected table, including the maximum transactions, used/free blocks, free lists and groups, min/max extents, and columns included in this index. |
Tables & indexes | Displays any indexes for a selected table, including the status, uniqueness, and columns included in the index. |
Report Name | Description |
Triggers & columns | Displays triggers for a selected table, including the trigger event, status, WHEN clause, and columns associated with the trigger. |
Report Name | Description |
Sample | Displays a sample user report based on a select * from dual query. |
Report Name | Description |
View comments | Displays any comments for the selected view. |
Views & columns | Displays all columns for a selected view, including the query and columns included in the view. |
The following reports are available from the Reports Manager (Tools | Reports | Reports Manager).
Report Name | Description |
All jobs | Displays all scheduled SQL Server jobs and the job owner, organized by server. |
Backup history | Displays the backup start date, type, and device used for the backup for a specified database for a set number of days. |
Backup status | Displays the database name, date of the last backup, days since the last backup, and the type of backup performed. |
Current lock report | Displays any locks on the server, including the database name, object or index name, type of lock, resource, mode, and status. |
Database configuration options | Displays configuration options for each database on the specified server. |
Database settings | Displays any common options and their values for all the databases on your server. |
Database user details | Displays the user name, roles, objects, granted/denied status, and column permissions for each database. |
Display errors | Displays a log file without entries for log backups. This is useful when you have a number of log backup entries and you need to locate non-backup errors. |
Drive space usage | Displays space for all databases on the server, including free space, space used, maximum size, and growth type. |
Foreign key sequence |
Displays tables in the order you can either populate or delete from them without violating any foreign key constraints. Objects with the lowest wave number indicate that they can be deleted with the fewest number of foreign key references. Objects with the highest wave number should be populated first. |
Index description | (SQL Server 2000 only) Displays all indexes for the current database sorted by table. Index information includes whether it is clustered, unique, index keys, and the index size. run frequency, and the maximum duration. |
Job details | (SQL Server 2000 only) Displays all SQL Server jobs, including whether they are scheduled, enabled, start date and time, |
Row count for tables with clustered index | Displays the number of rows for all tables on a server that contain a clustered index. |
Total rows and space used | Displays the total number of rows and space used for each table or view in the current database, including the reserved rows, unused rows, and index size. This report is sorted in descending order by reserved rows. |
User permissions | Displays users permissions, grouped by role name and object type. |
Report Name | Description |
Configuration change history | Displays a history of all sp_configure and Trace Flag Changes recorded by the default trace. |
Schema change history | Displays a history of all committed DDL statement executions recorded by the default trace. |
Report Name | Description |
Indexes | Displays index information for a selected table, including whether the index is clustered, unique, ignores duplicate keys, allows page/row locks, and a list of indexed columns. |
Non-indexed tables | Displays any tables that have not been indexed for the selected database. |
Table constraints | Displays any check constraints for a selected table, including whether the constraint is enabled, valid data, and affected columns. |
Table extended properties |
Displays any extended properties for a selected table. |
Table relationships | Displays any foreign key constraints for a selected table, including whether the constraint is enabled, referenced tables, and referenced keys. |
Tables and columns | Displays all columns for a selected table, including the data type, default value, whether it allows null values, and for SQL Server 2005 any extended properties. |
Tables and indexes | Displays any indexes for a selected table, including the name, columns included in the index, and whether it is unique or clustered. |
Report Name | Description |
Stored procedures | Displays stored procedures for a selected database, including their status, status, replication information, schema version, statistics, and procedure text. |
Toad provides multiple ways to publish and share information with your business community. Use the following methods to publish and share information from the Project Manager, Reports Manager, and Automation.
You can use the following methods to publish and share information:
To email from... |
Do this... |
Automation |
Drag the Send Email activity to the Automation workflow and attach files as needed. The email is sent when the automation script executes. See Use System Automation Activities for more information. |
To publish to a central location from... |
Do this... |
Project Manager, |
Right-click a report or file and select Send To | Toad Shared. The file is sent to the Toad shared folder specified in Tools | Options | Environment | Network Share. |
Automation |
Drag the Copy File activity to the Automation workflow. Specify the file to copy or move and a destination folder. This can be any folder, including the Toad shared folder, or a network folder. The file is copied or moved when the automation script executes. See Use File Automation Activities for more information. |
To send to a zip file... |
Do this... |
Automation |
Drag the Zip File activity to the workflow. Add reports and files to the Zip file and specify a file name with a .zip extension. The ZIP file can then be emailed with the Send Email activity or copied with the Copy File activity. See Use File Automation Activities for more information. |
To publish to Intelligence Central from... | Do this... |
Project Manager, |
Right-click a file and select Send To | Publish File. See Publish Toad Documents to Intelligence Central for more information. |
Automation |
Drag the Publish Files activity to the Automation workflow. Add reports and files created previously in the script or add other existing files. See Use File Automation Activities for more information. |
To export a Toad report to a file that can be read by other applications, double-click a report in the Reports Manager, click in the Report Preview window, select a file format, and add the file to a project. Share or publish the file using the Project Manager functions. See Project Manager for more information.
To capture report results in a file, add the Toad Report automation activity. This activity runs a Toad report and saves the results in a file format you select. Share or publish the file using the Automation functions. See Use Database Automation Activities for more information.
To execute and save a query in a file, add the Select To File automation activity. This activity runs a query or SQL script and exports the results to an Excel spreadsheet. Share or publish the spreadsheet using the Automation functions. See Use Database Automation Activities for more information.
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