Removes Queue job according queue job number and, if not started yet, the command returns the following message The job queue identifier 168 was successfully removed.
·<unique Number associated with enqueued job>
Remove-STPQueueJob 40
The job queue identifier 40 was successfully removed.
The StoragePoint cmdlet library contains functions to query for BLOB file information and also to migrate individual BLOBs.
This command returns a list of BLOB Reference objects based on a SharePoint CAML query run against a specific SharePoint document library.
·SiteUrl (s): The URL of the SharePoint site with which a profile is associated. REQUIRED.
·List (l): The SharePoint document library to query.
·Query (q): The CAML query in order to find the needed BLOB reference(s).
The following runs a CAML query, finding all documents that have a file name which contains "tif". The BLOB Reference objects for the results of the query will be returned in a list.
Get-AllBLOBs -s http://sharepoint/docs -l Shared Documents -q "<Where><Contains><FieldRef Name=FileLeafRef /><Value Type=File>tif</Value></Contains></Where>
This command migrates an externalized SharePoint documents BLOB to another endpoint.
·DocUrl (doc): Absolute URL of the document BLOB to migrate. REQUIRED.
·EndpointId (ep): The Id (GUID) or name of the target endpoint. REQUIRED.
·IncludeVersions (iv): If specified (-IncludeVersions), command will migrate all versions of the document as well.
The following example moves a BLOB to the endpoint MainEndpoint2.
Move-BLOB -doc http://sharepoint/docs/documents/123.tif -ep MainEndpoint2
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