This command allows the Endpoint Capacity Monitor Job to run immediately or be scheduled. When run, it will check the status of the existing endpoints. The Endpoint Capacity Monitor job is scheduled to run every minute, by default.
·RunEveryMinutes (runevery): A number between 1 and 59 that represents how often the timer job should be run.
·ScheduledTime : Set scheduled timeframe in format time. For example: 15:00-22:00.
·JobServer (jobsrv): Server name to run the job.
·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), status email will be sent to the default notification group setup in General Settings.
·NotificationEmailOther: Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to receive status emails. (optional)
·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), then the job runs immediately. This setting ignores any scheduling options provided. This may be necessary to override current scheduled jobs.
·BringOfflineEndpointsOnline (bringonline): Yes will bring endpoints back online that were taken offline because they went over the free space threshold that was set in the endpoint section of StoragePoint.
Example to run the job immediately.
Set-EndpointCapacityMonitorJob RunNow
Set job Properties as RunEveryMinutes, ScheduleTime
Set-EndpointCapacityMonitorJob runevery 45 ScheduledTime 15:00-20:00
Set job Properties as EmailDefault, NotificationEmailOther
Set-EndpointCapacityMonitorJob RunEveryMinutes 45 ScheduledTime 16:00-18:00 NotificationEmailOther EmailDefault
Set job Properties as BringOfflineEndpointsOnline, JobServer
Set-EndpointCapacityMonitorJob BringOnline yes jobsrv SERVERNAME
Run Endpoint Capacity Monitor with email Default and Notification to additional contacts
Set-EndpointCapacityMonitorJob EmailDefault - NotificationEmailOther -RunNow
This command schedules the StoragePoint Per Server Maintenance Job, which cleans up unused files from temp folders used by the servers in the SharePoint farm where StoragePoint is installed. It is scheduled to run hourly, by default. This command can be used to set which servers run the timer job.
·ScheduleType: Designate the type of schedule. Allowable values: EveryMinute, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly.
·EveryMinute: used to indicate the number of minutes between runs. Values are a numeral with the value 1-59. Used with ScheduleType EveryMinute.
·StartMinuteHourly, -EndMinutehourly: Used to indicate the number of minutes past the top of the hour to start and stop, respectively, the Hourly timer job. Values are 1-59. Used with ScheduleType Hourly.
·JobStartDate, -JobEndDate: Used to indicate the start and stop times, respectively, of the Daily timer job. Values are represented by 24 hour format, "10:00", "15:00", etc. Used with -ScheduleType Daily. It is also used with -ScheduleType Weekly.
·BeginDayOfWeek, -EndDayOfWeek: Used to indicate the start and stop day of the week, respectively, of the Weekly timer job. Values are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Used with -ScheduleType Weekly.
·MonthlyEveryType: Day or date of the month to run the timer job. Values are Day or Date. Used with -ScheduleType Monthly
·StartingDayEveryMonth: Used with -MonthlyEveryType Date to say which day of the month (1-31) the job should start. Can be used with EndingDayEveryMonth.
·WeekEveryMonth: Used with -MonthlyEveryType Day, to indicate which occurrence (First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last) of the day of the week to run the job.
Example to run the job every 45 minutes.
Set-PerServerMaintenanceJob -ScheduleType EveryMinute -EveryMinute 45
Example to run the job every hour at 45 minutes past the hour.
Set-PerServerMaintenanceJob -ScheduleType Hourly -StartMinuteHourly 45 -EndMinutehourly 55
Example to run the job daily between 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM.
Set-PerServerMaintenanceJob -ScheduleType Daily -JobStartDate "15:00" -JobEndDate "20:00"
Example to run the job weekly between Monday and Thursday.
Set-PerServerMaintenanceJob -ScheduleType Weekly -BeginDayOfWeek Monday -EndDayOfWeek Thursday -JobStartDate "12:00" -JobEndDate "15:00"
Example to run the job Monthly by Date of the month.
Set-PerServerMaintenanceJob -ScheduleType Monthly -MonthlyEveryType Date -StartingDayEveryMonth 5 -EndingDayEveryMonth 30 -JobStartDate "17:00" -JobEndDate "20:00"
Example to run the job Monthly by Day of the month, ie. every fourth Tuesday at 9 am.
Set-PerServerMaintenanceJob -ScheduleType Monthly -MonthlyEveryType Day -BeginDayOfWeek Tuesday -WeekEveryMonth fourth -JobStartDate "9:00"
The StoragePoint cmdlet library contains functions to query for BLOB file information and also to migrate individual BLOBs.
This command returns a list of BLOB Reference objects based on a SharePoint CAML query run against a specific SharePoint document library.
·SiteUrl (s): The URL of the SharePoint site with which a profile is associated. REQUIRED.
·List (l): The SharePoint document library to query.
·Query (q): The CAML query in order to find the needed BLOB reference(s).
The following runs a CAML query, finding all documents that have a file name which contains "tif". The BLOB Reference objects for the results of the query will be returned in a list.
Get-AllBLOBs -s http://sharepoint/docs -l Shared Documents -q "<Where><Contains><FieldRef Name=FileLeafRef /><Value Type=File>tif</Value></Contains></Where>
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