
StoragePoint 6.1 - PowerShell and API Reference Guide

PowerShell Guide
StoragePoint PowerShell Overview Getting Started Profile and Endpoint Management Cmdlets Timer Job Scheduling Cmdlets BLOB Information and Migration Cmdlets Miscellaneous SharePoint Utility Cmdlets PowerShell Script Examples StoragePoint API Reference
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This command allows a user to schedule a recall job for a particular profile scope.


·Profile (p): The name or Id of the profile in which to run the job under. REQUIRED.

·JobStartDate (startdate): The start date/time to run the job.

·NumberOfThreads (threads): Number of threads to run the job with.

·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), then run the job immediately. Ignores any scheduling options provided.

·JobRole (JobServerRole): Values allowed: Controller, Standalone

·Workers (ws): Servers that will act in the worker role of a controller-worker configuration.

·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), send status email to the default notification group setup in General Settings.

·NotificationEmailOther (email): Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to send status emails to.

·EmailOnErrorOnly: If specified (-EmailOnErrorOnly), then send status email only if an error occurs when running the job.

·EndpointFilter (ef): Filter on which BLOBs to recall by endpoint (*=All Endpoints or EP1,EP2).

·SizeFilter (sf): Filter on which BLOBs to recall by size (>= or <=). Use 'Default' to clear this filter.

·JobScope: See parameter definitions in Timer Job Scope Parameter.


This example schedules a recall job to run immediately.

Set-BLOBRecallJob –p MainProfile1 –threads 20 –EmailDefault –RunNow

This example schedules a recall job and has filters applied.

Set-BLOBRecallJob –p MainProfile1 –threads 20 –EmailDefault -ef EP1 -sf ">=50"


This command allows a user to schedule a migrate job for a specified profile. When run, the job will migrate BLOBs from the source endpoint to the target endpoint.


·Profile (p): The name or Id of the profile in which to run the job under. REQUIRED.

·SourceEndpoint: The source endpoint's name/Id. REQUIRED.

·TargetEndpoint: The destination endpoint's name/Id. REQUIRED.

·JobStartDate (startdate): The start date/time to run the job.

·NumberOfThreads (threads): Number of threads to run the job with.

·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), runs the job immediately.

·JobRole (JobServerRole): Values allowed: Controller, Standalone

·Workers (ws): Servers that will act in the worker role of a controller-worker configuration.

·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), send status email to the default notification group setup in General Settings.

·NotificationEmailOther (email): Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to send status emails to.

·EmailOnErrorOnly: If specified (-EmailOnErrorOnly), then send status email only if an error occurs when running the job.

·FilterScopes: add the scope to migrate BLOB job. This is a site collection, content database or web application ID. Get-siteCollectionId or Get-ContentDBId can be used in conjunction.

·FilterScopesOp : Include or Exclude Option.

·JobScope: See parameter definitions in Timer Job Scope Parameter.


This example schedules a migration job to run immediately.

Set-BLOBMigrateJob –p MainProfile1 -SourceEndpoint Endpoint1 –TargetEndpoint Endpoint2 –threads 20 –EmailDefault –RunNow

This example schedules a migration job to run at a specified time.

Set-BLOBMigrateJob –p MainProfile1 -SourceEndpoint Endpoint1 –TargetEndpoint Endpoint2 -startdate "08/20/2015 10:10" –threads 20 –EmailDefault

This example schedules a migration job to run at a specified time with filters enabled.

Set-BLOBMigrateJob –p MainProfile1 -SourceEndpoint EP1 –TargetEndpoint EP2 -startdate "09-09-2015 11:55"  -FilterScopes "s:42154fb7-176d-4ff6-b16f-3cb3554a4118" -FilterScopesOp include



This command schedules an Aging job for a specified profile. Archive rules must exist on the profile for this job to run. Use Set-ArchiveRulesToProfile to create the rules.


·Profile (p): The name or Id of the profile in which to run the job under. REQUIRED.

·ScheduleType (schedtype): The type of schedule to use when setting up this job. Valid values are OneTime, Daily, and Weekly. If not specified, the timer job will run immediately.

·DayOfWeek (dow):  The day of the week to run the job when the schedule type is set to Weekly.

·JobStartDate (startdate): The start date/time. The time portion is used to set the start time for Daily and Weekly jobs.

·JobEndDate (enddate):  The end date/time. Not used for OneTime jobs. The time portion is used to set the end time for Daily and Weekly jobs.

·JobServer (jobsrv): Server on which the process will be run.

·NumberOfThreads (threads): Number of threads to run the job with.

·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), then run the job immediately. Ignores any scheduling options provided.

·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), send status email to the default notification group setup in General Settings.

·NotificationEmailOther (email): Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to send status emails to.

·EmailOnErrorOnly: If specified (-EmailOnErrorOnly), then send status email only if an error occurs when running the job.


The following example schedules the job on a recurring weekly schedule.

Set-ArchivingAgingJob -p MainProfile1 -schedtype Weekly -dow Saturday -startdate “12/26/2009 3:00” –enddate “12/26/2009 6:00” -jobsrv SP2010WFE1 –EmailDefault -email someone@example.com -threads 2


This command schedules an archiving metadata processing job for a specified profile. Archive rules must exist on the profile for this job to run. Use Set-ArchiveRulesToProfile to create the rules.


·Profile (p): The name or Id of the profile in which to run the job under. REQUIRED.

·JobStartDate (startdate): The start date/time.

·NumberOfThreads (threads): Number of threads to run the job with.

·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), then run the job immediately. Ignores any scheduling options provided.

·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), send status email to the default notification group setup in General Settings.

·NotificationEmailOther (email): Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to send status emails to.

·EmailOnErrorOnly: If specified (-EmailOnErrorOnly), then send status email only if an error occurs when running the job.


This example schedules an archiving metadata processing job to run immediately.

Set-ArchivingMetadataJob –p MainProfile1 –threads 20 –EmailDefault –RunNow


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