
SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.5 - User Guide

Quick Overview Working With SQL Navigator Navigation Oracle Logon Code Editor Visual Object Editors Team Coding and Version Control Systems Modules, Windows And Dialogs
Analyze Tool Auto Describe Tool Benchmark Factory Bookmarks Dialog Capture Web Output Change Logon Password Dialog Code Analysis Code Assistant Code Road Map Code Templates Code Test Database Source Code Search Dialog DB Navigator Describe Difference Viewer Edit Data ER Diagram Explain Plan Tool Export Table Find and Replace Dialog Find objects Dialog Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog Formatting Options HTML Viewer Import HTML as PL/SQL Import Table Java Manager Job Scheduler Locate In Tree Output Window PL/SQL Profiler Profile Manager Project Manager Publish Java to PL/SQL Quick Browse Rename Object Search Knowledge Xpert Select DB Object Dialog Server Output Server Side Installation Wizard Session Browser Source Preview SQL Modeler SQL Optimizer Task Manager Web Support Configuration Dialog Wrap Code
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DB Navigator

DB Navigator shows the entire database structure as a tree with expandable nodes.

DB Navigator Toolbar

Icon Tool Tip Description

Back and Forward

Retrace your steps. Navigate between hyperlinked database objects and their dependent objects and components. Move between—

  • An object and its dependencies, and vice-versa
  • An index or trigger and the table to which it refers, and vice-versa
  • A collector type and the base type of table it is related to
  • A synonym and its base object

You can also use the Forward and Back buttons in conjunction with Up One Level.

Up One Level

Change hierarchy levels in the DB Navigator tree.

TIP: Use Back to return to the level where you first used moved up.

DB Navigator Preferences

Set and Save filters to limit the objects displayed in the tree.

Open the Filter Properties Dialog.

Fully Expand Node from DB Expand the selected DB Navigator node and all its descendants.
Refresh from Current Node Refresh the selected DB Navigator node.

Show/Hide Details Panel

Show / Hide details about the selected DB Navigator node.

  • When you select a Schema node or Object Type node (for example, Tables or Indexes) the details pane shows a list of objects contained in that node. This list allows for selection of multiple objects for batch operations like Drop, Extract DDL, or Compile.
  • When you select a specific object the details pane shows attributes of the selected object.


Using DB Navigator

DB Navigator displays all types of Oracle objects, giving you a hierarchical view of any schema, including dependent objects. The tree view includes nodes for "My Schema," "All Schemas," and "Current Instance."

This symbol


The node can be expanded.

Click + to drill down to underlying objects or data.

Alternatively, press the right arrow key or the space bar while the node is selected.

The node can be collapsed.

Click the – sign.

Alternatively, press the left arrow key while the node is selected.

(Grayed text)

The database object at that node is disabled or offline.

(Red text)

The database object at that node is invalid.



  • Drag objects or connections that you use frequently to the Project Manager for fast access.
  • Double click on an object to open it for editing (Visual Object Editors, Code Editor).
  • Further commands are available on a selected object (or objects). Try the Object Menu. Right click on the object.
  • When a property is a reference to another database object (for example the base table for an index, or synonym's base object), click on the reference in the Value column to jump to the referenced object's node and display its properties.
  • To move around in the Navigator window you can use the keyboard arrow keys. Use Page Up and Page Down to scroll multiple lines.
  • To purge objects: Select the object(s) in the Recycle Bin and right click Purge. Alternatively, right-click on the Recycle Bin node and select Empty Recycle Bin.
  • To copy an object from one schema to another:

    1. Open a second DB Navigator window.
    2. Drag the object from the source window to the target window.
    3. Execute the DDL displayed in the editing window
  • To switch to another session's DB Navigator window, select the session and click View | DB Navigator.
  • Your view of the Oracle Data Dictionary determines what objects you can see. For more information, see DBA Dictionary Views.

Filter Properties Dialog

Create or modify DB Navigator filters that restrict the display of objects in the DB Navigator tree. You can save your filters, so that they will be available from the DB Navigator toolbar.

Select filter

Field Description
Filter Name Select an existing filter name or enter a new one.


Select filter settings.

Tab Description
General Selected schemas will be visible in the DB Navigator tree when the filter is applied.
Global Filters Selected top level nodes will be visible in DB Navigator when the filter is applied.

Object Filters

Selected object types will be visible in the DB Navigator window when the filter is applied.

Application of name masks

Type the name mask in the Filter box.

Name masks are specified according to Oracle’s LIKE operator definition. For example, setting the name mask ABC% will result in displaying only those objects with names beginning with the characters "ABC".

The name mask is applied to all selected object types. Click Assign Globally.to apply the name mask to all objects.


The Oracle DESCRIBE command reports the attributes, methods and arguments of an object type. The SQL Navigator Describe command works with more objects than does the SQL*Plus version of the command. You can describe not only procedures, functions, packages, synonyms, and object types, but also tables, indexes, clusters and objects.

To open the Describe window

Object Menu

  1. Ensure the required database connection is active.
  2. Select the database object.
  3. Click Object | Describe.
DB Navigator Right click the object in DB Navigator and select Describe.
Project Manager Right click the object in Project Manager and select Describe.
Code Editor Right click the object in Code Editor and select Describe Object at Cursor.
Shortcut Ctrl+F3


TIP: To keep the existing Describe window open while opening additional Describe windows, click the Pin toolbar icon in the Describe window. Set the default pin behavior in View | Preferences | General | User Interface.

  • Can be used to provide a quick summary of a table or view and all its column names and data types.

Tips to use the Describe window

A quick way to construct a SELECT statement

To drag column names into the Select statement

  1. In the editing window, click the cursor on the table name.
  2. Open the Describe window.
  3. Drag and drop column names from the Describe window into the SELECT statement.

Describe Command or Auto Describe Tool

Use either the Describe command or the Auto Describe Tool to describe an object

Auto Describe Tool

Automatically see a description of any object you select.

A dockable Describe window opens and stays on top of the application window.

As you select various objects you will automatically see a description of the selected object in the Auto Describe window.

Object | Describe

Click the Describe command on the Object menu whenever needed. It opens a describe window for a single selected object and will not update automatically when you select another object.

Difference Viewer

The Difference Viewer displays the compared objects in a split window. Differences between the objects are highlighted, and the toolbars and menus give you access to controls for customizing the view and creating reports.


The Difference Viewer Toolbar

Icon Tool Tip Description
Reload and recompare files Reload the external SQL/text files. Recompare.
Open files Open an external SQL/text file.
Save Save to an external SQL/text file.
Switch sides Switch left and right sides.
Find Previous Difference Go to the previous difference.
Find Next Difference Go to the next difference.
Show All Show all lines of the compared objects.
Just Show Differences Show only lines with differences.
Just show major differences Show only lines with major differences (as defined by File Comparison Rules).
Just show matching lines Show only matching lines.
Find Find a text string.
Find again Find the next occurrence of the text string.
Go to line number Go to a specific line number.
Copy To Right Replace the selected line (right) with the selected line (left).
Copy To Left Replace the selected line (left) with the selected line (right).
Delete left text Delete the selected line (left).
Delete right text Delete the selected line (right).
Undo Undo the change made to the selected line.
Produce file differences report Generate a report of differences.
Comparison summary Compare similarities and differences in a summary.
Show whitespace Show/Hide space characters as tilde (~) characters.
Show line numbers Show/Hide line numbers.

Show thumbnail view

Show/Hide thumbnail view.

The thumbnail view (to the left of the viewing window) is a visual summary of differences. Colored lines show the relative position of line mismatches. A white rectangle represents the part of the text currently visible in the Difference Viewer window. You can click on the thumbnail view to position the viewer at that point.

Use to quickly change locations within the viewing window.

Show line details Show full details of the current line below the viewing window (so you don’t have to scroll to see the entire line)
File comparison rules Open File Comparison Rules.
Options Open Viewer Options.
SQL Navigator for Oracle - 7.5
Installation Notes
Release Notes
User Guide
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