
Spotlight on DB2 6.9.3 - User Guide

Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows)
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Configuration tab

The Configuration tab on the Database Manager Summary drilldown contains all the instance level parameters available to your DB2 system.

Parameter list

The parameter list grid contains the following information about the instance level parameters on the system:

  • Parameter Name—The parameter name as it is defined on your system

  • Parameter Value—The value of the parameter as it is defined in the instance

  • Database Manager Parameter Description—A brief description of the parameter


Related topics

Contacts tab

The Contacts tab on the Database Manager Summary drilldown lists individual contacts and contact groups. Contacts are users that receive email or pager notifications from the DB2 administration server (DAS) after a task completes. Individual contacts are shown in the Contacts pane. Groups are shown in the Contact Groups pane. Both panes can show information that is defined locally or in a global list.  

Columns in the Contacts pane

All columns available in the Contacts pane are listed below in alphabetic order. Initially, the pane contains Spotlight's default column selection. You can choose which columns to display and organize them in any order from left to right using the Organize Columns function. This can be selected from the right-click menu for column headers.




The SMTP mailbox address of a contact that receives notifications via email.


The description of a contact.

Max Page Length

The maximum message length for a contact that receives notifications via a pager. A value is shown if the contact's paging service imposes a message-length restriction.


The name of a contact.


The type of notification used for a contact. One of the following is shown:

  • Email is shown if a contact is notified via email.

  • Page is shown if a contact is notified via a pager.

Columns in the Contact Groups pane

All columns available in the Contact Groups pane are listed below in alphabetic order. Initially, the pane contains Spotlight's default column selection. You can choose which columns to display and organize them in any order from left to right using the Organize Columns function. This can be selected from the right-click menu for column headers.                                                         




The description of a contact group.

Member Name

The name of a member in a contact group. This can be for an individual contact or another contact group.

Member Type

The type for a member in a contact group. One of the following is shown:

  • Contact is shown for an individual contact.

  • Group is shown for another contact group.


The name of a contact group.


Memory Pools tab

The Memory Pools tab on the Database Manager Summary drilldown helps you keep track of system memory usage as it relates to the instance you are monitoring. It is important to remember that, with the notable exception of buffer pools, most memory is allocated dynamically on an as needed basis by the Database Manager.

The memory pools list provides the following information about each memory pool in a grid format. Since you can choose to hide or display any column in the grid, some columns below might not display in your current list view.


Related topics

Paths tab

The Paths tab on the Database Manager Summary drilldown shows the database paths used for database manager files and directories. Information for all database partitions is shown when either a partition or the database is selected.

Columns in the Paths tab

All columns available for the Paths tab are listed below in alphabetic order. Initially, the tab contains Spotlight's default column selection. You can choose which columns to display and organize them in any order from left to right using the Organize Columns function. This can be selected from the right-click menu for column headers.




The partition number of a database partition.


The path to a database manager file or directory. Paths to directories end with a file system delimiter. This is '/' on UNIX(R ) and '\' on Windows(R ).

Path Type

The type of database object that a path is for. Examples of the types shown are LOGPATH , DBPATH , DB_STORAGE_PATH , and LOCAL_DB_DIRECTORY .


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