
Space Manager with LiveReorg 8.5 - Installation Guide

Manually Install/Uninstall Server Agent



This chapter describes how to manually install and uninstall QSA for Oracle databases on UNIX, Linux, and Windows database servers.

When to Use Manual Installation

Use manual installation when SSH and SFTP are unavailable. Manual installation of the Quest Server Agent (QSA) is an alternative to installation with the QSA Installer. If you do not have both SSH and SFTP access to the UNIX and Linux servers, you must install and uninstall the agent manually.

Manually Install on UNIX or Linux

This section describes how to manually install or upgrade QSA on UNIX and Linux servers. You perform a manual installation with the INSTALL.SH script and a manual uninstall with the UNINSTALL.SH script. Both scripts are run from the database server.

Caution: Before you manually install QSA, set the SQL*Plus PAUSE command to OFF (the default setting). If another setting is used, such as ON or PAGE, manual installation fails. After installation is complete, you can set the PAUSE command to any value.

To manually install (or upgrade) QSA on UNIX and Linux

  1. From the database server, log in using the UNIX or Linux account chosen to install QSA.
  2. Next, copy the QSA installation files from the Spaced Manager application directory. Navigate to the Space Manager client application directory:
    • In Windows Explorer, navigate to: C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Space Manager <version number>
  3. Open the QuestServerAgent folder in the application directory and select the Quest Server Agent file (a TAR file) for your operating-system version and Oracle version. Each TAR file has the following naming format: QSA_version_build-operating system-OS version-CPU type-Oracle version.tar.Z

    Then copy the file to the UNIX/Linux server.

    Note: If you download multiple TAR files to the same server, download each file to a different directory.

  4. To extract agent installation files from the Server Agent TAR file, use the following command (filename is the name of the TAR file):

    # uncompress < filename.tar.z ¦ tar –xvf -

  5. To run the manual install script from the download directory, use the following command and cases:

    # ./Install.sh

  6. At the ORACLE_SID prompt, enter the SID for the target database.
  7. At the ORACLE_HOME prompt, press Enter to accept the path to the Oracle home directory for the target database.
  8. Log in to Oracle as the DBA chosen to install the agent (if this is an upgrade, log in as the DBA that installed the agent):
    • At the Oracle login name prompt, enter the account user name.
    • At the Oracle password prompt, enter the account password.
  9. If this is a first-time installation, specify the tablespace for agent tables (the tablespace used for Space Manager objects is recommended):
    • To use the tablespace selected by default, press Enter at the Tablespace prompt.
    • To use a different tablespace, enter the name at the Tablespace prompt. Then press Enter.
  10. Specify an account under which the agent should run (running account):
    • To use oracle, the default running account, press Enter at the User to run as prompt.
    • To use another account, enter the account login name at the User to run as prompt. Then press Enter.
  11. After you log in to the operating system, one of two messages might appear:
    • Environment not supported/cannot proceed—Both your Oracle version and operating system version are not supported The agent cannot be installed. You must upgrade to a supported Oracle version and a supported operating system. See “System Requirements" in the Space Manager Release Notes.
    • Environment not supported/can proceed—Either your Oracle version or operating system version is not supported. In most cases, a supported version of Oracle is being run on an unsupported operating system version. Although you can proceed with the installation, you may have problems.
  12. If this is a first-time installation, specify the base install directory:
    • To use the default base install directory, press Enter at the Installation directory prompt. The default is $ORACLE_HOME.
    • To use a different base install directory, enter the directory name and path at the Installation directory prompt. Then press Enter.

    Note: After you specify the base install directory, /Quest/QSA/$ORACLE_SID is added to the directory path.

  13. To begin the agent installation or upgrade, enter Y at the Proceed prompt.
  14. From the Quest Server Agent Parameters window, specify agent parameter values for the target database. You must enter values for WORKDIR (used for FastCopy) and LW_TABLESPACE (used for live reorganizations; required even if LiveReorg is not licensed). Respond to prompts as follows:
    1. At the Do you wish to modify any of these parameters prompt, enter Y.
    2. At the Please enter the ID number of the parameter prompt, enter the ID number of the parameter you want to modify.
    3. At the parameter prompt, enter or modify the parameter value.
    4. Repeat steps a through c for each parameter you want to set.
    5. At the Do you wish to modify any of these parameters prompt, enter N when you are finished.
    6. At the Do you wish to save the parameter changes you’ve made prompt, enter Y to save all new values. (To revert to previous values, enter N.) The “Parameters Updated” message displays.
  15. When the “Completed” message displays, Quest Server Agent installation is finished.

To instruct QSA to restart automatically after a server restart

If you want the Server Agent to start automatically each time the server is started, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to UNIX or Linux as root.
  2. Change to the agent installation directory using the following command:

    # cd /$ORACLE_HOME/Quest/QSA/SID/inst

  3. Run the following root.sh script:

    # ./root.sh

Manually Install on Windows

Use the following procedure to manually install QSA on Windows servers.

To install (or upgrade) QSA manually on Windows servers

  1. Use one of the following methods to navigate to the Space Manager client application directory:
    • In Windows Explorer, navigate to: C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Space Manager <version number>
  2. Open the QuestServerAgent folder in the application directory and select the Quest Server Agent executable file appropriate for your Windows environment:
    • For a 32-bit Windows environment, use QSA_version_build-Win32.exe.
    • For a 64-bit Windows environment, use QSA_version_build-Win64.exe.
  3. Use binary mode to copy the appropriate executable to the server. Copy the file to an empty directory on your server.
  4. Run the executable and extract these files to a temporary directory.

    Note: Make sure the temporary directory is empty before you extract the files.

  5. Edit the qsaparms.bat file. See the example in the following section, “Sample qsaparms.bat file."

    Note: The qsaparms.bat file contains brief instructions on what you should change.

  6. Execute Install.bat.

    Note: For best results, use the command window to execute this file. This will allow you to see progress and error messages.

  7. After you install the QSA server and verify that it is working, completely remove the installation files from the temporary directory.

Sample qsaparms.bat file

Some brief instructions (notes) are contained in the qsaparms.bat file. The following are descriptions for a few key parameters.

  • QSA_BASE_DIR—Use this parameter to specify a new or existing installation base directory. "Quest" is the default.
  • TABLE_SPACE—Use this parameter to specify the Server Agent installation tablespace. It must already exist. Usually it is the same tablespace that is used for server objects.
  • LW_TBLSPC—Use this parameter to specify the tablespace for objects created by QSA during a live reorganization.


Parameters that require editing are in bold.


rem *******************************************

rem qsaparms.bat: QSA manual installation

rem script parameter file


rem *******************************************

rem *******************************************


rem *******************************************

rem *******************************************

rem *******************************************

rem set the values for the following variables

rem any default values have been pre-assigned

rem *******************************************


rem QSA_GUI when set to YES will cause the

rem installer to not pause




rem NOTE: Setting qsagetparms to NO,

rem will cause this script to ignore

rem parms contained in the database

rem and will use what is defined here

rem for upgrades and uninstalls.


rem set qsagetparms=NO

rem *********************

set qsagetparms=YES

rem *********************


rem ***********************

rem ***********************

rem Set qsaparms value to

rem YES after you have

rem finished editing this

rem script.

rem ***********************

rem ***********************


set qsaparms=NO


rem ***********************

rem ***********************

rem Set qsaforce value to

rem YES if the install

rem fails because the platform

rem is not correct. qsaforce

rem will prevent the platform

rem validation from executing.

rem ***************************

rem ***************************


set qsaforce=NO




rem Oracle SID

rem ***************

set ORACLE_SID=orcl

rem ***************


rem Oracle HOME

rem *********************

set ORACLE_HOME=C:\Oracle

rem *********************


rem Oracle USER (SpaceManager Oracle User)

rem ******************

set ORACLE_USER=quest

rem ******************


rem Oracle user's PASSWORD

rem *******************

set ORACLE_PASS=quest

rem *******************


rem QSA Windows user (this user does not need to exist)

rem ****************


rem ****************


rem QSA Installation Base Directory

rem *******************

set QSA_BASE_DIR=\Quest

rem *******************


rem QSA Base Installation Drive

rem *****************


rem *****************


rem QSA Installation Tablespace

rem *****************


rem *****************


rem QSA Work Directory Parameter

rem ********************

set QSA_WORK_DIR=C:\temp

rem ********************


rem QSA LW Tablespace Parameter

rem ***************


rem ***************


rem ** NOTE **

rem if you want to changes storage parameters

rem see "qsastor.bat"


rem do not change anything bellow this line


rem *******************************************

rem *******************************************


rem *******************************************

rem *******************************************


rem ** the version of quest script required **


rem ** QSA versions **

set QSA_VERSION=none




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