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Click Analyze. |
Select to gather statistics on all fixed drives on the computer. | |||||
Select and type the name of the server on which to collect statistics. | |||||
Select and click Browse to locate a folder or click Add to type a folder name. You can add multiple paths to the list.
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The default output file is C:\Program Files\Quest\Secure Copy 7\Logs\Outputlog.csv.
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Select to suppress the capture of system access control lists (SACL). | |||||
Select to hide the command window and run the analyzer in quiet mode.
NOTE: You must use SecureCopyCmd.exe from a computer that has a fully licensed version of Secure Copy 7 installed. You cannot copy SecureCopyCmd.exe from computer to computer. |
IMPORTANT: If you add /target to the command, it overrides the target(s) specified in the copy job identified by the job id or name. | |
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