
Replicator 7.4 - Replicating Managed Metadata

Replicating Managed Metadata


September 2023

Managed Metadata is a hierarchical collection of centrally managed terms and keywords that you can define, and then use as attributes for items. It includes terms and term sets, which are specific collections of terms used to differentiate lists. The following article briefly reviews how Replicator functions with regards to the SharePoint Managed Metadata service.

Replicating and Managed Metadata

Queuing the Term Store

Managed Metadata Rule

Scheduling Synchronization of Managed Metadata

Replicating and Managed Metadata


The following is a summary of the items that Replicator does and does not replicate, with regards to Managed Metadata:

Replicator does replicate list items that use Managed Metadata terms or keywords.

Replicator does add missing terms to the target term store when replicating list items that use terms.

Replicator does replicate renames of term sets and terms, but only if the term sets and terms were created at the target by Replicator. If they were not replicated then SharePoint sets the ID and replicator cannot find it, as it has been assigned a new name.

Replicator does replicate term groups.

Replicator does not replicate renaming of term groups. A new item will always be created at the target.

Replicator does not replicate additions to managed metadata terms in site settings.

Replicator does replicate farm term stores.

Replicator does replicate Navigation terms as long as the site collection settings for navigation have already been set up on the source and target.


We first try to match term store items by GUID. If we can't find a match by GUID, then we try to match by the text itself. If both of these matches fail, then we will insert the term into the target term store.

If the term stores are not the same on both the source and the target web applications, when replicating list items that have managed metadata column types, Replicator will add the item's term store value to the target term store. Replicator will not, however, replicate the entire term store.

It is also important to note that in order for Replicator to find the term store on the target, the names must match, otherwise we will default to the term store set as the default store. To have Replicator insert new terms into the target term store, the account running the Metalogix Replicator service must be a member of the Term Store Administrators group in SharePoint.

Queuing the Term Store

Users can schedule their term stores by queuing the ManagedMetadataAdd event (Event ID: 6000), using the Schedule-ReplicatorMap (previously queue-replicatormap) Powershell command.

PowerShell Code Example:

Schedule-ReplicatorMap -Url “http://localwebapplication" -MapFamily "MapFamilyName" -Type Webapplication -IncludeEvents 6000


This code example is similar to scheduling immediate replication (or run now).

Queuing the Navigation Term Event

Users can queue the Navigation terms by queuing the NavigationTermStoreAdd event (Event ID: 6010), using the Schedule-ReplicatorMap (previously queue-replicatormap) Powershell command.

PowerShell Code Examples:

Schedule-ReplicatorMap -URL "http://localwebapplication" -MapFamily "MapFamilyName" -IncludeEvents 6000 -JobName "Europe to USA" -ScheduleType Weekly -Day "Saturday" -Hour 23 -Minute 45


This example will schedule a recurring queuing event which will happen on a weekly basis at the specified time.

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