September 2023
This article describes the different ways administrators can monitor replication in order to ensure the health of Replicator.
Metalogix Connect for Replicator gives SharePoint and Replicator administrators tools they can use to monitor and visualize their SharePoint environment. Using these tools, administrators can:
· Visualize their SharePoint environment.
·Compare the structure and content of SharePoint web applications, site collections, web sites, and lists.
·Cut, copy, and paste list items to reorganize structure within a web application.
·Generate detailed reports about their SharePoint and replication environments.
·Monitor and track replication activity.
·Receive alerts based on changes in their replication environment.
·Manage and manipulate replication servers using links to Central Administration.
·Monitor replication performance.
The tools for monitoring replication are listed under Replication Status in the Connect navigation pane. Using these tools you can:
·View the current replication status and statistics for the web applications in your Replication Network.
·View historical replication statistics across all web applications in your Replication Network.
·Set ETA and Package thresholds to monitor the health of your Replication Network and receive notifications.
The Replication Activity page graphs the recent number of packages that were sent and received over each Replication Connection. The number of points you see in the graph is based on your data refresh schedule. If you want to see more frequent changes in the graph, then change your data refresh schedule.
The purpose of this page is to provide you with the ability to view package processing activity over a period of time.
Things to look for on this page would include significant spikes in the package counts, as they may be unnecessary.
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