
Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition 10.3.1 - User Guide

Overview Getting started
Permissions required to use Recovery Manager for Active Directory Recovery Manager Console Getting and using help Configuring Windows Firewall Using Computer Collections Cloud Storage Secure Storage Server Hybrid Recovery with On Demand Recovery Managing Recovery Manager for Active Directory configuration Licensing
Backing up data
Permissions required for the Backup operation Managing Backup Agent Using a least-privileged user account to back up data Using Managed Service Accounts Active Directory backups vs Windows System State backups Creating BMR and Active Directory backups Using the Backup Wizard Retrying backup creation Enabling backup encryption Backing up AD LDS (ADAM) Backing up cross-domain group membership Backing up distributed file system (DFS) data Backup scheduling Setting performance options Setting advanced backup options Using Forest Recovery Agent Unpacking backups Using e-mail notification Viewing backup creation results
Restoring data
Getting started with Active Directory recovery Managing deleted or recycled objects Restoring backed up Active Directory components Integration with Change Auditor for Active Directory Using granular online restore Restoring AD LDS (ADAM) Selectively restoring Active Directory object attributes Restoring objects in an application directory partition Restoring object quotas Restoring cross-domain group membership Performing a restore without having administrator privileges Reports about objects and operations Using complete offline restore Offline restore implications Restoring SYSVOL authoritatively Performing a granular restore of SYSVOL Recovering Group Policy Restoring data from third-party backups Using the Extract Wizard Restoring passwords and SID history
Full Replication Consolidating backup registration data Recovering an Active Directory forest
Forest recovery overview Deploying Recovery Manager for Active Directory Forest Edition (Disaster Recovery Edition) Permissions required to use Forest Recovery Console Forest Recovery Console Managing a recovery project Recovery methods Phased recovery Managing Forest Recovery Agent Rebooting domain controllers manually Resetting DSRM Administrator Password Purging Kerberos Tickets Managing the Global Catalog servers Managing FSMO roles Manage DNS Client Settings Configuring Windows Firewall Developing a custom forest recovery plan Backing up domain controllers Assigning a preferred DNS server during recovery Handling DNS servers during recovery Forest recovery approaches Deciding which backups to use Running custom scripts while recovering a forest Overview of steps to recover a forest Viewing forest recovery progress Viewing recovery plan Viewing a report about forest recovery or verify settings operation Handling failed domain controllers Adding a domain controller to a running recovery operation Selectively recovering domains in a forest Recovering SYSVOL Deleting domains during recovery Resuming an interrupted forest recovery Recovering read-only domain controllers (RODCs) Checking forest health Collecting diagnostic data for technical support
Restore Active Directory on Clean OS method Bare metal forest recovery Using Management Shell Appendices
Frequently asked questions Best practices for using Computer Collections Technical characteristics Best practices for creating backups Best practices for creating backups for forest recovery Best practices for recovering a forest Descriptions of recovery or verification steps Ports Used by Recovery Manager for Active Directory Forest Edition (Disaster Recovery Edition) Backup Wizard Online Restore Wizard Online Restore Wizard for AD LDS (ADAM) Group Policy Restore Wizard Repair Wizard Extract Wizard Events generated by Recovery Manager for Active Directory

Configuring advanced settings

You can change a number of advanced settings of the Forest Recovery Console. To do so, you need to modify the FRConsoleSettings.xml file that stores these advanced settings. You can find this file in the Recovery Manager for Active Directory (RMAD) installation folder (by default, this is %ProgramFiles%\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory Forest Edition).

The changes you make in the FRConsoleSettings.xml file become effective right after you save the file. You do not need to restart the Forest Recovery Console.

The FRConsoleSettings.xml file includes the following XML elements you can modify:


Provides the ability to disable integrity checking used with several or very large backups, as integrity check may take a long time to complete.

  • True - Enables the Integrity Check feature (default).

  • False - Disables the Integrity Check feature.


Specifies the port used by Quest Recovery Environment http service (for bare metal recovery only).


Sets the maximum number of days (default is 30) between the updates of a recovery project. When the specified value is exceeded for a project, the Forest Recovery Console displays a warning.


Specifies the default location on the Forest Recovery Console computer for storing diagnostic data gathered with the Diagnostic Data Collector.


Enables or disables the Recovery Persistence feature. This element can take one of the following values:

  • True - Enables the Recovery Persistence feature (default).

  • False - Disables the Recovery Persistence feature.


Allows the creation of a virtual machine during BMR recovery with secure boot disabled.

  • True - VMs are created with SecureBoot option ON (for EFI firmware).

  • False - VMs are created with SecureBoot option Off (for EFI firmware) (default).


Specifies the default location for storing custom drivers (for bare metal recovery only).


Limits the number of automatically selected DNS servers for domain controller DNS client settings. Default is 3.


Specifies the maximum age (in days, default is 60) of the backups to be displayed on the GUI. Backups whose age exceeds the specified value will not be displayed.


Sets the length (in characters) for the passwords automatically generated by RMAD.


Allows you to specify what symbols you want to use in the passwords automatically generated by RMAD.

This element can take the following values:

  • Latin - Specifies to use English letters.

  • Number - Specifies to use Arabic numerals.

  • Upper - Specifies to use uppercase English letters.

  • Lower - Specifies to use lowercase English letters.

  • All - Specifies to use all of the above-listed characters (default).

You can specify multiple values in this element. When specifying multiple values, use a pipe (|) as a separator.


Latin | Number | Upper | Lower


Specifies the port used by the web server handling Recovery Media Images. Images are consumed by HPE® iLO management software to perform automatic server boots. By default, the port is set to 8080.


Specifies the value by which to raise the number of available RID pools. Default is 100000

If necessary, you can revert to the default values in the FRConsoleSettings.xml file.


Sets a timeout for the DNS server search operation performed during a forest or domain recovery. Use the format hh:mm:ss (default is 00:15:00).


Enables or disables skipping the files that are identical on the domain controller and in the backup during restore operations. This element can take one of the following values:

  • True - Enables skipping the files (default).

  • False - Disables skipping the files.


Sets the global catalog partition occupancy level value to be used when advertising a rebuilt GC fast.

This element can take one of the following values:

  • 0 - No occupancy requirement.

  • 1 - At least one read-only partition in site added by Knowledge Consistency Checker.

  • 2 - At least one partition in site fully synchronized (default).

  • 3 - All read-only partitions in site added by Knowledge Consistency Checker, at least one synchronized.

  • 4 - All partitions in site fully synchronized.

  • 5 - All read-only partitions in forest added by the Knowledge Consistency Checker, at least one synchronized.

  • 6 - All partitions in forest fully synchronized.


If this parameter is set to False, the Adjust to Active Directory changes operation will not call the "Remove lingering objects" command of the Repadmin tool. Default is True.


If this parameter is set to False, the Adjust to Active Directory changes operation will not call the "Unhost/Rehost" commands of the Repadmin tool. Default is True.

To revert to the default values

  1. Delete the FRConsoleSettings.xml file.

  2. Restart the Forest Recovery Console on the computer on which you deleted the file in step 1.

    Recovery Manager for Active Directory recreates the FRConsoleSettings.xml file and assigns default values to the elements in the file.


Console Configuration Backup and Restore

With Forest Recovery Console Configuration Backup and Restore you can backup your Forest Recovery Console settings and project files.

With a backed up RMAD console configuration file you can install a new Recovery Manager for Active Directory Disaster Edition Forest Recovery console on a new host. This is useful for adding another RMAD console, recovering from a RMAD console failure and/or disaster recovery. Once restoration completes successfully, the RMAD console configuration will contain:

  • Ability to open Recovery Manager console.

  • See the registered secure storage servers from previous console.

  • Be able to refresh and register secure storage server backups and copy them from the servers.

  • Browse cloud storages and recent upload sessions.

  • See and use Forest Recovery projects in the folder set when starting restoration.

  • Open Forest Recovery projects, verify them and run the recovery.


There are powershell cmdlets, Backup-RMADFEConsoleConfiguration, Restore-RMADFEConsoleConfiguration, Set-RMADFEConsoleConfigurationProjectFiles, and Set-RMADFEConsoleConfigurationBackupSchedule available to perform the console configuration backup. See the Management Shell Guide for more information on the cmdlets.

Backup and Restore the configuration file

Your console configuration will be stored in a backup file along with Forest Recovery Project file(s) as it is mandatory to add at least one project file to the backup. This backup can then be install on another console with the configuration and project file(s).


Project files are not added to the backup automatically. If you create a new project and want it included in the console configuration backups, then the project file(s) must be created in the location listed in the path displayed in Manage backing up projects below.

Backup the configuration file

  1. On the menu bar, click Tools | Console configuration backup | Backup configuration… The Backup console configuration opens and gives you options for securing the file.

  1. Notice the Backup destination which gives you three options where to store the console configuration backup. Select File system, Secure storage server or Cloud storage or combinations of those options. Note that Secure storage server and Cloud storage options require the service to be configured in RMAD console before using them.

  2. Using the Backup destination of File system enter a path to store the console configuration backup file. Click on the Browse button on the right side of the Path field to open a browser window to help you choose a location.

  1. You can browse to any location you would like to store the backup file.

  1. You can add the console name and the date/time to the file name by selecting the drop down box to the right of the Path.

  1. In User Name and User Password enter a user name and password, if needed, to access the path you enter in the Path field.

  2. Selecting the Secure storage server check box, you can specify a server to store the configuration backup. If more than one secure storage server is available select the server you wish to use from the drop down. Secure storage servers are configured in the RMAD console.

  1. Selecting the Cloud storage check box, you can specify any cloud storage, Azure or AWS, that you are using to store the backup of the console configuration on. If more than one cloud storage is available select the storage you wish to use from the drop down. Cloud storage is configured in the RMAD console.

  1. In Backup password, enter a password to protect the backup file and then confirm the password. See the password complexity requirements above.

Manage backing up project files

  1. Project files are included with the console configuration backups. The default location for the projects is populated in the Path:. To change the location for th project files click on Browse button and browse to the alternate location for the files.

NOTE: Only Project files which have the file extension .frproj, are included in the backup from the folder selected. If you create a new project and want it included in the console configuration backups, then the project file(s) must be added to the folder listed above.

Create a schedule to backup the console configuration

  1. You can add a schedule to the console configuration backups. To add a schedule click on Configure button in the Schedule.

  1. In the dialog that appears, click New… and configure the trigger for the schedule.

  1. The schedule (trigger) will be listed on the Console configuration backup schedule.
To change the project schedule settings
  1. On the menu bar, click Tools | Console configuration backup | Backup configuration, the Backup console configuration opens.

  2. In the dialog that appears, select Configure in Schedule.

  3. To change the schedule, select the Trigger and click Edit…

  4. In the dialog box that opens, configure the new schedule and click OK.

  5. Click OK to save the changes in the Backup configuration schedule dialog.

To remove a schedule for the project:
  1. On the menu bar, click Tools | Console configuration backup | Backup configuration…, the Backup console configuration opens.

  2. In the dialog that appears, select Configure in Schedule.

  3. Select the Trigger and click Delete.

  4. Delete any schedule associated with the backup and click OK.

  5. Click OK to save the changes in the Backup configuration schedule dialog.

Restore the configuration file

If the console configuration files is located on a Secure storage server or Cloud services then you must copy the file to a location that can be access by File access, as this is the only option available for the restore.

  1. On the menu bar, click Tools | Console configuration backup | Restore configuration…

  1. Enter the path to the backed up console configuration file.

  2. Enter the password for the file.

  3. In Recovery projects directory, confirm the location for the project files.

  4. It is recommended that you select Backup current console configuration prior to restore to protect your current configuration in event of an issue. Enter a path and password for the current configuration.

  1. Click Restore… to execute the restore of the console configuration.

  1. Click OK in the restore status dialog.


Managing a recovery project

A recovery project is where you manage the recovery of the entire Active Directory® forest or specific domains. Each recovery project contains a list of domain controllers to be recovered and their recovery settings, such as recovery method and access credentials. You can specify individual recovery settings for each domain controller in a recovery project. A recovery project also has a number of project-specific settings you can modify.

Each recovery project is saved to an individual project (.frproj) file. A project (.frproj) file holds information about the contents and settings of the project and the recovery settings specified for the DCs in the project.

You can perform sequential recovery against multiple forests (each forest in a separate project file) from a single Forest Recovery Console. Parallel recovery is possible only if you use several instances of Forest Recovery Console on separate machines.

In this section:


Creating a recovery project

To create a new recovery project, you can use a New Recovery Project Wizard. This wizard helps you retrieve the Active Directory® forest infrastructure information and save it in a recovery project (.frproj) file.

The wizard offers you the following methods to retrieve the forest infrastructure information:

  • Retrieve the forest infrastructure information from an Active Directory® backup registered with Recovery Manager for Active Directory.

  • Connect to any available live domain controller in the forest to retrieve the forest infrastructure information.

To create a new recovery project
  1. On the menu bar, select File | New Project.

  2. On the Retrieving the Forest Infrastructure page of the wizard, click one of the following:

    • Select a Backup. Allows you to retrieve the forest infrastructure information from an Active Directory® backup registered with Recovery Manager for Active Directory. You can register the backup using Recovery Manager Console or directly from this page. For that, click the Register Backup option.

    • Connect to Forest. Allows you to connect to a live domain controller and retrieve the forest infrastructure information from the Active Directory® database held on that domain controller.

  3. On the The following forest information has been collected step, specify the domains you want to include in the recovery project.

  4. On the next step, specify the project file and protection password for the file.

  5. Click Finish to complete the project creation.

The title bar of the Forest Recovery Console displays the name of the project (.frproj) file you have created.


Each recovery project must be protected with a password. When prompted, set a protection password for your project and make sure you keep the password for your records.


Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition - 10.3.1
Management Shell Guide
Quick Start Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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