暂时无法在支持网站上提交享有定期维护的产品表单。 如果您需要我们立即提供帮助,请与技术支持部门联系。 对于由此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。
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技术支持工程师目前正忙,无法回应您的消息。 如果需要即时服务,请通过我们的服务请求表提交请求。
On Demand internal logging is available to Quest Operations and On Demand development teams during the normal operation of the platform. No customer or Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data is placed in internal logging and this is reviewed as part of the SDL process.
Quest Operations and Quest Support have procedures in place to monitor the health of the system and ensure any degradation of the service is promptly identified and resolved. On Demand relies on Azure and AWS infrastructure and as such, is subject to the possible disruption of these services.
For its On Demand solution, Quest has established a formal process of preparation, detection, analysis, containment, eradication, recovery, and post-incident activities. As well, in accordance with international privacy laws, Quest has established a Security Breach Notice process.
On Demand License Management security features are only one part of a secure environment. Customers must implement their own security best practices.
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