
NetVault Plug-in for SharePoint 1.3 - User Guide

Introducing NetVault Backup Plug-in for SharePoint Deploying, installing, and removing the plug-in Configuring the plug-in Backing up data Restoring data
Understanding the SharePoint restore process Restoring backups in SharePoint Restoring a single Full Backup,a Full + Differential sequence, or an Individual Site Collection Backup Using other restore procedures
Common tasks Restoring to the same server or farm Restoring to an alternate server or farm
Extra items to protect using NetVault Backup and the Plug-in for FileSystem Troubleshooting

Restoring an Individual Site Collection to an alternate farm

Verify that the following requirements are met:

Web application created: When restoring individual site collections, ensure that the web application that the individual site collection belongs to exists. If the web application does not exist, re-create the web applications before you perform the restore. This step ensures that the timer jobs associated with each web application are created. If a different Database Name is provided for the web application, it results in two content databases being attached to the web application after completion of the restore job. For more information, see Re-creating the web applications.
New content database created: To rename or relocate an individual site collection during the restore, a new content database is required.
Open SharePoint Central Administration, and select the Application Management tab.
In the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Content Databases.
On the Create Selection Set page, access the server where the plug-in is installed, and locate the applicable Individual Collection Site Backup.
On the Create Selection Set page, click Edit Plugin Options, and verify that the Backup Type is labeled STSADM INDIVIDUAL SITE.
To save the settings, click Ok, click Next, and specify a Job Name if you do not want to use the default.
In the Target Client list, select the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate farm where the Individual Site Collection backup is to be restored.
Complete the Schedule, Source Options, and Advanced Options lists, and click Save & Submit.
stsadm ‑o restore ‑url <newURL> ‑filename <fileName>
<newURL>: Enter the new URL for the site collection in the format: http:\\<newWebApplication>\<originalURL>
<fileName>: Enter the name of the Individual Site Collection backup file stored in the <directoryForTemporaryFiles>\nvsprestore directory as specified in the NetVault Backup restore job log.
stsadm ‑o restore ‑url <newURL> ‑filename <fileName>
<newURL>: Enter the new URL for the site collection in the format: http:\\<newWebApplication>\<newURL>
<fileName>: Enter the name of the Individual Site Collection backup file stored in the <directoryForTemporaryFiles>\nvsprestore directory as specified in the NetVault Backup restore job log.

Restoring a Web Application to an alternate server or farm

Verify that the following requirements are met:

Web applications created: Before performing the restore, create the web applications in the alternate farm. This step ensures that the timer jobs associated with each web application are created. When creating the web application, ensure that the Load Balanced URL provided for the new web application matches the URL of the web application being restored. On the alternate farm, perform the steps outlined in Re-creating the web applications.
Load Balanced URL: http:\\<newWebServerHost>:<originalPortNumber>\
SharePoint - 2475\
SharePoint - 80\
[SharePoint - 47807]\
Content databases deleted: To ensure that the names of content databases for the new farm match the names of the content databases for the source farm, delete all content databases for the web application that you are restoring. For more information, see Deleting content databases.
SharePoint Timer stopped: On the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate farm, use the Services window in the Windows Control Panel to ensure that the status of the SharePoint Timer service is Stopped. This step avoids update conflicts during the restore job. For more information about the service names, see SharePoint 2007, 2010, and 2013 terminology.
Restore Full Backup: At a minimum, restoring a web application to an alternate farm requires the restore of a Full Backup.
On the Create Selection Set page, select the saveset of the last Full Backup.
Select the Farm node.
On the Create Selection Set page, click Edit Plugin Options, and complete the following steps:
Verify that the Backup Type is labeled STSADM FULL.
Select Restore Files from Backup Only.
To save the settings, click Ok, click Next, and specify a Job Name if you do not want to use the default.
In the Target Client list, select the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate farm.
Complete the Schedule, Source Options, and Advanced Options lists, and click Save & Submit.
Restore Differential Backup (optional): If your backup strategy includes Differential Backups, restore the last available Differential Backup.
On the Create Selection Set page, select the saveset of the last Differential Backup.
Select the Farm node.
On the Create Selection Set page, click Edit Plugin Options, and complete the following steps:
Verify that the Backup Type is labeled STSADM DIFFERENTIAL.
Select Restore Files from Backup Only.
To save the settings, click Ok, click Next, and specify a Job Name if you do not want to use the default.
In the Target Client list, select the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate farm.
To save the settings, click Ok, click Next, and specify a Job Name if you do not want to use the default.
Complete the Schedule, Source Options, and Advanced Options lists, and click Save & Submit.
Restore Full and Differential Backups to the alternate farm: On the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate farm, run the following STSADM command to restore the Full Backup to a new configuration.
stsadm –o restore –directory <directoryForTemporaryFiles>\nvsprestore
–restoremethod new –username <SQLserverUserName> -password <password>
<directoryForTemporaryFiles>: Enter the UNC share path that is specified in the Configure dialog box.
<SQLserverUserName>: Specify a SQL Server user with the sysadmin server role in the DOMAIN\username format.
<password>: Enter the password associated with the user specified in the preceding field.
<WebApplicationName>: Enter the name of the web application that you are restoring.

Web Application

New web application URL

Enter the new URL with the new web server host name and the original port.

New web application name

To accept the <default>, press Enter.

Content Database

New database server name

Enter the name of the new SQL Server Database server. Use the Server\Instance Name format for a nondefault SQL Server Instance name.

New directory name

To accept the <default> SQL Server Data directory, press Enter; or enter the Data directory for the new SQL Server Instance name.

New database name

To accept the <default>, press Enter, and ensure that the resulting database name matches the name for the content database of the damaged farm.

During the restore to an alternate server or farm, STSADM maintains the Site Collection Administrator of the source server or farm. If the source server farm Site Collection Administrator differs from the alternate server or farm Site Collection Administrator, update the Site Collection Administrator for every site collection restored in the alternate server or farm. For more information, see Verifying that the Site Collection Administrator matches on the source and alternate.

Restoring a SharePoint Search to an alternate server or farm

The following procedure describes how to restore the SharePoint Search service to an alternate farm. For more information about the service names, see SharePoint 2007, 2010, and 2013 terminology.

Verify that the following requirements are met:

SharePoint Search service stopped: Stop the SharePoint Search service. For more information, see Stopping the SharePoint Search service.
Search Instance Database deleted: Delete the Search Instance Database. For more information, see Deleting the Search Instance Database.
SharePoint Search service restarted: Restart the SharePoint Search service. For more information, see Restarting the SharePoint Search service.
Search Instance Database deleted again: To ensure that the name of Search Instance Database for the new farm is the same as the name provided when starting the SharePoint Search service, verify that the content database specified during the SharePoint Search service creation process is deleted again. For more information, see Deleting the Search Instance Database.
Restore Full Backup: At a minimum, restoring the SharePoint Search Database requires the restore of a Full Backup.
On the Create Selection Set page, select the saveset of the last Full Backup.
Select the Farm node.
On the Create Selection Set page, click Edit Plugin Options, and complete the following steps:
Verify that the Backup Type is labeled STSADM FULL.
Select Restore Files from Backup Only.
To save the settings, click Ok, click Next, and specify a Job Name if you do not want to use the default.
In the Target Client list, select the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate farm.
Complete the Schedule, Source Options, and Advanced Options lists, and click Save & Submit.
Restore Full Backup to alternate farm: On the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate farm, run the following STSADM command to restore the Full Backup to a new configuration.
stsadm ‑o restore ‑directory <directoryForTemporaryFiles>\nvsprestore
‑restoremethod new -username <SQLserverUserName> ‑password <password>
<directoryForTemporaryFiles>: Enter the UNC share path that is specified in the Configure dialog box.
<SQLserverUserName>: Specify a SQL Server user with the sysadmin server role in the DOMAIN\username format.
<password>: Enter the password associated with the user specified in the preceding field.

Search Instance Database

New database server name

Enter the name of the new SQL Server Database server. Use the Server\Instance Name format for a nondefault SQL Server Instance name.

New directory name

To accept the <default> SQL Server Data directory, press Enter; or enter the Data directory for the new SQL Server Instance name.

New database name

To accept the <default>, press Enter, and ensure that the resulting database name matches the name for the content database of the damaged farm.

Restore Differential Backup (optional): If your backup strategy includes Differential Backups, restore the last available Differential Backup.
On the Create Selection Set page, select the saveset of the last Differential Backup.
Select the Farm node.
On the Create Selection Set page, click Edit Plugin Options, and complete the following steps:
Verify that the Backup Type is labeled STSADM DIFFERENTIAL.
Select Restore Files from Backup Only.
To save the settings, click Ok, click Next, and specify a Job Name if you do not want to use the default.
In the Target Client list, select the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate farm.
Complete the Schedule, Source Options, and Advanced Options lists, and click Save & Submit.
Restore Differential Backup to alternate farm: On the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate farm, run the following STSADM command to restore the Full Backup to a new configuration.
stsadm ‑o restore ‑directory <directoryForTemporaryFiles>\nvsprestore
‑restoremethod new -username <SQLserverUserName> ‑password <password>
<directoryForTemporaryFiles>: Enter the UNC share path that is specified in the Configure dialog box.
<SQLserverUserName>: Specify a SQL Server user with the sysadmin server role in the DOMAIN\username format.
<password>: Enter the password associated with the user specified in the preceding field.

Search Instance Database

New database server name

Enter the name of the new SQL Server Database server. Use the Server\Instance Name format for a nondefault SQL Server Instance name.

New directory name

To accept the <default> SQL Server Data directory, press Enter; or enter the Data directory for the new SQL Server Instance name.

New database name

To accept the <default>, press Enter, and ensure that the resulting database name matches the name for the content database of the damaged farm.

Reconfigure Index Schedule: Reconfigure the Index Schedule back to the applicable interval. For more information, see Reconfiguring the Index Schedule.
Verify Site Collection Administrator: During the restore to an alternate server or farm, STSADM maintains the Site Collection Administrator of the source server or farm. If the source server farm Site Collection Administrator differs from the alternate server or farm Site Collection Administrator, update the Site Collection Administrator for every site collection restored in the alternate server or farm. For more information, see Verifying that the Site Collection Administrator matches on the source and alternate.

Restoring a Shared Services Provider to an alternate server or farm

The following procedure describes how to restore an SSP to an alternate server or farm. When restoring an SSP to an alternate server or farm, ensure that no SSP with the same name exists in the server or farm. If an SSP with the same name exists, rename the existing SSP or delete it. You can only delete the default SSP if it is the only SSP in the server or farm.

Verify that the following requirements are met:

SSP must not exist: If an SSP with the same title as the SSP being restored to the alternate server or farm exists, the restore job fails. Rename or delete the existing SSP in the alternate server or farm before submitting the restore job.
stsadm ‑o editssp ‑title <existing_SSP_name> ‑newtitle <new_SSP_name>
stsadm ‑o deletessp ‑title <existing_SSP_name> ‑deletedatabases
SSP Administration Site Host Web Application created: Re-create the SSP Administration site host web application in the alternate server or farm before you complete a restore, so that the timer jobs associated with the web application are created. (On the alternate farm, perform the steps outlined in Re-creating the web applications.) For example, if the NetVault Backup log for the backup job included the following tree for SharePoint 2007, the following SSP web applications must be created: Web Application Name: SharePoint - 47807; Database Name: SharedServicesContent
SharePoint - 2475\
SharePoint - 80\
[SharePoint - 47807]\
Shared Services Provider Administration Site Host Content Database deleted: To ensure that the name of the SSP Administration Site Host content databases for the new server or farm matches the name of the content databases for the source server or farm, ensure that the content database just created is deleted with the SQL Server Management Studio.
In the Object Explorer, navigate to the Databases node, right-click the database for the SSP Administration Site Host web application, and select Delete.
On the Delete Object dialog box, select Close existing connections, and click OK.
Restore Full Backup: At a minimum, restoring the SSP requires the restore of a Full Backup.
On the Create Selection Set page, select the saveset of the last Full Backup.
Select the Farm node.
On the Create Selection Set page, click Edit Plugin Options, and complete the following steps:
Verify that the Backup Type is labeled STSADM FULL.
Select Restore Files from Backup Only.
To save the settings, click Ok, click Next, and specify a Job Name if you do not want to use the default.
In the Target Client list, select the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate server or farm.
Complete the Schedule, Source Options, and Advanced Options lists, and click Save & Submit.
Restore Full Backup to alternate server or farm: On the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate server or farm, run the following STSADM command to restore the Full Backup to a new configuration.
stsadm ‑o restore ‑directory <directoryForTemporaryFiles>\nvsprestore
-restoremethod new ‑username <SQLserverUserName> ‑password <password>
‑item "Farm\<SharedServiceProviderName>"
<directoryForTemporaryFiles>: Enter the UNC share path that is specified in the Configure dialog box.
<SQLserverUserName>: Specify a SQL Server user with the sysadmin server role in the DOMAIN\username format.
<password>: Enter the password associated with the user specified in the preceding field.
<SharedServiceProviderName>: Enter the name of the SSP as it existed on the source server or farm.

Web Application

New web application URL

Enter the new URL with the new web server host name and the original port.

New web application name

To accept the <default>, press Enter.

Content Database

New database server name

Enter the name of the new SQL Server Database server. Use the Server\Instance Name format for a nondefault SQL Server Instance name.

New directory name

To accept the default SQL Server Data directory, press Enter; or enter the Data directory for the new SQL Server Instance name.

New database name

To ensure that the resulting database name matches the name for the content database of the source server or farm, press Enter to accept the <default>.

Shared Services Database

New database server name

Enter the name of the new SQL Server Database server. Use the Server\Instance Name format for nondefault SQL Server Instance name.

New directory name

To accept the default SQL Server Data directory, press Enter; or enter the Data directory for the new SQL Server Instance name.

New database name

To ensure that the resulting database name matches the name for the content database of the source server or farm, press Enter to accept the <default>.

User Profile Application

New server name

Enter the host name of the new application server.

Shared Search Index

New server name

Enter the host name of the new application server.

Shared Search Index Database

New database server name

Enter the name of the new SQL Server Database server. Use the Server\Instance Name format for nondefault SQL Server Instance name.

New directory name

To accept the default SQL Server Data directory, press Enter; or enter the Data directory for the new SQL Server Instance name.

New database name

To ensure that the resulting database name matches the name for the content database of the source server or farm, press Enter to accept the <default>.

Restore Differential Backup (optional): If your backup strategy includes Differential Backups, restore the last available Differential Backup.
On the Create Selection Set page, select the saveset of the last Differential Backup.
Select the Farm node.
On the Create Selection Set page, click Edit Plugin Options, and complete the following steps:
Verify that the Backup Type is labeled STSADM DIFFERENTIAL.
Select Restore Files from Backup Only.
To save the settings, click Ok, click Next, and specify a Job Name if you do not want to use the default.
In the Target Client list, select the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate farm.
Complete the Schedule, Source Options, and Advanced Options lists, and click Save & Submit.
Restore Differential Backup to alternate server or farm: On the server where the plug-in is installed in the alternate server or farm, run the following STSADM command to restore the Full Backup to a new configuration.
Stsadm ‑o restore ‑directory <directoryForTemporaryFiles>\nvsprestore
‑restoremethod new ‑username <SQLserverUserName> ‑password <password>
‑item "Farm\<SharedServiceProviderName>"
<directoryForTemporaryFiles>: Enter the UNC share path that is specified in the Configure dialog box.
<SQLserverUserName>: Specify a SQL Server user with the sysadmin server role in the DOMAIN\username format.
<password>: Enter the password associated with the user specified in the preceding field.
<SharedServiceProviderName>: Enter the name of the SSP as it existed on the source server or farm.

Web Application

New web application URL

Enter the new URL with the new web server host name and the original port.

New web application name

To accept the <default>, press Enter.

Content Database

New database server name

Enter the name of the new SQL Server Database server. Use the Server\Instance Name format for a nondefault SQL Server Instance name.

New directory name

To accept the <default> SQL Server Data directory, press Enter; or enter the Data directory for the new SQL Server Instance name.

New database name

To accept the <default>, press Enter, and ensure that the resulting database name matches the name for the content database of the source server or farm.

Shared Services Database

New database server name

Enter the name of the new SQL Server Database server. Use the Server\Instance Name format for nondefault SQL Server Instance name.

New directory name

To accept the <default> SQL Server Data directory, press Enter; or enter the Data directory for the new SQL Server Instance name.

New database name

To accept the <default>, press Enter, and ensure that the resulting database name matches the name for the content database of the source server or farm.

User Profile Application

New server name

Enter the host name of the new application server.

Shared Search Index Database

New server name

Enter the host name of the new application server.

Shared Search Index Database

New database server name

Enter the name of the new SQL Server Database server. Use the Server\Instance Name format for nondefault SQL Server Instance name.

New directory name

To accept the <default> SQL Server Data directory, press Enter; or enter the Data directory for the new SQL Server Instance name.

New database name

To accept the <default>, press Enter, and ensure that the resulting database name matches the name for the content database of the source server or farm.

Search Instance Database

New database server name

Enter the name of the new SQL Server Database server. Use the Server\Instance Name format for nondefault SQL Server Instance name.

New directory name

To accept the <default> SQL Server Data directory, press Enter; or enter the Data directory for the new SQL Server Instance name.

New database name

To accept the <default>, press Enter, and ensure that the resulting database name matches the name for the content database of the source server or farm.

In Single Server deployments, a local administrator is typically used as the SharePoint administrator. This setting complicates the restoring of an SSP to an alternate Single Server deployment because each deployment is using a different local administrator. Therefore, you must perform the following post-restore procedures to ensure that the restored Shared Services on the alternate server reference the local administrator of the alternate server.

Also, several Shared Services Provider settings reference host names that are not updated during the restore and must be modified to reference the alternate server or farm.

Add Shared Services Provider service credentials: Ensure that the SSP service credentials are added to the alternate server or farm after the restore. For more information, see Adding SSP Credentials to the Alternate Server or Farm.
Validate Personalized Service permissions: Ensure that the Shared Services Rights reference the local administrator on the alternate server or the domain administrator on the alternate farm. For more information, see Verifying that the Shared Services rights reference the correct administrator.
Validate Business Data Catalog permissions: Ensure that the Business Catalog Permissions reference the local administrator on the alternate server or the domain administrator on the alternate farm. For more information, see Verifying that the Business Catalog Permissions reference the correct administrator.
Validate Search Authoritative web page settings: Ensure that the Authoritative Pages in the Search Setting references the alternate server or farm. For more information, see Validating the Authoritative Pages for Search Settings.
Validate Trusted File location: Ensure that the Trusted File location in the Excel Services Trusted File Locations references the alternate server. For more information, see Validating the Trusted File location.

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