
NetVault Bare Metal Recovery 10.5 - User Guide for Plug-ins

Introducing Dell™ NetVault™ Bare Metal Recovery Plug-ins Deploying NetVault Bare Metal Recovery Using the Plug-in Offline Client Using Plug-in Live Client for Windows® Using Plug-in Live Client for Linux® NetVault Bare Metal Recovery physical-to-virtual recovery Troubleshooting

Setting backup options

Plug-in Live Client for Linux does not support any backup options. Although Create New is enabled in the WebUI, there are no options to set.

Finalizing and submitting the job

Use the Schedule, Target Storage, and Advanced Options lists to configure any additional required options.
Click Save or Save & Submit, whichever is applicable.
TIP: To run a job that you have already created and saved, select Manage Job Definitions in the Navigation pane, select the applicable job, and click Run Now.
You can monitor progress on the Job Status page and view the logs on the View Logs page. For more information, see the Dell NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide.

Creating the required bootable CD

With a successful DR image taken, the next phase of the DR procedure is the creation of a CD that contains the proper OS and device driver files for the target NetVault Bare Metal Recovery Client to boot this machine when a recovery is required. This required data is included in a Boot Image during the backup of a target NetVault Bare Metal Recovery Client. A CD-creation file entitled “linuxboot.iso” is created and saved on both the target NetVault Bare Metal Recovery Client itself and on the piece of media targeted by the backup. This process allows an administrator to select from various different methods to create this CD. Any number of methods can be used to access this data and create this required CD. The following sections cover two example methods that can be used to accomplish this task.
Performed before the need for a recovery, this method lets you create this required CD from the “linuxboot.iso” file that was saved locally on the target NetVault Bare Metal Recovery Client, and then store this CD for later use.
This file resides in the directory named in the Boot Images Directory field for this particular backup job (for example, the default is /storix/temp). If this value was not changed before backup, the file is located in this directory.

Creating the CD at the time of recovery

You must first recover the Boot Image data taken from the backup of the target Linux® NetVault Bare Metal Recovery Client.
On the Create Restore Job — Choose Saveset page, select Plug-in Live Client for Linux from the Plugin Type list.
When you select a saveset, the following details are displayed in the Saveset Information area: Job ID, Job Title, server name, client name, plug-in name, saveset date and time, retirement setting, Incremental Backup or not, Archive or not, and saveset size.
Locate the “linuxboot.iso” file, and select it for recovery.
IMPORTANT: Only include the “linuxboot.iso” file in this recovery job. Any other items selected for recovery during this procedure are not successfully restored.
Click Next.

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