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The following table summarizes the capabilities and requirements of each implementation option to help you choose which is right for your installation.
SharePoint versions supported
2013, 2016, 2019
Office 365 (BPOS) supported
Dedicated only
Dedicated and Standard
Server installation
Administrator must run MSI, etc.
Server configuration
Per site collection
Functional Limitations
The Migrator for Notes to SharePoint Console allows you to work with many Notes databases at once and supports analysis, site provisioning, and automated migration. The Migrator for Notes to SharePoint Designer and the Command Line clients focus on one database at a time. While there are different clients from which to choose, you only need one. For migrating just one database and to get going with the lowest possible learning curve, the "classic" Designer client is the best option. For analysis projects or large projects involving many Notes databases and SharePoint site provisioning, the Console is best.
The following table summarizes each client’s capabilities to help you choose which client is best suited to meet your needs:
Discover and Analyze Notes databases
Design migration jobs
Generate InfoPath Forms
Run migration jobs
Automate target and migration job assignments
Run many migration jobs in batches
Provision SharePoint lists & libraries
Provision list and document level security
Provision SharePoint sites & sub-sites
Provision site level permissions
Support use of intermediate XML data files
Manage migration project and track progress
Support reports, charts and data export
Intended for I.T. pros and consultants
Support scripting
Before installing Migrator for Notes to SharePoint clients, ensure the system requirements are met.
Client Hardware and Software
Notes Data Extraction
Hardware Requirements
Lotus Notes or Domino
Migrator for Notes to SharePoint Console
SharePoint Data Load using web services
SharePoint Data Load using Import Service
System path
Content migration
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