Project view
Project view
This screen provides statistics that summarize the status of the various aspects and phases of the overall migration project:
Directory: The date and time of the last directory export and the number of users, groups, resources, and contacts that were exported.
Collections: The number of defined group and user collections that were defined by the program and defined by the administrator. Also shows the total number of defined group collections and the number of group collections that were provisioned into Active Directory.
Group Provisioning Summary: The number of groups found in the Notes source and the number that were provisioned in Active Directory.
Migration summary: The number of users and resources that are ready for migration, numbers that have been migrated, number that are active (migrating now), and number remaining to be migrated.
Operation schedule summary: The number of tasks that have been scheduled for later runs: the total number, the tasks still pending, and tasks currently running.
License information: The usage data associated with the Quest license that authorizes the use of this product.
View documentation
View documentation
This screen lists the available PDF-format documentation and Release Notes associated with Migrator for Notes to Exchange and provides buttons that let you View or Print the documents. To view PDF documents, you must install the Adobe Reader software, available for free from:
Edit Default Settings: SQL Server Configuration
Edit Default Settings: SQL Server Configuration
This screen collects the information necessary for the program and its wizards to access the MNE SQL database.
Click Apply after you enter new information or changes. The program cannot read or save new information or changes until Apply is clicked.
SQL Server credentials
SQL Server credentials
SQL Server host name: The name of the SQL Server. If you are using SQL Express, you must include the SQLEXPRESS SID in the hostname—for example: (local)\SQLEXPRESS. If your server is listening to a non-standard TCP/IP port, specify the port after the host (and SID) with a comma preceding it—for example:\SQLEXPRESS,1234.
Note: If you are using SQLEXPRESS and connecting remotely, you must configure SQLEXPRESS to allow remote connections.