This section contains a list of reports included in the InTrust11.4.2 Report Pack for Microsoft TMG and ISA Server.
Audit subsystem faults
This InTrust report displays ISA Server audit subsystem faults. It helps you identify logging and auditing problems. In some cases, these faults are specifically provoked to prevent logging. Therefore, such situations need to be monitored.
ISA services faults
This InTrust report displays ISA Server audit subsystem faults. It helps you identify logging and auditing problems. In some cases, these faults are specifically provoked to prevent logging. Therefore, such situations need to be monitored.
ISAS miscellaneous faults
This InTrust report shows miscellaneous faults, such as network configuration errors or insecure configuration errors.
ISAS Packet filtering faults
This InTrust report helps you analyze problems related to packet filtering, such as packet filtering protocol violations, disabled packet filtering, and others. Use the Events filter to specify what events will be included in the report.
Firewall all connections
This InTrust report helps you analyze sessions that take place through the firewall.
Firewall all connections [detailed]
This InTrust report helps you perform a detailed analysis of connections through the firewall.
Requests by Network [chart]
This InTrust report shows how many requests were received by the selected destination network from the selected source networks in the specified time period. The report is based on data from the ISAS Firewall and ISAS WebProxy logs.
VPN Sessions [by Server and User]
This InTrust report shows the VPN sessions grouped by RAS server and User. Information shown includes session duration and volume of the transferred data. Report is based on data from Windows System Log.
Web proxy all requests
This InTrust report helps you analyze Web proxy requests.
ISA services tracking
This InTrust report displays tracking events (start, stop, pause, and resume) for ISAS services (Firewall Service, Web Proxy Service, and ISAS Control Service). Use the Events filter to specify which service tracking events will be included in the report.
Network Probes
This InTrust report displays information on frequent sessions (or series) of port scanning. Port scanning is used by intruders to detect server configuration.
Intruders scan well-known ports to determine specific services available on the server. Well-known ports are those with numbers from 0 to 1023. You can use the Ports filter to limit the report to a subset of these ports.
Firewall triggered rules
To prevent unwarranted access to resources, firewall rules are configured. When a firewall rule is triggered due to a corporate policy violation, an event is logged in the ISAS Firewall log. This InTrust report helps you determine who violated the firewall policy.
ISAS built-in intrusion detection
This InTrust report shows information on several well-known types of attacks detected by ISA Servers built-in intrusion detection system. The report provides information on spoof attacks, ping-of-death attacks, UDP bomb attacks, and others.
Web proxy web surfing daily statistics
This InTrust report displays attempts to browse restricted web pages by user. You can use the Restricted Pages filter to define what pages are proscribed. To do it, add a list of keywords to the filter. Such pages may include pornography or e-commerce sites.
This InTrust chart shows statistics on daily requests for ISA Firewall service.
This InTrust report provides aggregate statistics for ISA Firewall service.
This InTrust chart shows the daily activity levels of ISA Firewall clients.
This InTrust chart shows the hourly activity levels of ISA Firewall clients.
Web proxy site requests by date
Web proxy site requests by user
Web proxy traffic by user [chart]
This InTrust chart provides traffic statistics (in Kbytes) for Web Proxy authenticated clients.
Web proxy file downloads
This InTrust report lists all potentially dangerous files downloaded by the Web Proxy clients.
Web proxy daily traffic [chart]
This InTrust chart shows the daily incoming/outgoing traffic of ISA Web Proxy service.
Web proxy total statistics
This InTrust report provides aggregate statistics for ISA Web Proxy service.
Web proxy requests statistics
This InTrust report contains information on all requests for ISA Web Proxy hosts.
Web proxy traffic by host [chart]
This InTrust chart provides traffic statistics (in Kbytes) for ISA Web Proxy hosts.
This section contains a list of reports included in the InTrust11.4.2 VMware vCenter and ESX/ESXi Reports. These reports are based on VMware vCenter, ESX and ESXi tasks and events retrieved via vSphere Web Services SDK.
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