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Average disk read request rate of VMs under the vApp
Average disk write request rate of VMs under the vApp
Average network packet received rate of VMs under the vApp
Average network packet transmitted rate of VMs under the vApp
Average network received rate of VMs under the vApp
Average network transmitted rate of VMs under the vApp
Max of CPU resource can be allocated to VMs under the resource pool
Average cpuPercentReady of VMs under the vApp
Amount of CPU resource reserved for the resource pool
The priority value of CPU resource allocation
Sum of usedHz from all VMs under the vApp
Average cpu utilization of VMs under the vApp
Sum of disk bytesRead from all VMs under the vApp
Sum of diskReadRequestsRate from all VMs under the vApp
sum of disk.usage.average from all VMs under the vApp
Sum of disk bytesWrite from all VMs under the vApp
Sum of diskWriteRequestsRate from all VMs under the vApp
Sum of active memory from all VMs under the vApp
Sum of balloon memory from all VMs under the vApp
Sum of consumed memory from all VMs under the vApp
Sum of granted memory from all VMs under the vApp
Max of physical memory resource can be allocated to VMs under the resource pool
Sum of overhead memory from all VMs under the vApp
Amount of physical memory resource reserved for the resource pool
Sum of shared memory from all VMs under the vApp
The priority value of cpu resource allocation
Average memory utilization of VMs under the vApp
Sum of network packetsReceived from all VMs under the vApp
Sum of network packetsSent from all VMs under the vApp
Sum of network receiveRate from all VMs under the vApp
Sum of networ sendRate from all VMs under the vApp
sum of net.usage.average from all VMs under the vApp
Average disk read rate of ESX Hosts under the cluster
Average disk read request rate of ESX Hosts under the cluster
Average disk write rate of ESX Hosts under the cluster
Average disk write request rate of ESX Hosts under the cluster
Average network packet received rate of ESX Hosts under the cluster
Average network packet transmitted rate of ESX Hosts under the cluster
Average network received rate of ESX Hosts under the cluster
Average network transmitted rate of ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of CPU demand from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of CPU usedHz from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Average CPU Utilization of ESX Hosts under the cluster
Average CPU percentReady of ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of CPU totalHz from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of disk bytesRead from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of disk bytesWritten from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of disk diskReadRequestsRate from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of disk diskWriteRequestsRate from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of disk.usage.average from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of active memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of balloon memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of consumed memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of granted memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of heap memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of heapFree memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of Overhead memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of ReservedCapacity memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of shared memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of sharedCommon memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of state memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of swapIn memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of swapOut memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of swapUsed memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of unreserved memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Average memory utlization of the Cluster
Sum of zero memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of vmKernel memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of total memory from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of network packetsSent from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of network packetsReceived from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of network sendRate from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of network receiveRate from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Sum of network net.usage.average from all ESX Hosts under the cluster
Average disk read rate of ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Average disk read request rate of ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Average disk write rate of ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Average disk write request rate of ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Average network packet received rate of ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Average network packet transmitted rate of ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Average network received rate of ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Average network transmitted rate of ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of CPU usedHz from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Average CPU Utilization of ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Average CPU percentReady of ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of CPU totalHz from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of disk bytesRead from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of disk bytesWritten from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of disk diskReadRequestsRate from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of disk diskWriteRequestsRate from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of disk.usage.average from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of active memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of balloon memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of consumed memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of granted memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of heap memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of heapFree memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of Overhead memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of ReservedCapacity memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of shared memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of sharedCommon memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of state memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of swapIn memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of swapOut memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of swapUsed memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of unreserved memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of zero memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of vmKernel memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of total memory from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of network packetsSent from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of network packetsReceived from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of network sendRate from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of network receiveRate from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Sum of network net.usage.average from all ESX Hosts under the datacenter
Average disk read rate of ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Average disk read request rate of ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Average disk write rate of ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Average disk write request rate of ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Average network packet received rate of ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Average network packet transmitted rate of ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Average network received rate of ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Average network transmitted rate of ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of CPU usedHz from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Average CPU Utilization of ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Average CPU percentReady of ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of CPU totalHz from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of disk bytesRead from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of disk bytesWritten from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of disk diskReadRequestsRate from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of disk diskWriteRequestsRate from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of disk.usage.average from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of active memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of balloon memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of consumed memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of granted memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of heap memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of heapFree memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of Overhead memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of ReservedCapacity memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of shared memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of sharedCommon memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of state memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of swapIn memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of swapOut memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of swapUsed memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of unreserved memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of zero memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of vmKernel memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of total memory from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of network packetsSent from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of network packetsReceived from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of network sendRate from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of network receiveRate from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
Sum of network net.usage.average from all ESX Hosts under the vCenter
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