
Foglight for Storage Management Shared 4.7 - Release Notes

Foglight For Storage Management 4.7.0 Release Notes Revision 1

Foglight® for Storage Management 4.7.0

Managing Storage in Virtual Environments

Developed for Foglight Management Server 5.9.5/ Foglight for Virtualization, Enterprise Edition 8.9/ Foglight Evolve 9.0

Note: The Foglight Evolve in the Release Notes refers to both Foglight for Virtualization, Enterprise Edition 8.9 and Foglight Evolve 9.0.

Release Notes Revision 1

August 2019

Revision 1:

Foglight for Storage Management 4.7.0 Release Notes Revision 1 is a re-release of the Foglight for Storage Management 4.7.0 Release Notes with the following change:

  • Added a note to indicate that Foglight Evolve in the Release Notes refers to both Foglight for Virtualization, Enterprise Edition 8.9 and Foglight Evolve 9.0.



Welcome to Foglight for Storage Management

New in this release

Resolved issues and enhancements

Deprecated features

Known issues

Third party known issues

Upgrade and compatibility

System requirements


Product licensing

Getting started with Foglight for Storage Management

About Us

Welcome to Foglight for Storage Management

Welcome to Foglight for Storage Management

Foglight® for Storage Management is a monitoring solution for virtual environments utilizing physical storage to provide metrics and alerts for: performance, capacity, and topology. With Foglight for Storage Management, virtualization administrators can visualize their entire virtual to physical storage environment through detailed architectural representations. Out-of-the-box alerts provide the ability to predict, diagnose, and resolve problems affecting performance, capacity, and availability, while allowing storage administrators to visualize the consumers of storage and impacts to changes. Foglight® for Storage Management enables organizations to better manage their underlying physical storage for optimal virtual infrastructure performance, and reduce data gathering time with end-to-end visibility to quickly ascertain root cause.

These Release Notes cover the resolved issues, known issues, workarounds, and other important information about the 4.7.0 release of Foglight® for Storage Management. Review all sections before starting the installation.

New in this release

New in this release

Version 4.7.0 contains the following new features and updates:

  • VPLEX 6.0 Support.
  • VPLEX Metro Cluster support.
  • DSM 2018 R1.10 Support.
  • Support HPE 3PAR 8400 with 3PAR StorageCollector agent.
  • Enhanced Inventory Management - Failed, Missing & No Information Inventory items.
  • Added an HTTPs check box for Generic SMIS Storage Agent wizard.
  • Allowed using additional Java Libraries in Python Agent code.
  • Added Email Actions & UI Notification for Rule: StSANCar Agent Performance Collection Failure.
  • Added Email Actions & UI Notification for Rule: StSANCar Agent Topology Collection Failure.
  • Added Email Actions & UI Notification for Rule: StSANCar Agent Validation Failure.
  • Improved Python Agent doc - Use Customized Topology Types.
  • Includes a Python agent example into Python SDK for docker monitoring in which uses the Customized Topology Type.



  • Generic SMIS Storage agents currently do not support the high availability (HA) feature included with Foglight Agent Manager.
  • This release of Foglight for Storage Management is designed for use with Foglight 5.9.5 and Foglight Evolve 9.0.
  • The included update of the Java VM for both the agent manager and the Foglight Management Server includes security updates that remove support for RC4 cipher suites, MD5 signed SSL certificates, and support for SSLv3. Older versions of the management server using the default installation certificate will be provided with an updated certificate. If a user-provided SSL certificate was configured then it must be upgraded to comply with the Java security requirements. This should be done before installing the server upgrade. Future updates to Java may also disable support for SHA-1 signed SSL certificates. SHA-256 is recommended as the signature algorithm for all SSL certificates.
  • Any agents using SSL to monitor arrays or array management hosts use the same security restrictions. SSL certificates on arrays should be upgraded to SHA-256 signed certificates if SSL connections are required. Agents can switch to non-SSL connections if desired.
  • When connecting to BNA to monitor Brocade switches, only read-only access is required. The documentation has been updated to reflect this.

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Foglight for Storage Management Shared - 4.7
Release Notes
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