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Represents how critical an alarm is. A severity determines how Foglight for SQL Server behaves when the values for a metric fall within a user-defined range of values. A severity specifies whether the information returned in the metric represents normal or abnormal behavior for the system under diagnosis. For example, unusually high values might mean that a metric has crossed a threshold into a high severity state. This, in turn, could change the color of a component on the home page; for example, from orange to red when moving from a critical to a fatal state.
The severity determines what action Foglight for SQL Server takes when a metric value falls into the range defined by a threshold.
Shared Global Allocation Map. Pages in SQL Server databases, which record the extents that are currently used as mixed extents and have at least one unused page.
Shared locks are applied to enforce a read-only state on a data page, allowing other transactions to acquire a shared lock even when the first transaction’s run has not been completed.
By default, SQL Server releases shared page locks after completing the page scanning is complete, rather then holding these locks until the statement completes or until the end of its transaction.
A SQL Server configuration option that turns on the display of advanced configurations.
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