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SQL PI Instance Statistics.
SQL Server.
CPU Usage
CPU consumption of all the requests running on the monitored instance. Value can be larger than clock time if there is more than one CPU running.
CPU Usage Rate
Rate of CPU consumption of all the requests running on the monitored instance.
Num Executions
The number of statements executed during the current interval.
Num Executions Rate
Rate of statements executed during the current interval.
Total Logical Reads
The total number of logical reads operations performed by all requests running on the instance.
Total Logical Reads Rate
The average number of logical reads operations per second performed by all requests running in the instance.
Total Writes
The total number of logical writes operations performed by all requests running on the instance.
Total Writes Rate
The average number of logical writes operations per second performed by all requests running in the instance.
Total Physical Reads
The total number of physical reads operations performed by all requests running in the instance.
Total Physical Rate
The average number of physical reads operations per second performed by all requests running in the instance.
Row Count
The number of rows that have been returned to the client.
Tempdb I/O
Amount of time spent waiting for IO against Tempdb.
Tempdb GAM Wait
Amount of time spent waiting for a Global Allocation Map (GAM) page of Tempdb. GAM page tracks which extents have been allocated. The high amount of wait for an allocation page may indicate that the Tempdb is not configured according to best practice recommendations.
Tempdb SGAM Wait
Amount of time spent waiting for a Shared Global Allocation Map (SGAM) page of Tempdb. SGAM tracks which extents are being used as mixed (shared) extents. The high amount of wait for an allocation page may indicate that the Tempdb is not configured according to best practice recommendations.
Tempdb PFS Wait
Amount of time spent waiting for a Free Space (PFS) page of Tempdb. PFS tracks the allocation status of each page and approximately how much free space it has left. The high amount of wait for an allocation page may indicate that the Tempdb is not configured according to best practice recommendations.
Plan Recompilations
The number of times the plan of the statement was recompiled. For batch - this metric indicates the number of times at least one statement in the batch was recompiled.
Elapsed Time
Amount of time it took for the execution to end. This includes both active and idle time.
Degree of Parallelism
The maximum number of SQL Server threads assigned to the activity.
Granted Query Memory
The maximum amount of memory (KB) allocated to the execution of an activity.
This collection provides general information about all of the connections in SQL Server.
Active Connections Percent
The percentage of active connections as part of the user sessions.
All Active Connections
The number of all SQL active connections.
Background Sessions
The total number of background sessions.
Blocked Connections
The total number of blocked sessions.
Blockers Connections
The total number of blocking sessions.
Connections Running DBCC
The total number of sessions running a DBCC command.
Foreground Sessions
The total number of foreground sessions.
Internal Connections
The number of internal connections of the SQL Server instance.
Machine Connections
The number of Client computers that currently have at least one SQL Server session.
Max Block Time
The maximum duration (in seconds) a current process was blocked.
Max Connections Allowed
The maximum number of user connections that SQL server allows.
Max Threads Allowed
The maximum number of threads that SQL server is configured to handle.
SQL Active Threads
The total number of the instance’s currently active threads.
SQL Executions
The total number of time that the selected statement executed during the specified time range.
System Connections
The number of SQL Server system sessions.
Total Connections
The total number of SQL Server sessions, including user and system sessions.
User Active Connections
The number of non-system sessions that are actively processing in SQL Server or that are waiting on locks.
User Connections
The number of SQL Server user (non-system) sessions, excluding SQL Server Agent sessions.
User Inactive Connections
The number of non-system sessions that are not actively processing in SQL Server.
Worker Threads Used Percent
The percentage of active threads out of the maximum number of threads that SQL server is configured to handle.
This collection provides general SQL Server parameters, such as I/O, networking, and database operational time.
CPU Busy
The total time the SQL Server instance has spent working since it was last started.
The result is displayed in CPU time increments, or “ticks”, and is aggregated for all CPU units, so it may exceed the actual elapsed time.
CPU Idle
The total time the SQL Server instance has been idle since it was last started.
I/O Errors
The number of I/O errors encountered by SQL Server during the specified time range.
Instance Packet Errors
The number of packet errors encountered by SQL Server during the specified time range.
Instance Packets In
The total number of network packets that were being sent to SQL Server from client applications during the specified time range.
Instance Packets Out
The total number of network packets that were being sent from SQL Server to Client applications during the specified time range.
Instance Packets Total
The rate at which network packets are being sent and received from SQL Server to client applications.
The rate at which SQL Server is encountering network packet errors.
Total Read Rate
Total number of physical reads carried out by SQL Server since the instance was last started.
Total Write Rate
Total number of physical writes carried out by SQL Server since the instance was last started.
This collection provides general details about the SQL Server host, such as the networking environment and the host's I/O and CPU consumption.
CPU Name
The unique identifier of the CPU within all CPUs.
Time spent by the various sessions that consume CPU cycles. This reading is taken directly from the operating system, rather than from SQL Server wait states.
Disk Utilization
The percentage of time the busiest disk spent serving system-wide I/O requests.
This metric serves as a measure for the system I/O load. High values may indicate device bottleneck.
Free Virtual Memory
The current amount of virtual memory available in percent.
Individual CPU Usage
CPU utilization of a single processor.
Memory Max Percent
The maximum memory, in percent, which SQL Server can obtain from the host physical memory.
Network Bandwidth
The total network bandwidth used capacity of the specified network card in percent.
Network Interface
The name of the network interface.
Network Total Bandwidth
The total network bandwidth capacity of the specified network card.
Network Used Bandwidth
The total network bandwidth used capacity of the specified network card.
Physical Host
Physical name of the SQL Server instance host machine.
Physical Memory
The amount (in megabytes) of host physical memory.
Physical Memory Available
The amount (in megabytes) of physical memory available to applications.
Physical Memory Used
The amount (in megabytes) of physical memory used by applications.
Physical Memory Used Percent
The amount (by percentage) of physical memory used by applications.
Process CPU Utilization
Indicates the CPU use by a single process.
Run Queue Length
System average run queue.
The CPU run queue is a holding area for threads and processes that require the CPU when the CPU is busy serving other processes. The run queue length is an indicator of whether the system has sufficient CPU resources for all the processes it executes.
High values, along with high CPU utilization, indicate that the system requires faster or additional CPU units to handle the given load.
Total Virtual Memory
The current amount of total virtual memory.
Used Virtual Memory
The current amount (in megabytes) of used virtual memory.
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