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SQL Server error log is a standard text file that holds SQL Server information and error messages. This file can provide meaningful information for handling SQL Server-related issues. This information can either be used for tracking down problems or alert to potential or existing problems.
A SQL Server Agent object that performs an action when a specified type of message is encountered by SQL Server. The action performed can be one of the following:
Execution contexts, also known as executable plan, are created when, during the execution of a compiled plan, SQL Server keeps track of information about the state of execution and stores this information in the plan cache.
A SQL Server object that dynamically loads and executes a function within a dynamic-link library (DLL) in a manner similar to a stored procedure. Actions outside SQL Server can be triggered, and external information returned to SQL Server. SQL Server comes pre-installed with a large number of extended stored procedures. In addition, SQL Server includes system-stored procedures that allow adding and dropping extended stored procedures, or provide information about such procedures.
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