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A filegroup is a logical storage unit that consists of one or more database objects. The filegroup, which forms a single unit of allocation and administration, maps to a file system file or multiple files.
Each database has at least one File Group (DEFAULT), which stores all system objects. When creating user-defined objects such as a table or index, it is possible to define a custom file group (usually comprising several files and disks) on which these objects reside.
An area or physical memory that Windows has allocated to speed the reading and writing of files from disk. SQL Server data and log files bypass the Windows file cache, as SQL Server already caches these files in its own memory structures.
The Foglight Agent Manager manages certain types of agents installed on monitored hosts. It provides a centralized communications link between the Foglight Management Server and these agents and manages the agents’ life cycles. The Foglight Agent Manager also provides a number of support services such as deployment, upgrade, and the ability to configure agents.
For further details, see Foglight Administration and Configuration Guide.
The Foglight Management Server (FMS) is the central component of Foglight. The Management Server receives information from agents and makes it available in the browser interface.
The Foglight database stores all system, application, and performance data. Over time, it becomes an invaluable source of historical information for planning future system capacity requirements and for doing point-in-time analysis. The information in the database can also be made available for use in external systems.
The Management Server performs continuous internal monitoring on itself and other Foglight components, as well as on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the database.
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