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Time spent by the various sessions waiting to latch a buffer for an I/O request; this wait is related to issues with the disk I/O subsystem.
Time spent waiting for disk input/output operations to complete.
Input/output (I/O) is one of the most expensive operations in a database system. SQL statements that are I/O intensive can monopolize memory and disk use and cause other database operations to compete for these resources.
Generally, I/O Wait is caused by poorly-tuned SQL queries or applications which generate a significant amount of logical I/O translating into excessive physical disk usage. In this case, SQL/application tuning can reduce the logical I/O- induced load. However, it could also be caused by poorly-configured disks or storage sub-systems.
Time spent by the various sessions waiting for SQL Server to obtain a buffer latch. This wait event type usually indicates results from a high amount of I/O operations on the host machine.
Time spent by the session being blocked by a latch, waiting for it to be released.
Latches do not need to be locked for the duration of a transaction. They are low-overhead, short-term memory synchronization objects. They are used mostly to protect a row when queried for a connection.
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