
Foglight for Oracle (Cartridge) - User Guide

Installing and Configuring Agents Using Foglight for Oracle
Viewing the Databases Dashboard Assigning Instances to Users Selecting an Instance to Monitor Foglight for Oracle Overview Dashboard Overview view Advisories view SQL Performance Investigator (SQL PI) Oracle Activity Drilldown Pluggable Databases Drilldown Storage Drilldown Reviewing Configuration Settings Reviewing the Alert Log Reviewing Monitored Data Guard Environments Reviewing ASM Instances Reviewing Exadata-related Information
Administering Foglight for Oracle Reporting Reference Glossary

Tablespaces Free Space Fragmentation

The Tablespaces Free Space Fragmentation collection retrieves information regarding the fragmentation of tablespace free space.


None (on-demand collection).

Average Extent Size

The average size of free extents in this tablespace


The number of free extents in this tablespace

Max Extent Size

The size of the largest free extent in the selected tablespace

Min Extent Size

The size of the smallest free extent in this tablespace

Partly Usable

The total sum of fragments that are smaller than the maximum allocated extent in the tablespace, but bigger than, or equal to, the minimum allocated extent in the tablespace


In multitenant architectures, the name of the pluggable database

Tablespace Name

The name of the currently selected tablespace


Total sum of fragments whose size is less than the size of the minimum extent in the tablespace


Total sum of fragments that are greater than or equal to the minimum extent in the tablespace.

Tablespaces Storage

The Tablespaces Storage collection provides a list of all tablespaces and their overall properties and storage characteristics.


Realtime Collection






Allocated Space Used Pct

The percent of used allocated space within this tablespace

Allocation Type

The type of extent allocation to be used for this tablespace. The possible values for this metric are as follows:


The number of autoextensible ASM datafiles

Auto DF FS

The number of autoextensible OS datafiles

Average Fragment Size

The average size of fragments in this tablespace

Big File

Indicates whether the tablespace is a BIGFILE tablespace. BIGFILE tablespaces are supported only for locally managed tablespaces with automatic segment-space management.

Block Size

The tablespace blocksize


The type of tablespace contents is one of the following:


The database name

Default Table Compression

Indicates whether table compression is enabled by default for this tablespace


Indicates whether the tablespace data is encrypted.

Estimated Date Until Full

The estimated date when the tablespace becomes full.

Estimated Until Full

The estimated number of days until the tablespace is full.

Extent Management

Indicates the extent management type:

Force Logging

Indicates whether the tablespace is in FORCE LOGGING mode:


The number of fragments in this tablespace


The total amount of free space in this tablespace

Free Pct

The percent of free space in this tablespace


Indicates whether a redo log is to be generated for the tablespace

Long Term Growth Rate

The long term growth rate.

Manual DF ASM

The number of manual ASM datafiles

Manual DF FS

The number of manual operating system datafiles

Max Fragment Size

The size of the largest fragment in this tablespace

Min Fragment Size

The size of the smallest fragment in this tablespace

Number of Datafiles

The number of datafiles in the tablespace


In multitenant architectures, the name of the pluggable database

Recycle Free Pct

The percentage of recycle bin space which occupies the allocated free space of the tablespace.

Recycle Free

The total amount of space used by the recycle bin within the allocated free space of the tablespace


Indicates whether unexpired UNDO operations are retained in the tablespace. This applies only to UNDO tablespaces.

Segment Space Management

Indicates the method used for managing free and used segments:

Short Term Growth Rate

The short term growth rate.


The current status of the tablespace.

Tablespace Name

The name of the currently selected tablespace.


The total amount of space in the currently selected tablespace.


The amount (in megabytes) of space used in this tablespace

Used Growth

The amount (in megabytes) by which the size of the tablespace has increased during the specified time range

Top Blocked Objects

The Top Blocked Objects collection provides a list of top blocked objects for TX locks.


Realtime Collection






Segment Name

The name of the segment

Segment Waits

The number of waits for a specific segment during the selected time range

Top Sessions

The Top Sessions collection provides instance current sessions details.


Realtime Collection

20 seconds


The currently executing action name set by DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE


The amount of CPU time used by a session from the time a user call starts until it ends

BG Time

The amount of time used by a session from the time a user call starts until it ends

Blocking Session Status

The status of the blocking session; indicates whether the session is currently executing SQL statements (ACTIVE) or not (INACTIVE).

Client Info

The client information; contains the information set by DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_CLIENT_INFO

Client Machine Name

The name of the computer where the Client is running

Client PID

The operating system process ID for the Client program

Consistent Changes

The number of times a user process has applied rollback entries to carry out a consistent read on the block

Consistent Gets

The number of times a consistent read was requested for a block by this session

Current SQL

The last SQL statement executed by the user

DB Block Changes

The total number of changes that took part in an Update or Delete operation made to blocks by this session

DB Block Gets

The number of times a current block was requested by this session


Time spent waiting for the CPU to process SQL statements and other types of calls made to Oracle

DB Time

The amount of time used by the database for this session


The name of the event that resulted in the wait event

Failed Over

In a RAC environment, a user can connect to any one of the multiple instances in a cluster. If the connected instance fails, the session can be reconnected automatically to other available instance. This metric indicates whether the session is running in failover mode and failover has occurred (YES) or not (NO).

Failover Method

The failover method used for determining how failover occurs from the primary node to the backup node

Failover Type

Failover type settings: SESSION, SELECT, NONE

Fixed Table Sequence

This metric's value is incremented each time the session completes a call to the database. Lack of changes in this metric's value indicates that the selected session was idle during the selected time range.

Hard Parse Count

The number of hard parse requests performed by this session

Logical Reads

The number of logical reads performed by session since login. This value is the total summary of all requests for database blocks, irrespective of whether they were found in the database cache.

Logical Writes

The number of logical writes performed by the session since login.

Logon Time

The date and time when the user logged on to the database. The format is year/month/day and hours:minutes:seconds (on a 24 hour clock).

Module Name

The currently executing module name, set by DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE.

Oracle User Name

The Oracle database account of the started session

OS User Name

The operating system user used by the client

Parallel Status

The Parallel Query status; can have one of the following values:

ENABLED — the session is in a Parallel Query enabled mode

DISABLED — the Parallel Query enabled mode is not supported for the session

FORCED — the session has been altered to force Parallel Query)


In multitenant architectures, the name of the pluggable database

Physical Reads

The number of data blocks read by Oracle, which are not present in the buffer cache or in the PGA, thereby requiring I/O read operations, that is: the total number of data blocks read from disk.

Physical Writes

The number of physical writes carried out by the session since logon

Redo Entries

The amount of redo entries issues by the session since logon

Resource Consumer Group Name

The name of the session's current resource consumer group

Schema Name

The name of the database schema

Seconds in Wait

The wait event’s length of time, in seconds, since logon

Serial Number

The session’s serial number. The combination of SID and serial number provides a unique identification of the session.


The server’s type: DEDICATED, SHARED, PSEUDO. or NONE

Server PID

The operating system process ID for the Oracle shadow process.

Server Program Name

The server program name

Service Name

The service name of the session

Session Action

The currently executing action name, set by DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE.

Session Cursor Cache Hits

The number of session cursor cache hits.

Session ID

The session identification number.

Session PGA Memory

The amount of PGA memory allocated for the current session

Session SQL ID

The session identification number for the SQL statement

Session Status

The session status; indicates whether the session is currently executing SQL statements (ACTIVE) or not (INACTIVE)

Session Type

The session type (USER or BACKGROUND)

Session UGA Memory

The amount of UGA memory allocated to the current session

Sort Disk

The number of sort operations that require creation of temporary segments on disk to store the intermediate sort results. This occurs if the data being sorted cannot be fit into memory block specified by the SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter in the init.ora file.

Wait Class

The classification of wait events.


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