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The Locks Activity collection provides locks activity-related data.
Realtime Collection
Average Lock Duration
The average time (in milliseconds) that a resource was locked (held in contention).
High values of lock duration may indicate aggressive lock incidence which may be improved through tuning.
The metric is calculated as follows:
100 * (Lock Wait)
Enqueue Waits
The total number of times an enqueue request or conversion resulted in a wait.
Enqueue Waits Ratio
The percentage of enqueue wait events (waits resulting from enqueue requests or conversions) within the total time consumed by enqueue operations.
The total number of enqueue requests or enqueue conversions for this type of enqueue.
Gets Pct
The percentage of lock requests of this type within the total number of lock requests
Lock Efficiency
The percentage of lock requests that did not escalate to a blocking lock.
Lock Name
The name of the lock.
Lock Wait
The total amount of time spent waiting for the enqueue or enqueue conversion.
Waits Pct
The percentage of waits for this type of lock, of all the locks.
The Locks Breakdown collection provides lock requests and wait information, including the percentage of time spent on locks of the following types: system, TX, TM, User-defined.
In multitenant architectures, the name of the pluggable database.
System Locks Percentage
The percentage of time the sessions spent waiting on System locks, out of the entire time spent waiting on locks.
System Locks Wait Time
The percentage of time the sessions spent waiting on System locks.
TM Locks Wait Time
The amount of time the sessions spent waiting on TM locks.
TM Percentage
The percentage of time the sessions spent waiting on TM locks, out of the entire time spent waiting on locks.
Total Lock Wait
The total time the sessions spent waiting on locks.
TX Locks Wait Time
The amount of time the sessions spent waiting on TX locks.
TX Percentage
The percentage of time the sessions spent waiting on TX locks, out of the entire time spent waiting on locks.
UL Locks Wait Time
The amount of time the sessions spent waiting on user-defined lock types.
UL Percentage
The percentage of time the sessions spent waiting on user-defined locks, out of the entire time spent waiting on locks.
The Locks Instance collection provides summarized lock requests and application efficiency information.
Balance Enqueue Waits
The extent, in percents, to which enqueue wait events are balanced across RAC nodes
Balance Lock Efficiency
The extent, in percents, to which lock efficiency is balanced across RAC nodes
Balance Lock Wait
The extent, in percents, to which lock wait events are balanced across RAC nodes
Total number of waits on enqueues
The percentage of total locks waits within the total lock requests
The Locks Tree Instance collection provides lock tree information at the instance level.
Blocked SQL
The SQL statement waiting for lock release.
Blocking Serial
The session serial number is either:
Blocking SID
The session identifier for the session is holding the object (locking).
Client Machine
The name of the Client machine
Cross Instance
The lock is between different cluster nodes for global locks.
DB User Name
The Oracle user, which is either:
The host where the Oracle instance is installed, which is either:
The Oracle instance session is either:
Lock Duration
The wait length of time, in seconds.
Lock Event
The event on which the blocked session is waiting
Lock Mode
The lock mode in which the session holds the lock
Lock Request Mode
The lock mode in which the process requests the lock
Lock Type
The type of user or system lock.
Object Wanted
The object requested for lock.
OS User Name
The OS user name with which the session logged in is either:
The operating system process ID for the Oracle server process. The process ID is either:
The operating system program is either:
The blocked session’s system ID (SID)
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