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The Cluster Misses collection collects data regarding global cache misses.
Realtime Collection
2-way Misses
The number of current and consistent blocks that were received by the selected instance from a specific instance, after a 2-way roundtrip.
3-way Misses
The number of current and consistent blocks that were received by the selected instance from a specific instance, after a 3-way roundtrip.
Consistent Blocks 2-way Misses
The number of consistent blocks that were received by the selected instance from a specific instance, after a 2-way roundtrip.
Consistent Blocks 3-way Misses
The number of consistent blocks that were received by the selected instance from a specific instance, after a 3-way roundtrip.
Consistent Blocks Misses
The number of consistent blocks that were received by the selected instance from a specific instance, after a 2-way or 3-way roundtrip.
Current Blocks 2-way Misses
The number of current blocks that were received by the selected instance from a specific instance, after a 2-way roundtrip.
Current Blocks 3-way Misses
.The number of current blocks that were received by the selected instance from a specific instance, after a 3-way roundtrip
Current Blocks Misses
The number of current blocks that were received by the selected instance from a specific instance, after a 2-way or 3-way roundtrip.
The Datafile Fragmentation collection collects information regarding the layout of the free space left in the datafile due to fragmentation.
None (on-demand collection).
Datafile name
The name of the datafile
Extent Size
Offset end of the extent from the beginning of the file.
Extent Start
Offset start of the extent from the beginning of the file.
Extent Type
Defines the type of the extent: Used, Fully Usable, Partly Usable or Unusable.
Sequence ID
The datafile’s sequence ID.
The Datafile IO Activity collection collects metrics and performance ratios related to datafile I/O activity.
Avg IO Time
Average time spent on a single IO request for a specific datafile
Avg Read Time
Average time spent on a single physical read request for a specific datafile
Avg Write Time
Average time spent on a single physical write request for a specific datafile
The type of the tablespace contents (temporary, permanent, undo)
File Full Name
The name of the datafile (including full path)
File ID
The datafile ID
File Name
The name of the datafile (without the path)
File Path
The datafile path
IO Time
The total time spent on carrying out IO operations (reading and writing data) on a specific datafile
Last IO Time
The time spent while performing last I/O operation on a specific datafile
Max Single Read Time
The maximum time spent while reading a single block from a specific datafile
Max Single Write Time
The maximum time spent while writing a single block to a specific datafile
Min Single IO Time
The minimum time spent while reading a single block from a specific datafile
In multitenant architectures, the name of the pluggable database.
Physical IO
Total size, in blocks, of all disk reads and writes for a specific datafile
Physical IO Percent
The IO activity (block reads + block writes) for a specific datafile as a percentage of the total IO activity for all datafiles
Physical Reads
The number of data blocks read by Oracle, which are not present in the buffer cache or in the PGA, thereby requiring I/O read operations, that is: the total number of data blocks read from disk.
Physical Reads Percent
The block reads carried out for a specific datafile as a percentage of the of total block reads carried out for all datafiles
Physical Writes
Total size in blocks of all disk writes for a specific datafile
Physical Writes Percent
The block writes carried out for a specific datafile as a percentage of the of total block writes carried out for all datafiles
Read Requests
The number of read requests for a specific datafile that read one or more database blocks per request.
Read Time
The total time spent on reading data from a specific datafile.
Single Block Read Time
The total time spent on read requests that read one database block per request from a specific datafile.
Single Block Reads
Number of read requests for a specific datafile, which read one database block per request.
Tablespace Name
The tablespace name.
Write Requests
The number of write requests for a specific datafile that wrote one or more database blocks per request.
Write Time
The total time spent on writing data to specific datafile.
The Datafiles Storage collection provides a list of all datafiles and their overall properties and storage details.
Oracle and Operating System
Indicates whether the datafile is autoextensible.
Indicates if at least one datafile in the database is not autoextensible
The ID of the selected datafile.
The name of the datafile.
Filesystem Name
The name of the file system where the datafile resides.
The amount of free space on the selected datafile.
Free Pct
The percentage of free space on the selected datafile.
Is ASM File
Indicates whether the datafile is an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) file.
Maximum Used Percent
The maximum percent of the used disk space of all the database datafiles.
The maximum size of this datafile; used for autoextensible datafiles.
The size of the datafile (in megabytes).
Indicates whether the datafile is available or invalid.
The name of the table space to which the datafile belongs.
Total Allocated Space
The total allocated space in the database.
Total Allocated Space Delta
Total Free Space Percent
The percentage of free space in the database datafiles.
The size (in megabytes) of used datafile storage.
Used Pct
The percentage of used datafile storage.
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