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Starting in version, Foglight for Oracle provides a detailed dashboard for monitoring ASM performance. The ASM information is presented only after ASM instances are configured.
The ASM tab lists all ASM instances which have been configured. To access the detailed dashboard for that instance, click the home button.
The ASM dashboard provides information about the ASM cluster/instance, it includes general instance information, Disk groups and disks information, ASM Parameters and ASM Alert log information.
The ASM dashboard has three tabs:
The summary tab contains information about all the disk groups that are configured for the ASM, as well as the disks that are configured for each ASM disk group. This information includes the version number, status, total storage space, and the number of ASM clients.
The number of ASM clients is clickable and opens a pop-up that shows all the Oracle instances that are using a disk group managed by the ASM instance.
It also has a column named Monitored that gives an indication whether or not that Oracle instance is monitored by Foglight. If the Oracle instance is not monitored by Foglight, it is possible to monitor it immediately by clicking Monitor.
The Disk Groups table provides detailed information about each group. Selecting one or more disk groups will display additional information in the pane below, either in Map or Table View.
Each disk group in the top table or disk in the Map or Table view is clickable and opens a pop-up with additional information.
For disk groups, the pop-up includes the following tabs:
If you select a specific disk in the Map or Table view, the pop-up includes the following tabs:
The Parameters tab displays a list of all the ASM parameters and their values, as well as some other additional information for each parameter.
The Alert log tab displays the entire alert log messages with the relevant severity, as defined in the Match List. Only messages that appear in the Ignore List will not be displayed in this screen.
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