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Use this summary view to examine the health of the Java messaging service (JMS) running in the selected JBoss application server.
Lists the number of cache hits, misses, and total cache size. The graphs below the table display historical data for the message cache.
Lists the number of receivers, scheduled message count, and depth details. The graphs below the table display historical data for the queue.
Lists durable and total count details for messages and subscriptions. The graphs below the table display historical data for the topic.
Use this view to examine runtime information on transactions that the selected JBoss application server handles. Transactions can rollback, commit, or time out.
Lists all the transaction managers and summarizes the status of each transaction, including its health status, total number of transactions, commit counts, and rollback data. The charts below the table reflect the data for the selected transaction.
Use this view to obtain an overview of the performance of thread pools in the selected JBoss application server.
Lists all the thread pools for the selected JBoss application server and summarizes the current state of each pool, including its health, utilization, configured size, and queue information. The System Threads charts below the table display historical data for the selected pool.
Lists all the web thread pools for the selected JBoss application server and summarizes the current state of each pool, including its health, and the number of threads that are currently busy, in use, and the maximum number of configured threads. The chart below the table displays historical data for the selected pool.
This section describes the Services views that are specific to OracleAS:
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